Friday, July 30, 2010

Koleston On Pre Coloured Hair

[Chapter 48] The best thing to do

"I Love Damaris cruor" His words gave me around in my head, it is possible that he loves me really, as To That Says Something But I hesitate, did not know it ...
Valkyria: I walked Looking for Lady - said interrupting my thoughts Vagos
Dark Lady: Sorry, You Want? Valkyria
: Not What You Like Flores, perhaps sunflowers, red roses or white roses ... Or Maybe Another Dark Lady Rosa
: Valkyria
Violet: Sorry?
Dark Lady: I \u200b\u200b
Valkyria Violets: The Well - Pointing - Will Dark Lady Violet ...
: Anything Else?
Valkyria: These Hunting Lately - staring
Face Dark Lady: Not Much - Murmur
Valkyria: You look paler than others ...
The Dark Lady: I \u200b\u200balways paler Other - Touching The Valkyria
Hair: What happened to you In The Arm - Surprised
Dark Lady: Ah - watching, hands Noted Color Purple - I had a fight - Murmur
Valkyria: But Your Not Fighting - Dark Lady
I reply: If I fight, if necessary - Murmur
Valkyria: Well It seems not a fight - putting his hand to the figure of my hand - I Think I strongly hold the arm and I let go of Surprise You run like you always do and you come at Clan Without telling anyone
Dark Lady: I \u200b\u200bknow many - Murmur
Valkyria: Sorry, I did not disturb - Sighing
Dark Lady: Do not Worry ...
Valkyria: Alleria Told Me You and you measure your dress, I think he's a little Big
Dark Lady: If Something - Valkyria
smiled: is that how I took out did not appear Measures To Me, I think you're a little thinner, but we are almost the same size
Dark Lady: I \u200b\u200bsee - without looking
Valkyria: You okay?
Dark Lady: Yes - Reacting Slowly - I Want To Be Alone ...
Valkyria: Well, I have to get your violets ...
Dark Lady: I \u200b\u200bhope you find them - I smiled
Valkyria: Do not Miss The invented - almost screaming, jumping Alejo
Dark Lady: Sure - Murmur
went into the forest, the lake to be exact, I wanted to see him, I really wanted to see him ... For a minute I remembered what made the Soul Reaver, it scares me, I did not think anyone knows the lake ... But I was wrong, I sat on the edge staring at nothing, as he used to ... What would have happened, I had a great need to see it before doing what you were very close, lay down on the white sand, and someone was standing at my side, La Luz De La Luna By clearly marked Your Shadow In My Skin, stared at him, was the Dark Lady
: Tomitus - Stop Me Brightly Hugs - not know how much I miss - Continue - I wanted to chat these days, but I could not ... Bad, Why Do You Desaparecidos - Very Alegre
Tomitus: I learn something - Dark Lady
murmured: Thing - So He let him go, I try to read your thoughts but it was quite impossible for me to do it was as if my power had disappeared from My Self, No He had that gift, But What If I remember, since I became By Oshadeo, I could not read minds, the problem was that Don did not know that I had ...
Tomitus: I would think that is not true - mumble - Why do that Dark Lady, I told you about A Thousand Ways I Love You, That I would spend the rest of my life with you, I am able to betray My Race For You, Just For A tiny token of love from you towards me - complaining - it's like a Great Barrier us part And I do everything possible to break But you just look at it and away from the other side
Dark Lady: But ... You're a Werewolf - Murmur
Tomitus: That's What I'm With You? A Werewolf, there a way to fix that - Making A Potion In Your Pocket - This, My Fair Lady, is a potion Very Old - Showing the Color Content Intense red - it makes a werewolf can become a vampire ...
Dark Lady: What Would You Do?
Tomitus: Yes - he said - if you come with me - Dark Lady
murmured: Go With You? - Confused
Tomitus: The Other Side, know a place where you could have two, alone, far from that which they know ...
Dark Lady: I \u200b\u200bcan not - I said Scared - I am Vampire, Werewolf You, So Will Always ... I can not look to a werewolf, I can not - desperate - I have to keep doing this, it is best for me and my clan, That Is The Best - Looking back - I can not, not you ... You're a werewolf and I can not Mancilla My Race So ...
Tomitus: I see - mumble - Solo Para Ti Soy Un Lycanthrope - Very Sad said - For a moment I thought I would have a chance with you, but I see that you think I'm just a Werewolf When You Should Have
Dark Lady: Sorry - lowering his head - No Quiero
Tomitus: Silence - said - I would never hurt you, My Fair Lady - I Kiss The Front - marry him, The Best You Can Do, Do - mumble
Saying this was, I I stood on the beach watching how it was, ten minutes later I went to the Clan, I waited impatiently Dark Vampire
Dark Lady: Is something wrong? - I smiled
Dark Vampire: Where Were - Serious
Dark Lady: I \u200b\u200bwent for a walk - Dark Vampire
Murmur: I met one of those dogs
Dark Lady Truth: None of your business - I groaned, I escaped and between Al Clan
Dark Vampire: The Still Looking? - Following
Dark Lady: Who? - Ignoring
Dark Vampire: A That Pulgoso ... From The Herd That Nearly Destroys Our Clan - Enter into my room and he came in - because I still see? - I kicked myself - The last time I saw him having a sword in your neck
Dark Lady: This is an issue that could not Understand - Murmur
Dark Vampire: Make Do They Understand - demanded - We're A Few Days of marriage, The Last days were very upset squeezing out Girls with preparations for the wedding and now this, What You Get - Screaming
Dark Lady: Sorry - I cry
Dark Vampire: Think You Crying It Solves Everything? Already mature! Those old enough to want to work things out with Tears - Crying
Dark Lady: Shut up! - Shout, The Press And The Bucket Of My room was alone ...
Dark Vampire: Honey - Outsider - I did not want to hurt your feelings - said Annoying Voice - is that I feel jealous of you keep seeing that Chico - growled - Why you have to see?
Dark Lady: Shut up - Shout -
Wants To Be Alone Dark Vampire: Sorry! - He said - I feel I do not want to be here
Dark Lady: Not For You! - Shout "Soy Yo" repeated in my head - I Just Want To Be Alone - Dark Vampire
I said: You can cancel all - He opened the door

Dark Lady: No, I want to marry you - Murmur
Vampire Dark: What Is What's Wrong? Why are you so?
Dark Lady: I \u200b\u200bthink I'm a little stressed - Vampire Trying To Excuse
Dark: Stressed? Why?
Dark Lady: This is new for me - I mumbled, I never attended a wedding before, even
It Like It's A Dark Vampire: those who never attended a - smiled - This is my first time
Dark Lady: This is the Problem - I said - I feel scared
Dark Vampire: You want to postpone it for a few months?
Dark Lady: No - Murmur
Dark Vampire: Within a week we got married, I want you Well
Dark Lady: Okay - I mumbled, I Hug And Kiss Me Softly - Como Te Llamas? Vampire
Dark: Why do you ask?
Dark Lady: When You Know I wanted Seas Eduardo Son Raising I could never even see ... repeatedly refused to tell me your name but never leave thee, tell me, telling you that you just
Vampiro Dark Vampiro Dark: I never like I was baptized as Dark Lady
know: We Let In Getting Here? - Realizing I was standing at the door of my room
Vampire Dark: Come -
holding my hand went to his room and sat me on her bed, pulled out a card from his trunk with a Registered Name, A Punishment could be Read "Lucius Moors Ta ..." could not read the name right
Another Dark Lady: I \u200b\u200bcan not read your other
Last Vampire Dark: I I can not ... I did this a few days after I came to the Clan, My Last Name Paper will be completely deleted
Dark Lady: What is it? Dark Vampire
: delete it from my memory
Dark Lady: The Penalty ...
Dark Vampire: not Be Your Last
Another Dark Lady: I \u200b\u200bhave only one, Damaris cruor, when I married Oshadeo Take Their Last, But When He Died Forget ...
Dark Vampire: Anyway Tomaras mine - Smiling
Dark Lady: Yes, That Is The End No - Sitting In My Dark Side
be together forever Dark Lady: Hasta La Muerte ...
Dark Vampire : While you're with me Nobody will hurt you - Approaching to kiss me - I Swear - Kiss Me Softly
Dark Lady: No Quiero - Dark Vampire
Distancing: Why, we've already done several times
Dark Lady: Not Today - Parándome - I'm a little sad, Vampire
Wants To Be Alone Dark: I Will be glad - stressed, stops and starts to kiss my neck - Ven - Taking My Hand Dark Lady
: No - Drop - Please Do not Love You, No I Insist
Dark Vampire: The Well -
growled strolled about, he looked upon me, I went to my room ...
were missing only 2 weeks for the Big Day, My Dress was ready, I had already Dark Vampire Suit, everything was ready for that day and had been recruited staff for the firm, the decoration of the church was organized, technically only need to wait for that day ... I went
Al Lago, I wanted Seeing it once, almost But I knew I would not go, my main idea was tell him that I'm extremely sorry to have hurt his ego, I had many things to say, but the end it never appeared, therefore I never said anything ...
Every Day Dark Vampire It came with a surprise for me, as encourages me to go with this, that somehow I was discouraged from what I was doing, but finally I had decided to do it, I Dark Vampire marry, so I repent The Rest Of My Life I'm not interested ... I watched Piaralqui
Ever Dark Vampire had commanded Watch Me, But He never got too close to interrupt what I was doing, I looked sideways to make sure you follow there, he realized and hid, But I knew it was there ... always watching, I had fun Escabulléndome out there, and disappeared when he was distracted a bit, but then I was and continued to monitor ...
A Day I came across while hunting Celis And Fears Again, when I realized I was frozen His Presence, I backed slowly But they already knew I was there, but they just ignored me, like no matter that I is near, I was still regressing and they looked at me in silence ...
I turned around and approaches, the hairs stood on end I , Lilian appeared at that time ...
Lilian: Who Do Fools? Celis
: You Again? Why not let us alone?
Lilian: Well ... are dumb and I like to remove his gold -
sneered Dark Lady: Lilian - Murmur - Lilian
not nigh: Why? Truth Ahh ... You're not strong enough to fight them ...
Dark Lady: Girls - Scared
Lilian: Do not Worry, The Golden I took away?
Dark Lady: Nothing - I groaned - Come on - I kept
Lilian: Why? - Renegade - It's lot with having to hunt with a limit of hours, perhaps you know what it is to have Lester M. watching you All The Time?
Dark Lady: Girl, do not make this harder
Fears: Lilian Make Case For The Lady, The Best
Lilian: Do not mess Tonto - Twisting The Mouth - I want gold, and only I have a couple hours to do ... Well Lady If I do not want to have fun with me If I Do With Them - Looking at them - I Want From The Easy Way or Hard? - Celis And Fears Drew their swords - there! When Understand that I never win - draws his sword - Fool ... They should train more
Saying That Fears The Attack, I hit a tree as I can and Piaralqui Nears My
Piaralqui: Come
Lady Dark Lady: Wait - Piaralqui
said: if anything happened to scold me
Dark Vampiro Dark Lady: I \u200b\u200bsaid, Wait - Order
Piaralqui: No I want to put ourselves in trouble ...
Dark Lady: This girl is very strong ...
while discussing with Piaralqui, Lilian I Celis had defeated and afraid, they were both cast into the earth and it put his hand in his pocket Taking his pot of gold, leaving completely empty
Lilian: Fool - Laughing - Thank You For The Gold!
Dark Lady: You are very strong - Surprised
Lilian: I found out you married soon
Dark Lady: Yes - Murmur
Lilian: You can Invite me - taking my hand, I thought I See Your Eyes Shine For A Moment
Dark Lady: It will not be Important - Lilian
Murmur: Never Went to a wedding, I want to go please!
Dark Lady: Okay, I think we have a couple of cards ...
Lilian: My Dad also can go?
Dark Lady: Only you and him, okay?
Lilian: This Well Thank You - Lady
Alegre Dark: From Nothing - Something Scared ...
Piaralqui: Can we go now?
Dark Lady: If
Lilian: Thanks Lady! -
Piaralqui Alegre said: Come on - I direct
Dark Lady: Okay
We went to the Clan, Locate A Valkyria and told him to send an invitation to Clan Hellsing Lesta and Lilian To Monsieur, she was surprised with my decision, but obeyed Say More. Gianina

Daughter Of The Night
Dark Lady Dark


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