Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Glory Hole San Antonio

Twitter Market Research: Marketing Tool?

Twitter social network that allows users to send and read messages known as tweets has been become so popular that use and user numbers are impressive.

Twittter currently has 106 million users. Twitter users send 55 million tweets (short messages) daily. In other words 640 tweets per second. They increase by 300,000 users daily. Twitter access to 180 million unique visitors daily.

What is striking is that messages (tweets) are limited to 140 characters. The tweets have to be very short and condensed. When we speak of characters must be counting letters, punctuation and spaces.
related research Twitter remarkable phenomenon are abundant. One of the most recent is the Institute Max Planck of Germany. This organization made a review of Twitter activity on a random sample of 300 thousand users. in order to find out how people use this particular service. Found the results quite surprising and unusual. Some of the conclusions of the study are:

Confusion about Twitter Twitter has attracted widespread media attention and celebrity. But there is great uncertainty about the effects of Twitter. Is Twitter a communications service for friends? A way to express yourself freely? A marketing tool?

Much Ado About Nothing
The results seem suggest that the number of Twitter followers, not related to the impact that has on them. That would mean that companies pay to increase followers are throwing away money. Similarly, those charged to attract followers, you are cheating your customers. To have many followers in Twitter means very little. Pursuing a million followers, as the ruler of Venezuela, will give little or no influence, higher than it already has.

Having many fan is not enough to influence users. The hearing of a Twitter just shows the popularity. As evidenced by the work of Planck Institute, the ability to influence users tweets, not related in any way with the number of supporters who have Twitter. Little interactivity

Companies, rather than focus on quantity, should increase the responsiveness of the audience in their Twitter. Twitter too exists in one-way communication. The companies that broadcast news has found an excellent ally in Twitter, to include links (links) to news, reviews and information. Few

few Twitter users tweet (talk) actively. Many Twitter users use it to search and read messages from others, instead of generating new messages.

few Twitter followers of
Only 3% of Twittter have over 100 followers. 24% have zero Twitters followers. 97% of the Twitters have fewer than 100 followers.

Men and Women
Although men (45%) and women (55%) are a similar number of Twitter users, men are 15% more women fans.

few tweets (messages) per person
Most Twitter users rarely contributes to a tweet or message. This means that more than half the users of Twitter, tweets once every 74 days.
As always, a small contingent of users who are very active. 10% of Twitter users for more than 90% of the tweets.
This confirms that Twitter is a media one way. He does not two-way communication, interactive Twitter, like other social media on the Web.

languages \u200b\u200bused in Twitter
61% of users do, tweet, in the English language. Only 4% do so in English.

countries where access On Twitter
been generated in the United States 33% of users are from that country. In India, Germany, Japan and the United Kingdom is where Twitter has, outside North America, biggest supporters. In Latin America has been very popular in Brazil.


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