Tuesday, April 27, 2010

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19 to April 22, held the First World Peoples Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of the Mother Earth, the official venue of this event was the Universidad del Valle. The following is a summary of the main conclusions of the workshops presented by the Morning "Times" in its edition from 25/04/2010.

Table 1: Structural Causes

Capitalism as a system of endless growth is incompatible with life on a finite planet. But besides being the anti-capitalist alternatives must lead to a profound transformation of civilization without which there would be continuity of life Earth, he has placed all humanity from a great dilemma.

Table 2: Harmony with nature

Within this panel concluded that it is necessary to change the model of capitalist production that is destroying the planet Earth, however, within this group does not agree to assume the socialist model, as many participants is also considered predatory nature. They also concluded that it is necessary to seek measures to fight hunger.

Table 3: Mother Earth Rights

A document containing more than nine articles that defined the universal rights of nature and all living beings as well the obligations of human beings with Mother Earth, for their management, were some of the findings recorded in table 3, which drafted the Universal Declaration on the Rights of Mother Earth.

Table 4: Global Referendum

people will wonder if you agree with: "to change the capitalist model of overproduction and overconsumption, What countries and transnational reabsorb its production of greenhouse gases?," Spend the budget for wars to defend the mother land?, "liberate our territories centers-TARY military bases? And with the establishment of a military tribunal?.

Mesa 5: Tribunal de Justicia Climática

La conformación de un Tribunal Internacional de Justicia Climática y Ambiental con sede en Bolivia, fue la principal conclusión a la que arribó este grupo, donde se destaca la necesidad de que el tribunal tenga la capacidad jurídica y vinculante de prevenir, juzgar y sancionar a los Estados, las empresas y personas que contaminen y provoquen el cambio climático por acción u omisión.

Mesa 6: Migrantes climáticos

Decidieron que los migrantes climáticos deberán tener todas las condiciones necesarias para desarrollar una vida digna en sus nuevos destinos, razón por la cual, los países desarrollados deberán be accountable for the hundreds of millions that will be migrated by climate change have caused and to remove its restrictive policies on migration.

Table 7: Indigenous Peoples

This group decided to raise the recovery, empowerment and strengthening of knowledge, wisdom and traditional practices of indigenous peoples, predicated on the experience and proposal of "Living Well", recognizing the Mother Earth a living being, with which we have an indivisible, interdependent, complementary and spiritual.

Table 8: Climate Debt

This table had two important points, the first tour about the need for all nations have the resources necessary to implement measures to reverse and stop the effects of climate change. Also established the need to strengthen the definition of debts that have pollution-generating countries.

Table 9: Shared Vision

The findings of this table reveals that its members worked on a vision of economic growth to live well, questioning the concept of development carefully articulated to the overexploitation of natural resources outstripping the capacity of regeneration land by 30%. Also criticized the results of the meeting in Copenhagen.

Table 10: Kyoto Protocol

The requirement that the U.S. government sign the Kyoto Protocol, the creation of a global council for the protection of mother earth, are the first two conclusions reached by this table, which also established that the commitments by developed countries under the Kyoto Protocol should be adequate enough to achieve an overall emissions limit.

Table 11: Adaptation

This table is not well established that the adaptation to be undertaken by developing countries to highly industrialized nations, because it was these that caused the climate crisis world, however propose a model that is not destructive or unlimited development, as countries should produce goods and services to meet basic needs.

Table 12: Financing

Within this table is raised a Global World Climate and changes in financing mechanisms to separate funds for International Cooperation to be allocated to climate change. Industrialized countries also bear the costs of the consequences of climate change.

Table 13: Technology transfer

Include environmental issues in the curricula of preschool, primary and secondary around the world to raise awareness in children and adolescents learn to take care about nutrition by eating organic food, waste recycling, conservation and preservation of the environment.

Table 14: Forest

Awareness in subsequent generations and the present to look after the woods and mother nature, and to respect the rights of Mother Earth, avoid deforestation and slash and eliminate economic vision and capitalist enterprises and the lifestyle that generate them, also raised the need to create real solutions.

Table 15: Strategies of action

Raise the declaration of the rights of mother earth, the referendum and the creation of climate justice court can punish people or nations that lead to the destruction of nature. They argue that an agreement is reached on the main universal rights of mother earth, among which would be the rights to life and existence.

Table 16: Carbon Market

This panel believes it was wrong to commodify and accept pollution polluting countries to buy the ability to destroy nature.

They stated that this issue should not be reduced to a climate change negotiations, to define the limit on increasing the temperature and the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere

Table 17: Agriculture and Food Sovereignty

25 items were approved behind the debate. Initially there were 21 but, during the review and discussion, were implemented three other articles, their size and unanimous decision by the members of the table.

During the last meeting reached a general agreement:

"Social movements and popular organizations, gathered at the Summit, we find that, despite our many demonstrations and consistent allegations" of capitalist governments, international agencies and financial institutions continue on the path of exacerbating the destruction of the planet. Climate change is one of the most serious threats to food sovereignty of all peoples of the world "

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

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[Chapter 38] Gift

That night I got up in good spirits, I went out of my bedroom And walk down the aisle Humming One Music, giving little hop Walking In Silence, I went to La Puerta Del Castillo Lower Bridge And I went ...
singing happily went to the woods, I soon The Presence Of A Lycanthrope I knew, I stopped instantly, I looked around, Look At My Stalker ...
A Smile In The Dark excelled
Dark Lady: Who's There?
Rio ... It came out of nothing was The Almost naked, Was Tomitus
Dark Lady: Ah ... Erased,
Tomitus: beautiful lady, long time ago that we are not, I found out who killed your dear Oshadeo ...
Dark Lady: That's ... That Came For? To annoy me?
Tomitus: No - Approaching - did not come for that - I load - let's walk
Dark Lady: Put me down! - Annoying Order
Tomitus: Of course not - Run ... We soon
A A La Orilla De Lago, they stop and Baja
Tomitus: I met him?
Dark Lady: Wow! - Wonderland - never knew there was a lake Here
Tomitus: Is Beautiful not think
Dark Lady: Yes ... It's better than the river that runs near my Clan - Take Me The Apparel & I got to swim - This Place Is Very Quiet - Shout
Tomitus went into the water and handed me
Dark Lady: Why did you bring me here? - staring
Tomitus: I wanted to Have Fun Moment
I Zambullo and leave again
Dark Lady: You're Cute Pulgoso, this place is beautiful - I said Merrily
Lake was surrounded by forests, there were two roads, and had an opening forming a river, surely that came to my Clan, never figure out where that water came from ...
Tomitus: Could you tell me So Stop, Mi Name is Tomitus
Dark Lady: I \u200b\u200bcare ...
Tomitus: You get the latest news?
Dark Lady: No Thing?
Tomitus: The Bati And Miki were killed
Dark Lady: That Thing - Surprised - I never heard
Tomitus: Some months ago there was a war against The Hellsing Lester M. Head A Short The Miki And Bati was Captured, The Herd "The Kenko" disappeared, Its members were to be watered Great Hounds AND The Revolution Of Lican
Dark Lady: I \u200b\u200bwas not aware - Seria - So who died - I somehow felt Nostalgia Al Saber The News
Tomitus: You know, no leaders are nothing
Dark Lady: And what you've been?
Tomitus: I joined The Revolution Of Lican
Dark Lady: Well, why not?
Tomitus: problems with my Pack For The Last Time I Saw You, Me expelled from the group, was wounded and very weak unarmed and almost dying, I find a girl, Yoseidan
Dark Lady: I I
Tomitus: She took me to Herd Revolution And there I was cured
Dark Lady: Well Well ... and who else died?
Tomitus: Fraco, They Just ...
Dark Lady, and the rest?
Tomitus: Smil, Phir, Kaluver, DJ Wolf; Joining Great Hounds - I See - Fear, Celis, The Warrior, Guishe, Blackmagic, Joining The Revolution Of Lican
Dark Lady : Celis and fears ...
Tomitus: Yes, I heard that they killed Oshadeo
Dark Lady: Yes, I know why I saw them with Soul Reaver, he knew there happen by chance
Tomitus: If You Like Sure ... And You?
Dark Lady: Well ... How do you think I? - Swim In The Shore
Tomitus: No Se Tu Como Va Clan
Dark Lady: My Clan Va Bien, The Hunters Are Good, so good ... Tomitus
Tomitus: Wow! - Surprised
Dark Lady: What? - While I wore
Tomitus: First time I heard you call my name
Dark Lady: Sure ... Ya Me If I have To Go
Tomitus: Look For Back There is - said
Dark Lady: I \u200b\u200bknow The Way, I'll just walk ...
Tomitus: As Miss ... Say
way through the forest Thinking about what had Tomitus This, so the Kenko disappeared ...
I went to the pack of "The Kenko" Could Not Believe What I had said Tomitus arrived, the atmosphere was Bleak ... Watch everything carefully, The area was uninhabited since a long time ... A noise made my senses are sharpened, Try to look quickly around me, then I could feel that he was behind me, I froze, hoping gets attacked, then approached by raising his arm ...
She cried before she could Touch me, scares , I Say Tour Stop Staring was Frightened, was Andreia, I looked disconcerted and I was Scared
Andreia: Killing me scare you pretending?
Dark Lady: Fuiste Tu La Que Me scared! - Chill - You Do Here?
Andreia: I'm From The Kenko! I did not think I would stay for Wandering Or Are There?
Dark Lady: I \u200b\u200bjoined a clan of werewolves?
Andreia: Not Necessarily Come - Moving On My Side - Let's sit
Dark Lady: Andreia - Scared
Andreia: Leaders Of The Pack killed For The Hellsing War
Dark Lady: Because I knew - I said No Importance Take him
Andreia: Well But Alias \u200b\u200b Vampires We the Herd States - sigh - I still think that one day the Clan will be rebuilt
Dark Lady: There are many clans Andreia, Why Stay in an already disappeared?
Andreia: Why Stayed Sons Of The Night The Clan, If you saw was crumbling all?
Dark Lady: I'd like to tell you that when you were at Clan - Murmur
Andreia: It's Not The Same Reason For , but it is by something like, We In The Clan United More
Dark Lady: He lived with Werewolves?
Andreia: No, We have a quarry a little far from here, the benefit is that we have peace with The Kenko
Dark Lady: But if there are members in this Clan
Andreia : At least he had ...
Dark Lady: No I understand, I honestly do not understand
Andreia, who never understood why my fellow Clan remained faithful to it if was crumbling ...
Dark Lady: No Compares The situation Paso El Clan With This - Rete
Andreia: You're right - he said without flinching - they did not abandon us to our fate, they died, There Is A Good Excuse For Him, But You Were Coward And left us
Dark Lady: No I have to listen to your words - I Me Around And away from it
Andreia: Of course not - Screaming - They never abandons his people! But you were coward! You Left!
ran ... Get In a clearing near my lair, It was almost dawn ... I went to my lair And Spend The Night There ...
Full Moon Cubría El Bosque Protector With Her Mantle ... Lobo Men Must Be stronger than ever, always taking advantage Stations To The Moon Your Benefit ...
Walk Quietly Giving Circles Remembering what I had said Andreia The Night Before "And We Were Coward left "Remember His words smote More and more, take my sword and cut off a tree branch, Look My Sword With Nostalgia been very badly treated, "I have to change weapon" I thought, let go and hit it against a stone ... "Ay!" Shout "Now if I have a good reason to change" I complained, I Di Around And Tomitus was startled cry Standing staring
Tomitus: Quiet Lady Bella, you scared of my presence?
Dark Lady: Who Do not be scared to see something as horrible as a werewolf?
Tomitus: Why are you so rude to me?
Dark Lady: Now you'll want to treat you like a King?
Tomitus: I want you to treat me how to treat A Friend
Dark Lady: You're Not My Friend - I groaned
Tomitus: You are so beautiful To be rude - said in a sarcastic
Dark Lady: Out of my way - I said, taking my sword and pushing
Tomitus: Why There Are Celis And Fears - Laughing
Dark Lady: What? - Stopping - These Two Are Near Pulgoso? - I said, looking very Horror
Tomitus: Yes ... And with that sword I doubt that I Ganes ...
Dark Lady: Oh! - Sitting Down Head - I Go To City To Get A Gun ...
Tomitus: Want to accompany you?
Dark Lady: For What?
Tomitus: Well, so you will not Attack My Cubs
Dark Lady: Your Puppy? Lobo had to be men
Tomitus That's better know
Dark Lady: So what? - Reacting
Tomitus: Lo De Werewolves, Sounds Better Than What We Say ...
Dark Lady: but really are Pulgoso
Tomitus: No I have Fleas - Complaining - and nobody in my clan are, if someone has not got left Pulgas Login
Dark Lady: Clown - Smiling
Tomitus: Te Ves Mas When you know beautiful smile
Dark Lady: Are Clear - Falling La Mirada
Tomitus: Come - Laying Hand - I'll walk the merchant
Dark Lady: Seriously - Alegre
Tomitus: Yes, however I have to buy some boots
Dark Lady: But They Are Almost New
Tomitus: That does not mean you want something Best ...
Dark Lady: Well ... I think spending a lot of In Arms
Tomitus: Me Gusta Verme Well - Laughing
Dark Lady: Thanks! - Raising the Voice
Tomitus: Tu Te Ves Bien always, you'll want Andes Naked Magnificent Se Te Veria
Dark Lady: What! - Flushed - Daring! There should direct Word!
Tomitus: Women Do not Say That! - Approaches to me and raises
Dark Lady: You Do! - Screaming
Tomitus: Shut up and there are fears Celis, feigning sleep
Face discomfort I put
Dark Lady: Do not pretend Soften - insisted
Tomitus : Yes No Sleep No work!
Dark Lady: Put me down! - Shout
Celis And Fears They drew their swords Taking Shape Stalking
Dark Lady: Here Come Your Puppies - growled
Tomitus: Hi Guys - Realising Tour
Celis: To Where You take ?
Tomitus: There is an altar for there, I want to kill her tied up La Luz Del Sol
A Trembling Horror Noto Me In The Face And Shout again so that I come down ...
Tomitus: I told you that this morning do not Leech Raisins! - Shout
Dark Lady: No Dying! - Following Rope
Tomitus: For This I do ... I can not
Celis: I enclose
Fears: I also
Tomitus: I See you there!! - Making Find Something - I think they are a group of humans!
Fears: Where? - Realizing Tour - Ahh I see, Come Come A Celis inculcating a scare! - Moved
Celis: That I'm bored ... better accompaniment to Tomitus
Fears: That bores me to my ... Come on! - Pulling - Let Celis! It will be fun! We can accompany Tomitus Another Moment!
Celis: No I want! - Complaining
Tomitus Go have fun, Dark Lady not escape ... I will keep an eye as I remember ...
Celis and fears Went A "play" with the group of humans who seemed lost While Tomitus, quietly leave the area disappeared without being seen ... I leave on the ground holding of Waist Very Being Stuck For a few seconds, staring at me, his gaze Penetrating while almost intimidated me ... I get a little closer to him and he will incline ...
Dark Lady: Tomitus ... - Murmur
Tomitus: What? - Mumble
Dark Lady: You suck - I pushed and away from Strike
Tomitus: Hey!
Dark Lady: What?
Tomitus: Nothing - Smiling cynically - You're Lovely
Dark Lady: I \u200b\u200bknow - laughing loudly - if I had my I would walk naked - Still Laughing
Tomitus: What to Expect!
Dark Lady: I \u200b\u200bhave to prepare for War - Making Language - I can not walk Unprotected
Tomitus: Vamos - Pushing me - he came to the Merchant Before It Celis And Fears Look Me
Dark Lady: Okay ...
walk towards the Merchant And I started watching The Sword
Tomitus: On Curiosity - Approaching On My Back - The Got Gold?
Dark Lady: Not Much ... But I can sell this sword and buy up along with what I have ...
Tomitus: If You Want A Gift Of Sword
Dark Lady: Do not Owe Me Nothing In Nobody Likes ...
Tomitus: It is a gift from me - Taking A Sword
Dark Lady: Are You Doing?
Tomitus Approaches By Seller And Pay The Price Sword, comes to me and grabs
Dark Lady: You Do Tomitus!
Tomitus: Shut Up And Come
We left the tent and entered the Forest
Tomitus: Toma - Givin 'The Espada
Dark Lady: No I The
Tomitus: Take Dark Lady, do not deny my Gift Please, you make me feel furious and we At full moon period
Dark Lady: The Good ... - Taking Sword - But No Quiero Mas De Ti Nada
Tomitus: The Good ... - Smiling - Enjoy
Dark Lady: You know Rare
Tomitus: How to Say - Se Va
Dark Lady: Hey! Do not Leave Me! - Raising Voice - Tom!

Gianina Rojas
Daughter De La Noche
Dark Lady

Sunday, April 11, 2010

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[Chapter 37] New Members in the Clan

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Dark Lady: How The Spent? - Muttered
Dark Vampire: Well, you know not everyone here is very friendly
Dark Lady: If You ... Many times I came
Dark Vampire: never occurred to you join them?
Dark Lady: That's impossible - I said - I'm Too Weak
Dark Vampire: wanted us to join them, many
Dark Lady: That makes it attractive ... You know, I always wanted Have Many In The Vampire Clan And we are the best , comes to These Lands With Angel, only had 2 Clans Vampire And Hellsing was one of them
Vampire Dark: And you joined
They Dark Lady: No, not even knew of its existence,
Dark Vampire: Who is Angel?
Dark Lady: The Vampire that made me ...
Dark Vampire: Where is he?
Dark Lady: She died - I said would be
Looking Dark Vampire: The Penalty ...
Dark Lady: Anything, and his sister were very good, Angel was my first boyfriend when I was ...
Vampire Vampire Dark: Why, How came here?
Dark Lady: We lived in an area full of werewolves, killed Kassandra - Looking - Sister Of Angel, so he decided we would come around here ...
Vampire Dark: And Why did not you go somewhere else
Dark Lady: I \u200b\u200bwas a novice, I knew What to Do With My Life, If I came away probably a werewolf It killed me
Dark Vampire: Here There Are Many Lycans
Dark Lady: I \u200b\u200bknow, but I became more cunning than they, later, I think to take, I will become ...
Lycans Killer Vampire Dark: I get scared
Dark Lady : those dirty dogs ... I will destroy The One By One ...
Vampire Dark: Why do you say that?
Dark Lady: I \u200b\u200bdid much damage, Look, No Fighting is ... but now after what they did, I will avenge of them ...
Dark Vampire: You talk as if they had taken the Dark Lady
Alma: You know how hard it is to get Boyfriend When You Vampire? Dark Vampire
: No ...
Dark Lady: Where are the leader, if you're with someone others think you let that person
Handle Vampire Dark: And so? Dark Lady
: Oshadeo was among those who preferred to stay out of the Clan Affairs, The Dark Vampire
There was simply: How's That?
Dark Lady: When I had to be with me was, but it was subject of the leaders of Clan, Just Around The Eyes Blind Was the best I could do ...
Vampire Dark: I understand ...
Dark Lady: Why It bothers me that interfered For Drakulin, Mira, I I can love and long for a person, but to expel a member of the Clan is punishable by expulsion, So Simple
Dark Vampire: that was not one Expulsion for you too?
Dark Lady: No, I'm The Leader, only I can kick somebody
Vampire Clan The Dark: But leaders are also
Dark Lady: I \u200b\u200bDo not have right to remove a member of the Clan ... you know, difficult to evict a member of the clan, elders leave because they want
Vampire Dark: And do not stop? Lady
Dark: At first it was, but not anymore, I realized that when someone wants to leave the Clan, though you offer Goes Gold, because so decided
Dark Vampire: The Clan then I'll
Dark Lady: Well ... Dark Vampire
: Just That?
Dark Lady: What can I say? You're only protected, even you ...
Vampire Hunter Dark: Poor ...
Dark Lady: Thanks, I'll remember
Dark Vampire: That Thing?
Dark Lady: I'm bad ...
Dark Vampire: Not understood ...
Dark Lady: Forget it, you want to go hunt
Dark Vampire: Hunt Lican?
Dark Lady: You want to hunt Lican?
Dark Vampire: Yes, is the best there is, I Quito Gold in passing that I Mido With Them ...
Dark Lady: I \u200b\u200bused to not fight with werewolves, but if you want to do ... Let's see how
Vampire Fighting ... Dark: Yes! - Alegre
began the search for a Dark Vampire Werewolf That Could For Fighting, for a long time did not find anyone in the area, we passed the place I will cut off the head Oshadeo, I stared at the Dark Site ...
Vampire: Something happens?
Dark Lady: No ... keep looking ...
are moving, We hunted for almost 5 hours until it almost reaches We Alba
The Dark Lady: Come
Vampire Dark: A Moment! - First Rays We were reaching
Dark Lady: Vampire Dark Come now! - The Miro I Surprised ...
running for cover, I was protecting my Cloak Vampire Dark But I was concerned, took him to my lair ...
I to sit down, I had begun to burn
Dark Lady: That must hurt
Dark Vampire: If ... Never will I so afraid of Ray Del Sol
Dark Lady: Well ... That's why we
Vampire Dark Night ...: I want one of those layers
Dark Lady: This? - Taking it - you
Vampire The Dark Gift: Seriously? - Moved
Dark Lady: Yes, Socket - Offering Dark Vampire Layer
: Thanks - Looking Around - Where Are We?
Dark Lady: In My Lair ... Here I hide when I do not want
Find Vampire Dark: I see ... It's Too Dark Lady Linda
: Yes - Sitting down at your side - I will sleep a Dark Time
Vampire: Something You Do not Have To cure?
Dark Lady: The Healer's Sorry Monsieur Leste I ... I have nothing to Help You only recommend you rest you will heal
Vampire Until Dark Dark: The Well - Look Me Silent - Rest - Dark Lady
murmured: This Well ... - I Slept
When I awoke I saw The Dark Vampire Lying To my right, I Scare For A Moment
Dark Lady: I \u200b\u200bslept Ray Out Of My Coffin - Thinking aloud
Dark Vampire: Ah! - Half opening Eyes - Que Pasa?
Dark Lady: Nothing ... by the way it is night
Vampire Dark Again: really? - It Hit For - Ay!
Dark Lady: You Have? Dark Vampire
: No Se Me Something Burning in the back - turns
A Horrible sore had formed
Dark Lady: This is not right - I said - wait, I have a potion
Here I hold all the shelf My Items And I saw The Potion, The Dark Lady Take
: Monsieur Me The Gift Some time ago, never Use
The Dark Vampire: what is it?
Dark Lady: Is Healing ... Suddenly
Helps You open the bottle and I, takes it all
The Dark Lady: How do you feel? Dark Vampire
: Normal ...
Dark Lady: Date La Vuelta
turns and the wound healed before my eyes, Touch Your Back With My Hand Dark Lady
: Need Dark Armor
Vampire: Yes, Where I get?
Dark Lady: Wait I went back to the shelf
, Take Some of the reinforcements he had used in my early
Dark Lady: This will serve, Mídetelos
Dark Vampire: Where did you get? Dark Lady
: Eran My Arms
The test is, the helmet looks cool, but the armor was a bit small
Dark Lady: Let me see what else I have - Take Another Armor - get it - it is measured, this was a little older, I look Puzzled - Era Oshadeo, I keep it for need, Now A Weapon ... - Turning around a small knife Look - This was enough - I give
Vampire Dark: It's a joke? I will not use this to fight
Dark Lady: Well ... I want a sword? Cómpratela Well I can not give what I have not
Dark Vampire: The Well - the removal of the helmet and armor - do not want any of this, I'll get Myself My Arms - It goes to the door
Dark Lady: Wait Child ... - Turning Your Eyes - No You can walk around without protection
Dark Vampire: Of course I can - at that time listening to a Howling Wolf Man, I was shocked - I scare Werewolves?
Dark Lady: No - I lied - just did not like ... - Approaching - Take That - I give him the helmet and armor - Use them
Vampire Dark: I Want It gave me anything
Dark Lady: Please - beg
Vampire Dark: The Well - Renegade - But Nothing Else is the only thing
Dark Lady: Thank you ...
I was relieved, he put his arms
Dark Lady: I \u200b\u200bhave to see the status of
Vampire Clan Dark: Why so much concern about these vampires? Perhaps Alone Can not Protect? Dark Lady
: does not protect it, but I have to see how things go, I can not disappear for a while and comes back as if nothing happened, also I do not like to expel anyone and if I was gone a long time That happens quite often
Leaving The Lair, are moving with rapid steps and soon arrived on the Clan, Dark Lady Among
: Meeting In The General Board - Shout - Now! - Ordering
I went to the Main Hall, I sat and waited, were slowly arriving
The members of Clan Dark Lady: Vampire Dark Come Here - Pointing a seat - I want to see
Near Dark Vampire: The Fine ...
began entering and settled, looked worried
Bach88 Dark Lady: Something happens Hunter? - Looking back, I looked nervously
Drops Bach88: No, nothing
Dark Lady: Well - Look At Empty
Jonal: Dark Lady - Approaching - What Good Is You Here Again
Cristiam: Are you alright?
Dark Lady: Yes - soon went all - I have something important to say Jonal - Jonal
said softly: Dark Lady Dime
: Reports From This Year
Jonal: Ah ...
Dark Lady: Cristiam! Reports From Grants Gold
Jonal Clan: This Year's expulsion from the clan disappeared Oshadeo
Drakulin And Dark Lady: Continuing
Jonal: Well we
Dark Lady New Members: Where Are Perfect - Looking
Jonal: Well we have eight new Members In The Clan Dskisiado Who Is Friend Of Royal Blood, Ericklars who came some time ago Supersaya Bach88 Says Wine With Your Clan War Lycans disappeared in Lancelot and Guren who came recently and
Reasons Not Dark Lady: Four Van Four missing
Jonal: We have two Hellsing In The Dark Lady
Clan: Hellsing? Who Are
Jonal: Mentor And Raidem, They Say Want to help in the Ah and are also Clan Adrenaline And
Valkyria Vampire Dark: What You Said?
Jonal: No I speak to you
Dark Vampire: You said Adrenalina And Valkyria?
Jonal: If Children Do not interrupt me
Dark Vampire: Where Are They? - Looking The Ambiente
Jonal: They are each in their rooms
Dark Lady: That Come On I want to know
Jonal Eight: The Well - Sale Of The Vampire
Dark Room: And Valkyria Adrenalina said - thinking aloud
Dark Lady: Listen Well - Looking - Now We're on official business of Clan can play with your friends when the meeting ended, do not make a Riot - I Look Scared - I understand? Dark Vampire
: Yes sir ...
Dark Lady: Now Sit, Cristiam
Cristiam: If
Dark Lady: Reports
Cristiam This Year: Well ... this year, all met their donations respectively and there was no Dark Lady
Major Problems : I congratulate Hunter, These progressing very well, keep it up ... Then Log
Jonal and members behind him in
Dark Lady: Good Night Hunters Make yourself comfortable, as leader of Clan Children of the Night Are My Home, Any Question Consultation O Duda Jonal leaders may have and the speaker Cristiam Dark Lady, can help, Are In Your Home And Stay Calm This will be good, we are 19 In the End, We Now New Rules, Sit All - The Look - A War We now each time the General so decides or A Flock Lican We Jonal
Attack: We have not
war leaders Dark Lady: And what happened to him?
Jonal: Clan
expels him from Dark Lady: Oh yeah? - Looking Around - Who was?
Jonal: Drakulin ...
Dark Lady: Ah! That Brash ... No Matter, Royal Blood!
Royal Blood: Yeah?
Dark Lady: You're The New General War
Royal Blood: That Thing?
Dark Lady: What you heard a Problem?
Royal Blood: But No I chose
Dark Lady: I \u200b\u200bchose you And that was enough - Unknown - Let us, from now on Gold Donations Clan are voluntary, the who want to donate Gold Can Do If Not For The Same And I want everyone to training a lot, wants to have strong, I want to be better than disgusting ... These Lycans
Jonal: Dark Lady something happens?
Dark Lady: Yes - yell and instantly calms me - Celis And Fears That I killed Oshadeo
occurs Silence fill the air
Dark Lady: It bothers me, makes me furious, I Da Wrath, Anger, Rage, I become a Witch, Everything You Want ... From now on I will be more Estricta, No Quiero Que Otro De Ustedes Corra La Suerte De Oshadeo, Entrenaran Mucho Y Me Encargare De Que Eso Suceda
Jonalan: Me Asustas…
Dama Oscura: No Me Importa… Pueden Retirarse La Reunión Acabo
Salí De La Sala Y Entre A Mi Alcoba, Vampiro Oscuro Vino Por Mi Tras
Dama Oscura: Quiero Estar Sola – Dije
Vampiro Oscuro: No, Quiero Estar Contigo
Dama Oscura: Tu Hermana Y Tu Tía Están En El Clan, Porque No Las Saludas?
Vampiro Oscuro: Ya Tendré Tiempo Para Eso…
Me Senté Soltando Un Suspiro Mire Al Vacio
Dama Oscura: Dime Algo
Vampiro Oscuro: Que Cosa – Mientras Me Abraza
Dama Oscura: Porque Me Estas Seduciendo? – El Reacciona De Golpe
Vampiro Oscuro: Eh? – Asustado
Dama Oscura: Eres Lindo Sabes – Sonriendo Levemente, Salgo Al Balcón Y Miro Las Actividades De Los Cazadores Del Clan, Vampiro Oscuro Me Sigue – A Pesar De Que Te Conozco Poco Tiempo, Eres Más Centrado Que Cualquier Otro Neófito
Vampiro Oscuro: Si Claro – Me Abraza
Miro Al Vacio Una Vez Más, Vampiro Oscuro Se Para A Mi Costado Y Yo Acomodo Mi Cabeza En Su Hombro, Me Caricia El Cabello, Lo Miro, Había Algo En El Que Me Atraía Fuertemente… Se Da Cuenta De Que Lo Estoy Mirando Y Se Aleja, Sigo Mirándolo Tratando De Buscar Ese Algo Que Me Atrae, Tengo Los Ojos Muy Abiertos, Esta Frente A Mi Sin Decir Nothing, as if expecting an answer, then the image of Oshadeo was reflected in him, I felt strange, Vampire Long Dark was approaching, I closed my eyes, The Image Oshadeo still in my head ... not realizing I had embraced the To achieve Trapped in their arms, at the time I opened my eyes and stared at him without realizing His purpose, I said nothing, approached me and kissed me ...

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Gianina Rojas
Daughter The Dark Lady Night


Thursday, April 1, 2010

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[Chapter 36] Death of Oshadeo

After I Drakulin It was the Clan, I remembered that I was Dark Vampire In Your Room, I went to where he was, opened the door and found him crying at the foot of his coffin, viewing the scene touched me, was like my son was there, but it was not ... It was another, but for some reason It gives me great visitor was watching The Kid That ...
Dark Lady: Are you okay? Dark Vampire
: No Quiero Verte!
Dark Lady: Hey, I'm sorry I Beaten ... but could not afford to help someone expelling a Member of the Clan Without My Authorization
Vampire Dark: Are Leaders! As if choosing leaders can not decide?
Dark Lady: They're leaders, but is also Oshadeo My Boyfriend and My First there is the ... Dark Vampire
: Kicking a leader by your boyfriend that you will find soon
Dark Lady: Well, does not want to pass something good and bad, Deserves To Be Banned For The leaders not allowed to expel
Vampire Clan Members From Dark: expel one ...
Dark Lady: I \u200b\u200bAm The Master ... And you know that since I'm hungry, want to go hunt
Dark Vampire: Hunt?
Dark Lady: Yes, Ven Conmigo
Dark Vampire: The Good ... - We went silent as I looked
Dark Lady: I \u200b\u200bfeel indignant know
Vampire Dark: Why?
Dark Lady: Look, there in the Clan, I Trust In all, that if I am away they will be able to handle Things, had a war and a member of the Clan disappeared by that date, then Drakulin Boto Your Stuff No Waiting For That Integrative Explanation Of Gone To The Dark Vampire
War: Is that reason for being dismissed him?
Dark Lady: You know what is heard to Others? - The Look - every member of the Clan is important to me, whereas the leaders know very well what they do and can handle things in extreme case, but eject someone for it has disappeared in a war, does not seem right ...
Dark Vampire: Well, if it were not for a date as important as that I feel good that I Have Taken - Twisting The Dark Lady Boca
: And what if That Person Who Would not disappear, but had a fight with a werewolf and had to stay outside because I was so weak she could not walk
Dark Vampire: Well dismissed for weak and Dark Lady Saber Fight
: You are very cruel, If Clan Members Running Out, is left defenseless, then that worthless
Clan Dark Vampire: You are extremely, Just A Clan
Dark Lady: I \u200b\u200bspent much time with The Clan, is my legacy of Being a vampire, not lose it Just like that ...
Walk a little, and I did not feel her ...
Vampire Dark Proximity: Help me! - Shout
I turned around, she had gone into Arenas Shifting
Dark Lady: Great ... Stay Quiet - order
Vampire Dark: I sink! Please help me! - Dark Lady
Cry: Child Calm down! No Te Vas A Morir By sink into the mud
Dark Vampire: Please! Dark Lady
: Yaaa! I'm Looking To get you out!
I looked around, nothing I Serve ... Look at my sword, which Mas Da; unsheathed my sword and offered him the part of the handle, I look
Afraid Dark Lady: If you do not hold Podre not get you out! - Shout
The Subject, I began to pull, La Espada hurts my hands when I made it out of mud I was also badly hurt and bleeding ...
Dark Lady: Are you okay? Dark Vampire
: If ... Your Hands - Dark Lady
Concerned: It's Not
Saco Nada ... I wanted a rag and wiped his hand
Dark Lady: It will pass - insisted
The Fool ignored me, while I cleaned the Grave Apparent Injury Me Sane, am amazed Buscando La Zona De La Sangre, had completely healed ...
Dark Lady: I \u200b\u200btold you
Vampire Dark: But as ... - Looking Amazed
Dark Lady: I \u200b\u200bVampire silly, We heal fast - Take My Sword And The Save, then heard a howl in the distance - If there is anything I dislike are Werewolves
The Dark Vampire: What Was That? Lady
Dark: A Wolf, means that we're leaving - I took her hand and walking faster, soon moving around us ... Company indicated that they came out a man, was afraid, I was Middle Of The Dark Vampire
And Fears: My Dear Dark Lady ... I have a gift for you
Dark Lady: Get out ... I'm Busy
Fears: Oh! That character, seems to be no Galán that makes you Good Humor! - Began to laugh
Dark Lady: You Want Fast Talk
Dog Fears: Look over there - pointing to a clearing in the woods, I turned around, was Celis
Dark Lady: What the Bleep! Celis
: Look What We Have For You Turn Your Eyes ...
Jalo Celis Grabbing a string from, well tied was Oshadeo, I was dragging
Celis: You know that bothers me Searching for you You Have? - We Look In Anger - that I had to drag it all the way - said very quietly
Dark Lady: Animals had to be disgusting ... ...
Lycans Fears: But for who deny Dear!
Dark Lady: Shut up! - Shout - That I did ...
Celis: Nothing, just that we are paying for Doing
Fears: Yes, how much gold is not ... We reject
Dark Lady: Who? Talk! - Screaming
Fears: Well, someone you Blatantly Le Hiciste Creer Que Eres Inocente Y Terminaste Tendiéndole Una Trampa…
Dama Oscura: Segador De Almas? – Dije Pensativa
Segador De Almas: Si! – Dijo Saliendo De Las Sombras…
Dama Oscura: Descarado! Porque No Peleas Conmigo
Segador De Almas: Simple, Eres Mujer Y El Es Tu Novio, El Dolor Que Te Causara Verlo Morir Será Tan Grande Que No Querrás Vivir Mas…
Dama Oscura: Déjenlo – Dije Mirando Al Vacio
Vampiro Oscuro: Que Esta Pasando? – Dijo Algo Confundido
Dama Oscura: El Chico Que Tienen Es El Integrante Desaparecido Del Clan… - A Ellos – Por Que Lo Hacen?
Celis: Para Mi Es Oro
Teme: Para Mi También… You can buy a better helmet
Reaper Of Souls: And I will stay ... More Quiet - Making Your Sword - Dark Lady, you know, you are so beautiful to go out with Guys Like ... - Watching A Oshadeo - What I See? There best matches in your race and if you think that there are not, also there that can leave Buenos Lycans Contigo
Dark Lady: Never dishonor my race mixing with filthy Lycans
Widowmaker: The Penalty ... For you now widowed Lady
Dark: No ... - I moaned - can not be happening ...
Reaper Of Souls: What It Can Happen? - Approaching A Oshadeo - That'll kill him And you'll be witness to that?
Dark Lady: No ... - I closed my eyes tightly ...
Reaper Of Souls: Mira - lifted his head and puts his sword in his neck - This Dark Lady, is for mess with me - cuts his head
Dark Lady: No ! - Screaming ... I saw the stage slowly
Head Of Oshadeo Rolling On The Floor, Laughing They fear Celis and leave, everything was very slow in my head, I approached the body of Oshadeo and hugged him ... Reaper of souls Wear Your Head , Left Me Crying In The Dark Vampire
Forest: Hey, Dark Woman, No Cry Both ...
At that time the presence of someone interrupted the area, was Monsieur and walked with Victoria Lester, Al View Scene He took pity and approached ...
M. Lester: Damaris ... - He said, I turned around and hugged him
Dark Lady: What killed Monsieur!
killed him without compassion M. Lester: A Who killed?
Dark Lady: A Oshadeo! - Screaming and crying - I killed! - Still crying
M. Lester: Calm down ... No Llores Both Dark Lady, remember you are a clan leader, can not so easily Resquebrajarte For The Death Of Someone
Dark Lady: Because! For him they did not understand! Is the person most wanted to And Now is Dead! - Screaming
M. Lester: Please calm down Want
Dark Lady: No!
M. Lester: See - Making A Container - Take That - I get it and take it, I slept lightly, could still hear what they said ...
Vampire Dark: What did you do?
M. Lester: It's a sleeping potion, this too upset ... do me a favor Want Victoria
Victoria: Tell me
M. Lester: Go Tell Your Clan and his companions to Dark Lady And ... is your name?
Dark Vampire: Vampire Dark
M. Lester: And he stayed at the Clan For a few days
Victoria: And the body?
M. Lester: With Dawn disappear ... - Standing up - she'll be fine, we'll
Vampire Oscuro: Esta Bien – Tocándome La Cabeza – Nunca La Vi Tan Alterada
Monsieur Lestad: Yo Si, Muchas Veces, Se Altera Con Facilidad, Pero Finge Ser Fuerte… A Veces No Le Importa Nada Mas Que Lo Que Ella Quiera Y Hace Todo Lo Que Este A Su Alcance Por Conseguirlo…
Vampiro Oscuro: Me Da Pena…
Monsieur Lestad: Ella? Ja Ja, Siendo Otro Vampiro Ya Se Hubiera Suicidado, Sabes Cuantas Cosas Pasan Por Su Cabeza?
Vampiro Oscuro: No Se… Pero Es Bastante Inteligente
Monsieur Lestad: Pero Engreída También
Vampiro Oscuro: Por Que Nos Ayudas?
Monsieur Lestad: Alguna Vez Forme Parte De Su Clan, Aprendí Muchas Cosas A Pesar De Que A veces Se Vuelve Intratable, I have a great visitor
Dark Vampire: Who is Oshadeo?
M. Lester: Do not you know? It was her boyfriend, the guy who seen who beheaded ...
Dark Vampire: Your Boyfriend? She?
M. Lester: Yes, You Can not Believe It? Dark Vampire
I do not know, is quite aggressive
M. Lester: Even So Many Lycans De La Zona No Attack ...
Vampire The Dark: That I do not think so do not even know Monsieur
Fighting Lester: If you know, does not like , which is different ... And the chances that a few Lycanthrope Le Win
Vampire Dark: No Can Be
M. Lester: The Fight Vi ... only lacks a bit of training
Vampire Dark: I'm Going To Be The Best
M. Lester: Yes, if you strive to be ...
Dark Vampire: You'll see, will not Lycanthrope I can earn ... Fully
I slept ... just opened my eyes and saw A Vampire In My Dark Side Dark Vampire
: Hi - Dark Lady said
Smiling: Hello - Murmur - Where Are We? Vampire
Dark: In The Dark Lady
Hellsing: What? - Surprised - How to get here Dark Vampire
: M. Lester brought us here are very good and Drakulin Is Here
Dark Lady: I \u200b\u200bsee ... - staring at the ceiling - I had a horrible dream
Dark Vampire: did you dream? Dark Lady
: Off with her head to my boyfriend ...
Vampire Dark Was Never A Dream, Was Real
Dark Lady: Really? How is it that I slept? Dark Vampire
You took a potion that you gave Monsieur ...
Dark Lady Lester: Monsieur ... always so timely ...
Then Monsieur Sign
Dark Lady Lester: Thanks again
M. Lester: From Nothing ... sleep well?
Dark Lady: Just Me Duele La Cabeza
M. Lester: Are the effects of the potion, while not perfect, not know how long you sleep ...
Dark Lady: You Gave Me A Potion without knowing its effects?
M. Lester: I knew it was for sleep, But Not For The Time ...
Dark Lady: How long I slept?
M. Lester: 1 Week
Dark Lady: What! - Surprised - So Long!
M. Lester: Nothing Happens, notices to your clan ...
Dark Lady: No way ... I have to return - Jump The Coffin - A Question
M. Lester: Dime
Dark Lady: Why do I always get in This Coffin ?
M. Lester: Why There Are No Other Available - Smiling
Dark Lady: Ah ... I see ... - Stop Me - I have to go
Vampire Dark: So Fast? - Complaining
Dark Lady: Yes, you seem Just One Week? - I felt lightheaded - Let Me Go?
M. Lester: No Food 1 week ... I wanted Feel Like? Dark Lady
: Ray ... a little wobbly
Advance For The Fourth ...
Dark Lady: I \u200b\u200bcan not walk ...
M. Lester: That was Fixes - pulled out a knife and gave it to Vampire Dark - No Me Look My Lady Blood
Dark: No thinking ...
M. Lester: Yes, that or another one of my potions ...
Dark Lady: when you became so bad healer?
M. Lester: Just kidding Miss, let me see
Dark Lady: Miss? - Murmur - From When I say so?
M. Lester: I Thought I Would Try My Blood ...
Dark Lady: You are of pure blood, can be two reactions, O Me O Me Mata Strong ...
M. Lester: What you want to be? Dark Lady
: Solo would make me stronger the blood of him that made me ...
M. Lester: Sorry, already dead ...
Dark Lady: Thanks for reminding me - I said sarcastically
M. Lester: Quiet - Delivering The Package - is a bit Bitter ...
Dark Lady: Well - I took it - Ah! Know A Sangre De Lycanthrope - Monsieur
gesturing Lester: If I Did on that basis
Dark Lady: Why Me Diste Eso?
Monsieur Lestad: Es Mejor…
Instantáneamente Ya Me Sentía Mejor…
Dama Oscura: Fantástico…
Monsieur Lestad: Bueno, Tengo Que Salir
Dama Oscura: Nosotros Nos Vamos
Vampiro Oscuro: Está Bien… - Gimiendo

Gianina Rojas
Hija de la Noche
Dama Oscura