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19 to April 22, held the First World Peoples Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of the Mother Earth, the official venue of this event was the Universidad del Valle. The following is a summary of the main conclusions of the workshops presented by the Morning "Times" in its edition from 25/04/2010.

Table 1: Structural Causes

Capitalism as a system of endless growth is incompatible with life on a finite planet. But besides being the anti-capitalist alternatives must lead to a profound transformation of civilization without which there would be continuity of life Earth, he has placed all humanity from a great dilemma.

Table 2: Harmony with nature

Within this panel concluded that it is necessary to change the model of capitalist production that is destroying the planet Earth, however, within this group does not agree to assume the socialist model, as many participants is also considered predatory nature. They also concluded that it is necessary to seek measures to fight hunger.

Table 3: Mother Earth Rights

A document containing more than nine articles that defined the universal rights of nature and all living beings as well the obligations of human beings with Mother Earth, for their management, were some of the findings recorded in table 3, which drafted the Universal Declaration on the Rights of Mother Earth.

Table 4: Global Referendum

people will wonder if you agree with: "to change the capitalist model of overproduction and overconsumption, What countries and transnational reabsorb its production of greenhouse gases?," Spend the budget for wars to defend the mother land?, "liberate our territories centers-TARY military bases? And with the establishment of a military tribunal?.

Mesa 5: Tribunal de Justicia Climática

La conformación de un Tribunal Internacional de Justicia Climática y Ambiental con sede en Bolivia, fue la principal conclusión a la que arribó este grupo, donde se destaca la necesidad de que el tribunal tenga la capacidad jurídica y vinculante de prevenir, juzgar y sancionar a los Estados, las empresas y personas que contaminen y provoquen el cambio climático por acción u omisión.

Mesa 6: Migrantes climáticos

Decidieron que los migrantes climáticos deberán tener todas las condiciones necesarias para desarrollar una vida digna en sus nuevos destinos, razón por la cual, los países desarrollados deberán be accountable for the hundreds of millions that will be migrated by climate change have caused and to remove its restrictive policies on migration.

Table 7: Indigenous Peoples

This group decided to raise the recovery, empowerment and strengthening of knowledge, wisdom and traditional practices of indigenous peoples, predicated on the experience and proposal of "Living Well", recognizing the Mother Earth a living being, with which we have an indivisible, interdependent, complementary and spiritual.

Table 8: Climate Debt

This table had two important points, the first tour about the need for all nations have the resources necessary to implement measures to reverse and stop the effects of climate change. Also established the need to strengthen the definition of debts that have pollution-generating countries.

Table 9: Shared Vision

The findings of this table reveals that its members worked on a vision of economic growth to live well, questioning the concept of development carefully articulated to the overexploitation of natural resources outstripping the capacity of regeneration land by 30%. Also criticized the results of the meeting in Copenhagen.

Table 10: Kyoto Protocol

The requirement that the U.S. government sign the Kyoto Protocol, the creation of a global council for the protection of mother earth, are the first two conclusions reached by this table, which also established that the commitments by developed countries under the Kyoto Protocol should be adequate enough to achieve an overall emissions limit.

Table 11: Adaptation

This table is not well established that the adaptation to be undertaken by developing countries to highly industrialized nations, because it was these that caused the climate crisis world, however propose a model that is not destructive or unlimited development, as countries should produce goods and services to meet basic needs.

Table 12: Financing

Within this table is raised a Global World Climate and changes in financing mechanisms to separate funds for International Cooperation to be allocated to climate change. Industrialized countries also bear the costs of the consequences of climate change.

Table 13: Technology transfer

Include environmental issues in the curricula of preschool, primary and secondary around the world to raise awareness in children and adolescents learn to take care about nutrition by eating organic food, waste recycling, conservation and preservation of the environment.

Table 14: Forest

Awareness in subsequent generations and the present to look after the woods and mother nature, and to respect the rights of Mother Earth, avoid deforestation and slash and eliminate economic vision and capitalist enterprises and the lifestyle that generate them, also raised the need to create real solutions.

Table 15: Strategies of action

Raise the declaration of the rights of mother earth, the referendum and the creation of climate justice court can punish people or nations that lead to the destruction of nature. They argue that an agreement is reached on the main universal rights of mother earth, among which would be the rights to life and existence.

Table 16: Carbon Market

This panel believes it was wrong to commodify and accept pollution polluting countries to buy the ability to destroy nature.

They stated that this issue should not be reduced to a climate change negotiations, to define the limit on increasing the temperature and the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere

Table 17: Agriculture and Food Sovereignty

25 items were approved behind the debate. Initially there were 21 but, during the review and discussion, were implemented three other articles, their size and unanimous decision by the members of the table.

During the last meeting reached a general agreement:

"Social movements and popular organizations, gathered at the Summit, we find that, despite our many demonstrations and consistent allegations" of capitalist governments, international agencies and financial institutions continue on the path of exacerbating the destruction of the planet. Climate change is one of the most serious threats to food sovereignty of all peoples of the world "


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