Saturday, February 20, 2010

International Colouring System Shade Chart

[Chapter 32] Andreia

As I watched Dark Lady left the room after arguing with all members, no one saw me, for I Had retired before but returned to spy on things, first I felt bad for reacting that way, but also bothers me that she has said that he would soon, did not understand if it was going to leave us again or I was going and then returned as I used to always do ... The Look Out, Step On My Side but did not realize, was upset, of course after dealing with all these vampires Bunch Anyone would be, I followed her Forest, soon she felt my presence, but ignored , followed by the forest as if looking for something, then stopped in a mound of leaves, The Fair and was a home ... And I go there I take several things, I kept watching for Long time and began to make movements with his sword, kept repeating "I'll show Who's Your Stupid" While pretending to fight with the Air, He Axial For a long time until someone interrupted in the Environment, was a Lican, I knew him ... Your Figure Bestial stalking was well known ... I Bring A Little But you'll notice my presence Then I saw a cut that the Lycanthrope his chest, I recognized instantly, was Mercenary ... with how well I knew I wanted Sure That Lycanthrope A Fight To Get Gold ... I kept watching closely to see what happens, Mercenary was about to attack when he perceived Dark Lady His presence and He Alert To Fight ...
not remember seeing Fighting A Dark Lady In These Last Days, But Oshadeo was always nearby to defend it ... sometimes I felt misgivings that it is always someone at your side to fight for it , but this time she was alone ...
Mercenary Slowly walked up to reach it, Dark Lady turned quickly and attacks with his sword, Mercenary He jumped high and the Sword of Dark Lady stuck in the Soil Leaves fell from the trees, the autumn is approaching, the fight has just begun, I can see Dark Lady Pretending Not Fear, But I could feel his despair as if asking for help from the rooftops ...
Mercenary: Dientona Fight, Fight you not know
His words were harsh, as if he had Mercy, But It Could Have Mercy Those animals that can not can not even control themselves ...
Dark Lady would not let a word, In A It seemed time would run, Mercenary was attacking Over And Over Again, at times I felt like intervened to Dark Lady will win, but I stopped Pride, Mercenary begin to win the battle, I had no Salvation Dark Lady, would lose that fight to As of place, then hear a Werewolf Howling, was calling him, gave a final thrust and Dark Woman lying on the ground, seemed faint, Mercenary come without caring That had not finished its job ... The Area
Mercenary disappeared, I watched The Body Of Dark Lady, His armor and were in very poor condition, should be changed, but something told me that at the rate that she would never do it, then I In Return To Clan, looked Dark Lady Of The Body On The Floor And I do not care state where I was, I turned around when I stopped a little noise, something happened, she turned and Dark Lady was standing again, his wounds had completely healed, are perplexed by such a scene, a few minutes ago I was bleeding and I was totally healthy now, I could not do that so quickly, but she did, I was intrigued by the Idea than it did, Saco Some Potions of his jacket The Volume One by one, they inspect the body stealthily and took off the armor and the helmet he was wearing, left lying on the floor, went to the den which was A few yards away and came with another new armor, do not hesitate, I went to the scene ...
Dark Lady: What are you doing here? - Intrigued ask for a few seconds not know how to respond, then I
Quick Andreia: I was hunting, are New? - Pointing His Armour
Dark Lady: Yes, A Gift From A Friend - Smiling
Andreia: Ai! - Rubbing my nose - Huele A Lycanthrope On Here ... It seems there was A Battle ...
Dark Lady: Ah .. - Thoughtful - That I did not realize ...
Andreia: And are you doing here? - Following the rope
Dark Lady: I \u200b\u200bwas hunting, but now back to the Clan, We? - Put a friendly gesture
Andreia: No ... - Measuring My Words - Truth Clan IRAs You Again?
Dark Lady: No - Surprised - Andreia I will not go, I'll stay - Twisting The Mouth - Why Just think ridiculous? Andreia
: A couple of hours ago you said you'd go the Clan ...
Dark Lady: No Girl - sigh - I have someone who I bring to the Clan
Andreia: Who?
Dark Lady: anyone I know, is a relative of mine
Andreia: These here over a thousand years, how can you know Family?
Dark Lady: Why Do It, Go - Taking my arm - We Want The Clan
Andreia: I ... - Unsure of what I say - I will leave the Clan
Dark Lady: I \u200b\u200bknew it - sigh - Andreia Well, I think My friends, but if you want to go, you're in All Your Freedom
you leave ... it made me embarrassing your response, this was the answer I expected? No, What Made Dark Lady would have serious conversations with me and convince me not to go the Clan For millions of reasons that do not exist and I would do Believe that if there were only to convince me to stay in the Clan, but that was not what I hear, The Dark Lady was telling me that I could go, in other words it did not matter what I did, I could stay or go If I wanted ... that was what he said, was really what we think? Dark Lady
: Andreia Look, you're One Of The Ones I treasure most in the clan, but now I have other priorities, Other Goals ... - Gazing Into My Eyes Could See The coldness with which I spoke ... he was serious or pain That felt knowing that someone turns it The Axial React To ... - Look, I can not force you to Stay With You, But It's What You Want, That ... That Axial I can you do? I can not stop, in all this time I have lived as Humana, understood that life, at least in humans is too short to stop and think about Pequeñazas As where if you stay in one place Ira, Andreia, I Best for you if you think that in the guild will get that, you're within your rights you go, you will not stop ... I - perhaps I was lecturing? - So Simple, I will follow Here In The Clan, recruits Vampires To The Clan and I'll train them to Defend the Clan, who are now, see them all go, but I, I Andreia, While Be Living In This Life I do not move from here, I'll stay For this Clan Do not Fall ...
Andreia: Never Make Another Clan considering starting, to leave here, start from scratch and form another Clan?
Dark Lady: No, this clan is special, is the first Den I had, my first house, I can not leave ...
Andreia: No I understand ... You For Everything You'd rather stay ... Super Y
Dark Lady: I \u200b\u200bdo not expect Nor do you understand me - Close Your Eyes - You can go Whenever Andreia, you will not stop - Put A Sigh - If you ever want a place to stay, the Clan will always have their doors open to you.
I could not understand the reasons Dark Lady Axial into behaving ... I ran away and no Flinch away, or See where I'm just looking at me She stood
When I go ... The farthest I could Slip Tears On My Face, then another and another, I began to Mourn inconsolably in La Soledad De La Noche Y Feeling a desperation that had never before felt, I felt so sad I started to scratch the earth with my nails ... then I felt a presence, was a werewolf but I do not feel up to attack, on the contrary seemed friendly, not lend attention to the fact and continued with my whining, then I felt His presence ever closer, I turned Showing Teeth Aggressive, Indeed I Was A Werewolf But it was in his human form, I did not want to attack me and I calmed instantly, gave me water in a bottle saying it is not proper for a Miss Tan Bella is dirtying the earth that was stained with the blood of Lican And Vampires ... Lift Me Me Clean and staring, seemed friendly ...
Andreia: Como Te Llamas? - My question was straightforward and simple, nothing hard to answer, but a silence Rodeo The area so I went back to repeat my question - I can tell you your name please? - This Time He took his bottle and turned to leave - No Te Vayas - Said Raising The Voice - Why Helps Me? - I take a stick and wrote something on the floor, mentally ... Darpaly read, what they said - that's your name? - Ask Again, to which he nodded his head - why should I help?
Darpaly: When My Brothers Come I left me, I gotta go ...
Andreia: You must strike when ... You could
Darpaly: As you can attack someone as beautiful as you? - Came over and lifted his face taking my cheek - No Llores Mas, I'll see you tomorrow - he said as he turned to go - come here to the same time to see you again, I hope to find beauty ... - Saying That It Was, Left Me Stop in the woods Stunned by the event, after a long time I realized that Dawn I can see, I ran to a nearby cave I stay there all day, the next night I went back to the point indicated, I looked around Searching ... The Dark Twilight Toward around me that the time to become more sad ... I turned around me And I did not see ... As I could trust the word of a Lican ...
I turned around and like a ray falling on the ground I felt His presence, standing in front of me, I'm terrified of them, stepped back a bit and ...
Darpaly Subject: These More Beautiful Than Yesterday - said staring at me, frightened me Suddenly his expression and reaction
Andreia: Those trying to seduce me? - I did not think anything but
Darpaly That ...: In a way ... - He said looking at the moon - you are so beautiful ...
Andreia: I Do Not Here - I complained - If My Clan Finds Finding With Me Estoy A Disgusting Lican ...
Darpaly: Disgusting? -
Andreia asked indignantly: Yes ... I will hate ...
Darpaly: I'll show you disgusting - I strongly Subject And Kiss Me ...
For a moment I feel like withdrawing But he was holding my arms so tightly as I kissed with such passion that I Limit by kissing too. Poem

blog Taken from Amor Prohibido

Too Late For Love, is late for both
Miro Al Cielo The Full Moon that shines with all its splendor
So I Know You Yeo
This night is over and a tear falls down Distraught by this situation.

This continues Wants More Kisses Have No Final
Then your body begins to transform
The Metamorphosis begins to work ...

close my eyes and I strongly embrace
"I Love You" "I Love You" Grito Heaven
Then again I run Weakly
But you Faster And he caught me quickly ...

My Tears fall down ... Blood And Pain
A Cause Of Love That Cause Confusion In My A
This forbidden love us further and further away
For All abhor that we can love ...

The Our laws abhor So-Forbidden
Infernal Union is mix of races that we can condemn
Saco My sword and start fighting
not recognize me and want to kill me ...

Lycanthrope Beloved, do not want to hurt
But My Sword goes against you Stalking form
Finish The Battle Begins At Dawn
runs at a Shadow For I Want To Get My Weekend

You become unconscious Human For
My Heart Pain Suffers As For Me Your blood was shed
Tonight We'll see Loving Again To Be Free
The Enemy Makes Us Human
For All fear the union between a Lican ... and a vampire.

Then we heard a noise ... then turns away from My Darpaly back to me, I looked around, and shadows behind the trees we looked at him with an uncontrolled fury, he went quickly, Eran and Jonal Dark Lady; were Annoying, perhaps because they had just witnessed, Look something to fear But know what to say when Darpaly It became a Great Wolf and crossed between me and them in a threatening manner, The Dark Lady looked seriously before he said Word ... I was puzzled ...
Dark Lady: I \u200b\u200bcan not believe - Staring Disappointed - I think I'm seeing
Jonal Mal: \u200b\u200bNo Dark Lady, you are seeing is perfectly OK - Ghost said, his voice - I also saw what happened here
Lady Dark: What are you thinking? - Critical - is a foul - Biting Lips - Lycanthrope
Andreia: I - Without Finding right word - not thought it was close - I closed my fists tightly
Dark Lady: I \u200b\u200bwas looking for! - Shout - There are 3 days that you show up at the Clan, I thought you were leaving Truth And Good ... - Staring Horrified - I think if you go ...
Andreia: No I ...
Dark Lady: No Me Digas Nada ... These tarnishing our families and allowing a werewolf I Woo, having as many males of our race! - Closed his eyes and looking furiously angry - Jonal!
Jonal: Yes - His voice was sweet
Dark Lady: Give Your Things and Go - He rubbed his face - I lost the hopes that she returns to Clan
Jonal came with a bag in his hands, Eran My Arms I The Dark Lady Entrego He turned
Andreia: But - trying to persuade - A Where I go?
Dark Lady: You can tell your friend to show you Somewhere where you can stay - he said without looking back - anyway ... You're with You Watch The
La Vi leave, I stood Darpaly further processed into Human approaching my Affectionate
Darpaly: You okay? - Asked stroked her face
Andreia: Yeah ... That I will now ...
Darpaly: I know a guild that will be prefect for you, Acompáñame
Andreia: A Vampire Clan? Truth?
Darpaly: Yes ... Is A Vampire Clan Cantera "The Kenko"
Andreia: But This Is A
Lican Darpaly Hounds: Yes, But Clan that I say, have partnerships with them, was created for those wishing to Vampires truce with the Andreia
Kenko ... Well ... If you say so ...
Darpaly you deliver at the Clan "The Vampikenkos" I met the leader and I accepted ... Darpaly I visited almost daily, I get used to it, do not understand how Dark Lady might say it is an "aberration" If he is a being so charming ... he is always aware of my order supported in what can and is Tan Gianina
tender ...
Daughter Of The Night
Dark Lady


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