Monday, January 31, 2011

Having A Cervical Polyp Removed Hurts


By Ana Delina Rosario
Valverde The Tax Office conducted a training workshop on "Ethics in public service, values \u200b\u200band anti-steering box" this workshop was framed in the context of the justice system and was taught by Dr. Luis Lopez Bombino, who is a Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Master of Science in Education, Graduate Education in Psychology, a professor at the University of Havana, Cuba, has made contributions to development of pedagogy and other sciences in Latin America, publication of books on Bioethics among others. Dr. Luis Lopez Bombino is in the Dominican Republic as Coordinator of PhD and Master teacher in higher education that is taught in the UASD. In the important workshop held last week, were present, Mr., Germain Diaz Bonilla, Attorney of Valverde, Josefina del Orbe, Presiding Judge of the Appellate Court of Valverde, and the Deputy Prosecutors and oversight of this Judicial District , all the administrative staff of the Office, the Administrator of the courthouse Tremols Mr. Martin also attended by sheriffs, security agents Mao Courthouse, among others. During the course development Professor Bombino Ethics and Moral expert in human beings, emphasizing the importance of teaching positive values \u200b\u200bthrough mechanism to help counter the negative values \u200b\u200bthat cause the ills that affect society and the increasing violence and crime worldwide. He said: "It has lost the sense of love, brotherhood and solidarity, in a world dominated by treachery, envy, lack of solidarity, the double standard, low-commitment, and lack of responsibility, are wrapping up the human being. "He added that" should maintain a role model allows us in the place of another and together seek the common good. "workshop lasted 4 hours on the 2nd level Courthouse of Mao, ended with the words of Attorney of Mr. Germain Valverde Diaz Bonilla, acknowledging the significant development of the workshop, extensive knowledge of Dr. Bombino. Also Lic. Ana Delina Rosario delivered a present to the speaker, on behalf of the Office of Valverde. With this training activity to internal actors of the judicial process, the Tax Office Valverde opens the rainbow of educational and preventive activities against crime, which will take place throughout 2011, in coordination with other institutions.


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