Thursday, June 10, 2010

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[Chapter 43] no more war

Otra Semana Mas Había Pasado, Otra Guerra Se Avecinaba, Me Había Jurado A Mi Misma Que Seria La Ultima Que Se Daría En El Clan Así Tenga Que Morir…
Prepare A Los Últimos Integrantes Del Clan Para La Guerra, Esta Vez Los Esperamos En La Terraza Del Clan, Ellos Treparon Con Gran Habilidad El Edificio Y Nos Alcanzaron, Estábamos En Fila, Esperándolos, Con Solo 10 Cazadores En El Clan Los Esperamos Casi Temerosos, No Sabíamos Quien Moriría Esta Vez Así Que Todos Estaban En Cierta Parte De Miedo, Yo Había Discutido Conmigo Misma Por Estar De Brazos Cruzados, Así Que Había Ordenado Que Al Mas Mínimo Descuido Mordieran A Esos Hombres Lobo Para Obtener Mas Ventaja De Your Blood ...
Reaper Of Souls: What Happened Dark Lady, you're out Hunter ...
Dark Lady: It Is I alone in this clan I'm going to face, you and all the string Pulgoso accompanying you
everybody laughed What I said, Mocking Annoying ...
Reaper Of Souls: Save yourself Leech words poor, however in every battle we will kill one of your clan, you can not do anything to prevent the destruction of your Clan
Dark Lady: Of course, to profit that I have not in my clan hunter and who you see here do not know how to fight ... do not they go to fight the Hellsing? They are stronger and I'm sure that would give them a beating ...
Reaper Of Souls: Those Poor Devils ... Soon we will go for them, first you destroy them, Hear me Vampiruchos Well, you will all die - Staring - And You, You will have the honor of dying at last
Dark Lady: Sure, you Afraid of Hellsing ... so Do not send your people to fight against them, and attack us Why we are weaker ...
Widowmaker: No Leech tried to persuade me, I know very well That Tricks To Manage ...
Dark Lady: Do not deny that I'm In The Truth Soul Reaver ... Well I know, I learned that are killing Hellsing Great Hounds
Widowmaker: No ... They Mal Aware Dark Lady, are not Destroyed, and they did ... but they are more intelligent, half the survivors joined my herd, you should join The Dark Lady Hellsing, it would be easier destroyed, they now totaling over 20 Vampires 10 but will be a boon for They
More For You Dark Lady: What Is Your Fun?
Reaper Of Souls: I'm watching you suffer, That's My Fun ... Hunters! - Shout
Dark Lady: Here we go again
Reaper Of Souls: Attack! - Again we are attacked
The battle raged again and I stepped back As if to escape the scene, Tomitus fast approaching jump on me with his sword
Several Werewolves had become for Power Fighting, Tomitus did not become still, I was Waiting For The Right Time ...
Dark Lady: You could stop this - said, trying to fend off their attack, I push and I almost fall from the ceiling of the clan, A Hard I could stay on top
Punishment Tomitus: Duty - growled - When meeting a vampire is Kill - said - Hunters! In This Moment
Killervamp Celis And held my arms, I could not move Siqueira
Tomitus: Hunters stop fighting! - Order Instantly the sound of swords and the cries ceased
Dark Lady: Let me! - Shout
Tomitus: Who De You, will give his life for his - Touching The Hair - Dark Lady
Master ...: Do not Listen! - Shout
Tomitus: Fear! - Order - Kill Fear
approaches with its sword and cutting motion made
Neck Dark Lady: Kill me Kill me ... disgusting Lican
Tomitus: will let her to die? Fear!
Dark Lady: Do not Listen! Lancelot
Guren: Wait - interrupted
Tomitus: You Want - Guren growled Lancelot
Let her live, I will be in His Replacement ...
Reaper Of Souls: It appears your hunters are willing to die for Thee Dark Lady, That I did? Magic effects
Dark Lady: No Lancelot! Do not Do That! - Shout
Tomitus: Jazp, Darpaly Subject to that Leech - Looking For YA Celis Kilervamp - Let go - mumble
let me go and try to approach Guren
Dark Lady Lancelot: You Do You idiot! Lancelot
Guren: Erick Told You Then - He winked at me, jazz
Darpaly While De Tomitus held him put his sword into his neck
Dark Lady: Please - Crying - I can not cope with this - I covered my mouth - No Whatever it ...
Tomitus: Duty - said - when He finds a vampire - he paused as he pressed his sword - is to kill
Saying That I cut off the head Lancelot Guren, dropped their body, I Scream ... The useless There Done In exchange, I had lost another hunter, I wanted Desperation Attack A Dark Vampire I Tomitus But Subject To Go There, I was so Just Me Weak Limit To Mourn ...
Werewolves left and we enter the Clan, we were all outside, no one approached me, I was still crying, Lancelot had killed Guren Rate My And I had no clue what That I Could Do ...
Spend 2 Days & 1 Night Locked In My Room Without Wanting Chat nobody, so I decided to solve this problem ...
someone knocked on my door
Dark Lady: Go! - It was Ericklars - Dime Hunter - No Flip
Ericklars: You okay?
Dark Lady: If Something ...
Ericklars: Do not you go out hunting the past few days - he murmured as he approached, I went to the balcony and he followed me
Dark Lady: I \u200b\u200bhave no desire ...
Ericklars: Forces lose ...
Dark Lady: No Nevermind ...
Ericklars: I can tell?
Dark Lady: From What? - Looking
Ericklars: Lancelot Guren and I were very good friends
Dark Lady: Fantastic Congratulations ... But he's not here man, just understand that? You Lost A Friend I lost a hunter, do not understand? There would have killed me, they ... Not only know that I would have killed me, Something told me, it was unnecessary for him to die, I would have saved me anyway
Ericklars: How Do You Know?
Dark Lady: Not The First Time We try to do, and I always get my
Ericklars: Tomitus seemed determined to kill you
Dark Lady: Only This annoyed me ...
Ericklars: Dark Lady, Lancelot Guren Anyway I had to
Dying Dark Lady: We are Vampires Erick, do not die So As Well
Ericklars: Cursed is he was, before reaching the Clan he had killed a werewolf and I take a lock of his hair as I remember, his brother chased, The Clan is why he came from so far, has traveled extensively, always bumping into and fight The Man Lobo, recently He was very weak and the enemy growing stronger, he had no Salvation ...
Dark Lady: I \u200b\u200bcould keep running ...
Ericklars: If I once again found it was certain that he killed him ... anyway ... go to hell
Dark Lady: I \u200b\u200bwould not die ...
Ericklars: Well can help it, something will happen is you, I have to retire
Dark Lady : Good Hunting
Ericklars: Thank you, Just For You
I left the Clan, the sky was cloudy, could hardly see the moon, seemed it would rain I went to the lake that I had Tomitus Taught, there he was, was on the shore looking at nothing, I was in pants, no armor to protect him, I approached him fear how reactionary, he turned looking at me, called me with His Hand, Bring Me
Tomitus: Sit By My Side - obeyed - Very Depressed Lately I see you - not answered - No Me Gusta Verte Triste know - put his hand on the Mira Caressing, I just watched in silence - You're Too Beautiful ... I Do Not Like This Woman So I Want To This just in ...
Tears rolled down my cheek and dried it with his hand looking at me in silence
Dark Lady: Ya No Quiero Mas Peleas - Murmur
Tomitus: Yo No Quiero Verte Mourn ...
approached me Holdin 'me, I did nothing to stop it
Tomitus: You Are not Mad at me, I want to be well ...
Dark Lady: I \u200b\u200bWant To Stop The War ...
Tomitus: I will talk with Leaders Of My Herd, But Promise That I come to visit here every week
Dark Lady: The Well - Zombies
Tomitus As I said: I Love You I Do not Know How ... To help you - I came away I Could throwing In The Arena , He came to my side and I embrace - you are so beautiful ...
Than My Silence To speak more and more, I just heard ... I cherished with such delicacy, like no I would like Hurt, her hot body made me away from him, but he approached me and try to lock me in the end stop hedging their bets And at my side and continued his Tomitus
Luv: I fear you?
Dark Lady: In a way - Murmur
Tomitus: never hurt you - Staring - Never
Dark Lady: The other day I was about to cut off my head
Tomitus: I lost my patience, I was enraged ... Not happened to me, I wanted Kill Someone You But it could not, would never forgive me, therefore I said that anyone should be changed to Ti ...
Dark Lady: Canalla - Murmur
Tomitus: You know For a moment I thought That No Exchange For You, But What Did That Leech
Dark Lady, whose name was Lancelot Guren
Tomitus: Pobre Diablo ... Your hunters are willing to die for you, you overprotect ...
Dark Lady: I \u200b\u200bcried a lot for all you hunters who killed ...
Tomitus: Not many ...
Dark Lady: In my guild there are only nine Members, We were Twenty were not many '
Tomitus: Several went to the Dark Lady Hellsing ...
: Several were killed by the revolution of Lican ...
Tomitus : Do not Be Cruel Conmigo - Renegade
Dark Lady: You were cruel to me, why would Piedad?
Tomitus: Dark Lady No, Tu No You're a fighter ... You only protects your hunters, but not ...
Dark Lady Fights: The Fight - Murmur
Tomitus: but you do not ...
Dark Lady: I \u200b\u200bam overwhelmed, I leave this world ... You Do not Know What I'd give back A Human Being ...
Tomitus: So My Wife ...
Serious Dark Lady: What makes you sure about that?
Tomitus: Would you let me dream? - Laughing
Dark Lady: Okay ... It would
Tomitus Your Wife: And I'd be children ...
Dark Lady: Do not take advantage of my nobility - growled
Tomitus in the silent night and I talked as though they were great friends, A Sometimes he was silent and stopped laughing at me ... I unaware of his looking and then he continued to tell stories ...

In The Clan Nothing had changed, look at the few members of the clan who were alive were scared, I went to Vampire Dark and told him that called to meet, when everyone was told Reunited New Well, nobody could believe what I was saying ...
The weeks passed and received No Attack, Tomitus had kept his word, I ran away to go and see , Vampire Dark Every Day But I watched with more suspicion, I had to go to sidetrack ... When they return Annoyed always telling me he thought I missed something ...
One Night, As We hunted M. Lester approached us
Dark Lady: Monsieur - Almost Smiling - You Do Here?
M. Lester: Dark Lady, we converse privately
Dark Lady: Sure, Honey Dark Vampire already
Return: No Crying In M. Lester
Seguí until we were Far Away From Vampire Dark
M. Lester: That is Lican The Revolution Weekly attack
Dark Lady: Yes, and asked to help but I was denied
M. Lester: When will the next attack?
Dark Lady: This is an issue that none of your business
M. Lester: Ven Conmigo
Dark Lady: A Where? Monsieur
Lester: A Conversation With Some Members Of Hellsing
Dark Lady: I \u200b\u200bhave nothing to talk to you
M. Lester: We Help You Dark Lady, Do not you understand? Vampire Clan No More In The Zone, If You Do not Get help disappear
Clan Dark Lady: I \u200b\u200brisked
M. Lester: What's Wrong? A few years ago you came to ask us for help but was busy in our affairs, now that we are willing to help not Want?
Dark Lady: No I am interested in their charity, if my clan has to go away because they disappear, I'm OK So ...
M. Lester: At Least Come listen ...
Dark Lady: This well but also Dark Vampire Come With Me
M. Lester: Why do you want to bring that Neophyte Contigo? Conversation Leaders is
Dark Lady: That Neophyte is Leader In Children Of The Night
M. Lester: This Well ... I hope I
Vampire With Dark and told him to accompany me, He answered many questions that we come to Monsieur Lesta and With We The Hellsing, entered the clan, was almost twice the size of the castle where we lived, entered a room where the meeting other 5 Vampire Clan Of Hellsing, Drakulin, he turned to watch me, I also look at Vampire Dark And Low La Mirada, Victoria who was also in the room smiled Dropping A Hi, I replied, Dark Vampire And I made a gesture with his hands Morpehous, just smiled and looked down, Javier Murony also greeted us and gave us a hand gesture
M. Lester: Well, here's Dark Lady And what is? Vampire
Dark: I Vampire Dark Clan Leader Of Children Of The Night
M. Lester: Well, We Help You
Dark Lady Victoria: Dark Lady Why will not you receive our support?
Dark Lady: It helps a lot and I asked them repeatedly, I always denied it, why do they receive their help now?
Victoria: Why Do We Need
Dark Lady: I \u200b\u200bdo not need, No More
Vampire Dark: Honey - About - Why Do not you let me Converse Them? I think you're a bit Stressed
Dark Lady: If you want to make the sky and the stars, not allowed - Looking
Dark Vampire: Calm, Trust In Me ...
M. Lester: Well?
Dark Lady: I \u200b\u200b- rubbing my eyes - I'll take a walk, Talk With Javier
Dark Vampire: You can not leave just like that without that we made a deal
Dark Lady: Please be assured that I will not deal with you
M. Lester Javier, I think that your partner will be more accessible
Dark Lady: As I wait outside ... - Look Me In The Dark Vampire smiled
I left the room, I could hear from outside the What room conversations so I went out Move More ...
Clan and I sat in the shade of a tree wait ...

Gianina Rojas
Daughter Of The Night


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