Monday, April 18, 2011

Color Générator

CONFERENCE attempt to render critical lack MAO

El doctor Radhamés Jiménez, Procurador General de la República Dominicana, dictará una conferencia sobre el Ministerio Publico en la Constitución Dominicana. El acto se llevará a cabo el viernes 29 de abril, a partir de las 6:00P.M. En el Auditórium de la Universidad Tecnológica UTESA Santiago, Mao enclosure. A conference with the Attorney General Radhames Jimenez have been invited officials, journalists, neighborhood associations, lawyers, students and members of the local judiciary and prosecution services, the activity will take place in order to orient the community on new role public ministry in the Dominican Republic. The conference is organized by the Procurator Fiscal of Valverde.


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