Friday, December 25, 2009

List Of Animals With Eyeshine

[Chapter 28] Memories

right back! - I said that night, was One Night, never imagined that this happen a Time Attack ... Lican had arrived to the area. Return
When all was in an uproar, I looked for my son who was hidden in a pile of rags, was just a baby ... "Ya Llego Mama" I said to calm the whining of small, does not place where they have gone Oshadeo ... Achieve Display Blood In The Area ... A Fight ... So Call Me Worry ... We Do It Again ... No I responded I left my son on one side and I started ordering Disorder ... Then I found more blood on the environment, then felt an urge Inside Mi, An Action Inexplicable, something he knew he should not do ... to taste the blood ... Damn, should not, That Indescribable taste in my mouth ... I started screaming "Oshadeo" said desperately "Donde Estas" shouted all the louder, I drag into the bathroom and shut the door ... then a sound Outside, flung open the door and it was the ... I rushed and I chewed it ... The Scream I Do not Intimidate Me ... Oshadeo hugged me then I got mad and started screaming ...
The try to calm But I did not pay attention ... no attention to anything said to me, then that whining Another time ... Human Blood, Blood Fresh, I started looking for the origin of that whining ... I was crazy ... I just wanted blood and more blood ... Then I stopped Oshadeo subject ... I think so hard or who beat me ... the fact is that I fainted ... when I woke up I was staring ...
Oshadeo: You okay? - Express was the first thing - I wipe the blood off your body
Dark Lady: What happened to me?
for some reason not understood what had happened to me
Oshadeo: You drank my blood ...
Scare Me So ... Look into the mirror ...
Dark Lady: Darn - I was furious - What Time Is It?
Oshadeo: Half Day ... Close all windows and doors to keep out the sun
Dark Lady: I \u200b\u200bcan not believe ...
Then I started to Mourn ... Tears Fell unchecked, could not control ...

Oshadeo: Trinidad! Where Are You! His voice made
awakening of my delirium ...
Trinidad: Pa!
Oshadeo: (Approaching) go hunt? Or prefer to go alone?
Trinidad: No ... I - I kept thinking - I already
Oshadeo: Well ...
Oshadeo is March and stayed alone again immersed in my thoughts ...

Dark Lady: Where Is - With All I said
Oshadeo Evicted: Where Is Who?
Dark Lady: Where Is Eduardo
Oshadeo: Can not you see
Dark Lady: (desperate) Why! - I said almost screaming - Es Mi Son!
Oshadeo: For almost kill your son!
Dark Lady: (Stunned) No ... no way ...
Oshadeo: Were Wanting ...
Dark Lady: Morden - I said
Oshadeo Interrupting: Yes! - Raising the Voice
Dark Lady: I \u200b\u200b... I Think ... We Going - Dodging His look
Oshadeo: A Dark Lady
Where: Back to the Clan ...
Oshadeo With Others: These Safe?
Dark Lady: Yes ...
Oshadeo: And Eduardo
Dark Lady: Do not worry ... I'll see

That ... then someone interrupted again, I knew that character
Trinidad: Perhaps You Do not Learn To respect the privacy of others? - Said Upset
Royal Blood: I ... Sorry - said something questionable - Did Not Who Gave This room
Trinidad: Well, I'm busy The - Raising the Voice - Now Retire!
Royal Blood: That Character!
Trinidad: Long! - Screaming
Royal Blood: right is right! - Said in jest - Me Voy! - Turns - these women, who understands ... - The March
Then Tears began to pour from my eyes ... "Eduardo" I mumbled, then felt a presence behind me
Trinity told you we're! - I said Suddenly turning around and jumping to My Falling Up The Nosy
Cristiam: I'm sorry Miss! - Said in a choked voice
Then I realized my error and was startled
Trinidad moaned: So Sorry ... I thought you were The Other Grandullon ...
Cristiam: So Little Thing? - Smiling
Trinidad said: No ... - I said, bowing her look - I meant the other guy ...
Cristiam: Who? Jonal O Royal Blood?
Trinidad: Do not Know!, But I like Hominy ...
Cristiam: You must be Trinidad, Daughter Oshadeo
Then I turned
Trinidad: If I am I ...
Cristiam: That You doing here alone, not go out to hunt?
Trinidad: I have no desire ...
Cristiam: I enclose ...
Trinidad: No ...
Cristiam, Go! Do not Be Shy!
Trinity: The Fine ... - sighed, Cristiam I offered her his arm - I can walk alone - I said
Cristiam Awesome Voice: But They walked with me ...
Trinidad: Aww ... - I hang on his arm and left the room ...
Now In The Forest it begins to ask questions of what my life was, what I do and things like that ...
Trinidad, studied dentistry at the University
Cristiam: Yes? That Good!
Then a herd of horses Happened on our side run rioting ... The Wishing
Cristiam Look: I challenge you to catch one
Trinidad: Made
I ran with all my might, to catch one of those horses, when I was about one and caught Then Jump Apr. The Boca And ... I bit, the horse is knocked to the ground and rolled, Key My Nails on the neck of Equine Corroyéndolo harder, I absorbed all the blood that I could then Cristiam came to meet me ...
Cristiam: We Company ... - Your voice shook my body, I jumped up so that the blood Splash Trinidad
Everywhere: Who's That ... - Shout Something Scared But Demonstrating Courage ... "I," answered a voice from the shadows ... then appeared Oshadeo, breathed a sigh of relief - I'm scared!
Oshadeo: I see you're already doing Friends ...
Trinidad: Yeah ... You know Cristiam?
Cristiam: If we know ... - interrupted
Oshadeo: Come on - His voice
Trinidad Awe: But ... - Do not let me finish
Oshadeo: I said we go! - Raising the Voice
Trinity: The Fine ... - I looked down shyly obeying the order ...
Cristiam: Hunting We were just - I try to excuse
Oshadeo: No I asked for your opinion ... - We walked growled
Your room I went ahead ... I turned around and stared
Trinidad: Why must you be so rude?
Oshadeo: I do not like you see yourself with Others - he snapped
Trinidad: A What are you afraid? I do not understand ... I'm supposed to getting to know all of the clan ...
Oshadeo: Looking For Another way to see! - Raising the Voice
Trinidad (Upset) Why you be so hard on me!
Oshadeo: Because ... - is coming and I burn - I Do not Want To Lose .... I Love You Too, Every Time I Feel further ...
Trinidad: No I will turn away from you ... What makes you think that - lowering his voice - always be with you ...
Oshadeo: I Love You ... - He kisses my head
I looked up and Approaches ... to kiss her lips barely Rozan With The Noise Aviva My So A sharply away my senses and open the door that was ajar ...
Trinity: Did u know is rude spy on others - I said annoyed tone
I turned around And our "Guest" entered the room
Oshadeo: Bach88 ...
Bach88: What Did
Trinidad: Know What?
Bach88: You Are Dark Lady
Its Expression I am scared ... I could not believe what I was saying for a moment I have dreamed
Trinidad: I ... That I was very much like my mother, But you're wrong ...
Bach88: Dark Lady not lie to me, is that you are, my instincts do not lie to me, You You ...
Trinity: You're wrong - Almost
Bach88 Stuttering: Why Do I Lie ... Dark Lady, you are seeing the State In which the Clan This, the majority was, just leaving us ... I always hoped they would come, there you are ... know it's you ... Do not deny who you are ... I understand your decision not impersonate another person ...
Trinidad : I know my mother was a great leader here ... But I'm not who you think
Oshadeo: enough
His voice shook my skin
Trinidad: You Do - Whisper
Oshadeo: Bach88, shes Damaris In person, many things since we left, became by accident ... But we need to keep a secret ...
I turned angry, and I smacked him to Oshadeo, a trickle of blood was I am in his white skin, which healed quickly ...
Trinidad: I hate ...
Bach88: That's great ...
Trinidad: No! - Shout - not that great - way out the door - I hate Oshadeo! I should never Commit Nothing! I should kill you when I could - I go Closing the door shut, I turn to my room, I start to Mourn ...
Someone knocked on the door
Trinidad: Who Is! - Something I said it hurt a little voice answered
yet ... I do not care
Trinidad: Go! - I see the vampire who comes into my room a little nervous, I watch it and Flip Eye - You Want
Bach88: I do not understand why bother
Both Trinity: Because It Matters ... Now you know who I am I do not ...
Bach88 : It's Very Difficult Route The Clan ...
Trinidad: And with how much I care - I said in jest
Bach88: I Know If ... You must import at least a little, why you're here, For I returned ... For That I Get Back To Be The Leader
Trinidad: These Fool?
Bach88: No ... I'm sure that will cause the Clan exit this state, Look at us! We took him to lose everything, there is little to be determined Vampire Clan, Everything Is Ruined - end the sentence with a whisper ...
Trinity: That's not my business, now you're the leader ... whatever happened Out Of This my fingertips, I have no Guilt ...
Bach88: If Not For You ... Maybe ... We would be better - trying to soften
Trinity: Oh! - I realized at the touch of your Premención - Do not try to blame it on me, I just did what I had to do!
Bach88: And you had to do? Go? Evading Problems? Escape? Damaris ...
Trinidad: Trinidad! - Shout - My Name Is
Bach88 Trinidad: Trinidad, You Can not Escape Your Problems ... If you continue running them, you can never get rid of them, must be resolved ...
Trinidad: I have no reason to bear the problems of others, I ... I do not I have to blame for this ...
Bach88: You're right ... You're Not Dark Lady - lowering his voice - she had not answered so she had accepted ... challenge and seek a solution ... He always did, so the wanted ... But You ... Even if you Live Your Reflection ... No You She
Please, I was lecturing?
Trinidad: As Be ... - Stretching - Are Almost Sunrise, well because I need to rest But I get dark circles, here - Pointing - Again! - Slightly Smiling - Well Well I'm not Dark Lady, But I would feel very bad - a laugh - I sleep, Retire
Bach88: How You Say ... Miss - Sighing, Retires Salon, his words stuck in my head even After I had taken to Rest
"You're Not Dark Lady ... She would look for a solution ..." What the Bleep ... Get outta my head! I think I yelled ... Someone
Touch My Room, If I think I yelled ... "You are Trinidad Well "was someone who knew not
Trinidad: Siii! - I said without opening his eyes ... Then my partners had Invaded My Environment "Holaaa" I opened my eyes ... And A Shadow Before Me I watched very steadily - What the Bleep! Did not know how to respect another's privacy!
Andavo: Yo, Sorry - Exalted said something - I did not wake up, Yoyoyo ...
Trinity: That Matters ... Now You Want
Andavo: I Just Go popopo ...
Trinidad: You okay?
Andavo: I Just Listen spent here and yell ... I thought I was something wrong, I just wanted to help! - Said Just Like A Military Speaking Trinidad
Your Head: I see ... - Some Puzzled - Well ... - Unsure Of What I would say - I'm Good - Smiling - Let's nothing wrong ... - Do not Answer Me, He looked at me with eyes wide open - What to Expect ? ^
Andavo: How beautiful you are ... - As Zombie
Trinidad said: Ahh - I'm Maree - Because I never expected that ...
Andavo Answer: Your father is Oshadeo
Trinidad Truth: If
Andavo: Dark Lady Trinidad
Your Mother ... : Apparently ... Yes - I said

Then Mi Delirio began ...
Dark Lady: I \u200b\u200bLove You ... I Love You My Son ... - I said crying - is that I can have you with me ... I could kill you ... - Watch Rosa Child Complexion they brought in arms - I promise to come back for you ... - I kissed his face, Then I Give My Child to the stranger who promised to care ... - If you were to happen Something - I said Defiant - I'll come and be my slave for eternity ... got that!
The Brave Upload Now My Child tremble with fear, soon I signaled to go away And she did ... So I left permanently of that being that fills me with joy and was the reason of my living.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Stream Nadia Bjorlin Reach


This topic is multifaceted legal and therefore is a matter of exposure, especially if the judicial level , I can attest that there are a number of demands on Invalidity of Legal Act or reports of crimes of fraud or crimes against public faith, which is why I have been in dire need to share with my friends who visit my blog, some tips, they should have in mind when trying to sign all contracts and especially, in contracts of sale: 1 .- Always
recourse to a lawyer, to give an explanation specialized pros and cons, he notes in the contract that you intended to sign.
2 .- Remember, the fees for the review of contracts that you intend to sign, will always be lower than it would cost you pay for a trial.
3 .- For the validity of a contract, it will have to determine if there will really celebrate or if the parties try to sign it, have the legal capacity to engage in them, or that there are no provisions contrary to law or ensure compliance with the formalities established in law if it were the case, among others that explains his lawyer.
4 .- It is preferable to acquire immovable property registered in public records and confirm that they have no charges, such as liens, mortgages, etc., Since there is a possibility that may offer them at affordable prices for alleged incidents, then you could sorry.
5 .- It is preferable to obtain a certificate of RENIEC of the person seeking to sell a property, that is, not enough to see the ID of this individual could be faked.
6 .- It is preferable to immediately register the property that you acquire, you might be scammed, if the same asset is transferred to a third party and this Finally the first part you
Thus answering the question "PURCHASE CONTRACT OF SALE GUARANTEE MY RIGHT TO PROPERTY?, I would say it would have to meet certain legal requirements to be assured that my right to the property is safe, especially while Article 1362 of the Civil Code states that "contracts must be negotiated, concluded and enforced under the rules of good faith and common intention of the parties", the truth is, that judicial practice shows that each year there is a steady increase of the modalities of fraud, and so I decided to touch this issue at this time.
then invite him to watch the video below.





FONO: 4281618 CELULAR: 999853358

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Recovery Time For Laparotomy


pyramid schemes

Business Department made the presentation of the book pyramid schemes Authority Financial System Supervision (ASFI) by Elizabeth Paravicini GARCIA editor.
The event was held on Wednesday October 28 at 10:30 in the South Auditorium of the Faculty of Business and Social Sciences, Campus Tiquipaya

Cacao Sfruttamento Cote D'avoir


"Understanding CREDITS"
The Department of Business conducted the workshops prepared by the ASFI within the program of financial education. The event was held on Thursday 29 October at 10:30 in the South Auditorium of the Faculty of Business and Social Sciences, Campus Tiquipaya

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Sodium Bicarb For Athlete's Foot


Monday, October 26, 2009

Where Do Cookie Patches Gor For Brwonies

UNIVALLE COMPANY Call for "Economic Research for Conservation in the Tropical Andes del Sur "

"Economic Research for Conservation in the Tropical Andes del Sur"
Sponsored by: CSF and the MacArthur Foundation
Conservation Strategy Fund (CSF) invite researchers and analysts to propose applied research in the framework of Program Economics Building Skills to contribute to the conservation of the tropical Andes del Sur ", with financial support from the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur.
Under this program, CSF has developed a competitive fund for research fellowships for professionals working on issues related economic analysis with the environment .. Participants will receive professional CSF and its associated technical assistance and training in economic theory and economic analysis environment to increase their capacity to conduct applied economic research studies. ParticipantesEl
program is designed for young researchers with proven expertise in the Andes-Amazon region, mainly in southeastern Peru and northern Bolivia (likely to be considered good candidates from Ecuador and Colombia), who are interested in developing economic research topics environmental, conservation of biodiversity and natural resource management. The call is open to graduate students, professionals in the region, representatives of central, regional, NGOs and private sector interested in this topic.
be prioritized participation of professionals whose work is related to development projects and conservation of natural resources. It is required that participants have previous training in economics, master's degree desirable, strong analytical skills and excellent literacy skills in their native language. It is also essential to have good command of Excel, and statistical and econometric knowledge. Topics
priorizadosEl program prioritizes topics that economic analysis can contribute to solutions, positive policies and projects for the conservation and sustainable use of natural resources, so that investigations are applicable and influencing the decisions of actors linked to the projects.
The list of possible topics include, without being exhaustive or exclusive of other topics of interest to the proponents, the following: REDD and Climate Change

estimate the opportunity costs of avoided deforestation
is the best distribution mechanism maintain benefits? Costs of natural disasters
climate change, mitigation programs
Economic Analysis proposed road in natural environments
Protected Natural Areas (ANP) and extractive activities
Biodiversity and Conservation Environmental Services

ANP assessment studies

Watershed Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) of hydroelectric projects in the Peruvian Amazon Project
ACB hydropower in the Bolivian Amazon
analysis of small community renewable energy projects

Legal Standards Economic Analysis of the new forestry law in Peru
economic analysis of the impact of legal regulations and development of the Madeira River basin
Biodiesel - Oil
ACB production and use of biofuels
A set according to regional priorities and possible funding partner institutions
the best proposals will be funded to a total of 5,000, - dollars. This amount is intended for field work activities, analysis and data collection, does not include fees or equipment purchases.
proponents are expected to have support and resources from other sources to supplement that provides CSF. Thus, the proposals will be considered positively identify contributions from partners and institutions involved in research.
addition there will be a fund to publish the best research.
Follow-up technical support will be given by CSF team members and other experts in environmental economics, all with extensive field experience and a deep understanding of current conservation challenges. Application and deadlines
The program is designed with the aim to generate about eight investigations within 9 months of work on each survey, in the period January 2010 to March 2011.
should send to the November 8:
Application Form (online)
Research Proposal 5 pages (in the format suggested)
abbreviated CV maximum 2 pages
Between 23 and 27 November 2009 shall be notified of selection results.
Further information:
To apply fill out your application form , send your research proposal ( download format) and attach your CV summary and send to: proposals submitted will only be considered in full with the two annexes.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Ge Food Processor, 106622f

Entrepreneurs Business Policy and Practice Workshops

On Tuesday September 8, began the practice of entrepreneurs in the field of policy Business, the groups presented their food in a creative and bold.

This semester promises to be a gastronomic delight that will challenge our palates with delicious products that are designed to delight students and thus become successful entrepreneurs.

Each week will present a particular group, this week we are pleased to present to Hooters, U.S. franchise introduces the delicious hot wings, salsa that accompanied the original Hooters promises to be a different experience.

Luck guys!! Greetings and congratulations to the team Hooters.

Cool 16th Birthday Invitation Wording

25 and August 31 was carried out Workshop Practice and Choose " Business Department, which views the racing Commercial Engineering, Business Administration and International Trade.

More than 170 students from the best schools in Cochabamba, had the opportunity to be "Managers for a Day", organized a company with a business game, administer, manage, market and export a product, taking decisions in coordination with faculty guidance, thus leading to organizations like true leaders.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Velba Back In The Office


FEXPO While performing UNIVALLE 2009, businessman Samuel Doria Medina, Tiquipaya visited the campus for a tour of the fair and give a lecture on the efforts of enterprising students who attended the event.

Monday, August 31, 2009

What Kind Of Weave Did Tia Mowry

FEXPO Entrepreneurs Conference UNIVALLE 2009

The Department of Business UNIVALLE FEXPO traditionally organizes an academic fair which presents ideas, projects, enterprises, and practical applications of theoretical knowledge acquired by students of different races of the department.

Starting this year, FEXPO UNIVALLE grows and is generalized to the entire Faculty of Business, so that together, can carry out projects by mainstreaming research and synergy between the careers of the faculty.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

International Colouring System Chart

Full program day by day

Friday, August 14, 2009

Hairy Tongue And Metronidazole

design and photography: benetti looked

Friday, July 31, 2009

Travelocity Itemized Receipts

DO YOU GET ANY BENEFIT bring claims of domestic violence?

This issue of Family Law , due to the discomfort felt by dozens of victims of domestic violence with whom I could interview, which 90% were female and the remaining 10% were men, of which outlined that when a group attended the Police Station his district, just felt disturbed by the way they were questioned, due to some personal police, sometimes they hinted that it was the complainants who had provoked their attackers by certain gestures or acts, or whether they were safe to continue with police procedure, the reason that according to their experience in these procedures, these events almost always solved in the bedroom with their partners, that is, with their attackers, especially if there are children involved.
Similarly, another group of victims Family Violence, argued that it when attended directly to the Office of Joint Family or the District Attorney for the purpose of receiving your complaint you verbal, some staff working in these institutions Public Ministry, I had incapié, that only receive complaints of domestic violence in writing and not verbally and in any case better to abbreviate the process should attend the Police Station in his district, that is, certain employees of such entities, violated Article 9 of the Consolidated Text Sort of Law 26260 ie the Protection Law Against Family Violence whose article was further amended by Law 27306.
However, the bulk sector of the interviewees stated that at the Public Ministry or the Judiciary, Immediate Protective Measures for victims of family violence, they were only declarative or declaratory , ie because the perpetrator was removed from home, whether it was marital property and was also part owner of it and was using various legal actions to remain longer in it, and thus continued harassment of the victim, not materialized a temporary suspension of visitation, because if this occurred, the assailant left to pay child support of his children if he did voluntarily or conspired with family members to cause a reduction of alimony if there was already a food trial, and in extreme cases, they took their best sons by deception or by force, and could not denounce for the crime of kidnapping, but on the Attack Against Crime the Custodial, or established under Article 147 of the Peruvian Penal Code . That is, but there was a penalty or not the aggressor copy, immediate protective measures designed to guarantee the physical, mental and moral victims were or still are zero, except honorable exceptions.
In similar way, the victims interviewed argued that it was improper them to conduct a Conciliation her attacker, since for this, better have resorted to parish priests, pastor, psychologist, or good friends offender's own family to enter it on the grounds that only save her relationship or parental leave, with no physical or psychological violence, since if the state apparatus had attended, was to obtain a legal guardianship which should realize a penalty against their aggressors , in order that these never dared to physically or psychologically assaulting their victims. This coupled with the fact that they found it absurd that level Judiciary, the same fact family aggression, to be brought before a Magistrate's Court Counsel for Offences Against the Person or before a Criminal Court or Board of Crime Injuries and before a Family Court or Board, by family violence in the form of psychological violence, given that the caseload increases and repeat them very uncomfortable about the same in two different courts, especially if sometimes 2 court rulings that resolved their cases of physical and psychological aggression, did not managed to compensate damage suffered.
For all the above, and going to respond if DO YOU GET ANY BENEFIT bring claims of domestic violence?, Apparently the answer seems obvious, HOWEVER, despite the weaknesses and deficiencies in the Act itself Protection Against Family Violence my professional experience has made me to capitalize on multiple occasions to the law in question, since through this process can be obtained various tests, for example, to recognize relationships of coexistence and to stated the property being acquired, but which are only in the name of one of them, and as a basis to require separation of the assets in the future, also to certify the existence of unacknowledged children, and even get a pension of food without having to claim a filiation court or file a demand for food, or in some cases, to obtain the test that is required in a divorce for cause of violence or psychological Physicists, and so could go on listing more examples, hence the importance of having a lawyer specializing in the areas of Civil, Criminal and Family, In order for a legal case is viewed from different edges legal.
So my answer would be, if it makes sense to make such complaint, but preferably should be sure to have the assistance of a lawyer and not as individuals, because it would waste time and money, especially if not all public servants or officials will give a bad deal to him and that also exists the possibility that your attacker will not be persuaded to follow combiene assaulting his victim because he could lose not only goods if any, but even their own freedom, if they meet appropriate tests to denounce a crime in the penalty area and also the saying not matter if it lasts a hundred years, or body that resists .
28595 CAL
OFFICE 218 338 JIRON ICA near Lima.
FONO: 4281618 CELULAR: 999853358

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Cold Sore In 8 Months Old Baby


At the request of a group of friends and supporters, this time, I proceed to discuss a topic of Criminal Law, which in recent weeks has attracted the interest of thousands of Peruvians and especially those involved in the national entertainment, I mean first, the MURDER OR MURDER , the deceased singer ALICIA DELGADO HILARIO vernacular , and on which were woven homidicio dozens of police and fictional scenarios, likely to have headlines in the mass media, and are gradually fading, HOWEVER, the Forensic Expertise and the sentiments of those investigated and / or processed, are only conclude that this is first degree murder which has exisit least PROFITS ferocity and not just by the way of their commission, but also by the economic motive, or offense under Article 108 of our Penal Code, punishable by a Custodial Sentence not less than 15 years, however, supplementing this rule referred to in Article 29 of the Criminal Code, for maximum custodial penalty applied, would be 35 years since the Good Legal is protected Life.
A similar Homidicio is the murder Stylist GONZALES MARCO ANTONIO GALLEGO, where again we have employed cruelty in the commission of tort, by torture used and is also credited with the economic motive after the confession of its perpetrator.
In this sense, it is for legal defense of accused PETER CASEY MAMANCHURA ANTUNEZ, Abencio MEZA LUNA AND JORGE LUIS PONCE Glennie, develop the legal strategy to follow, to be applied Minimum Custodial Sentence, below the minimum or the absolution of their respective sponsored, so the under dubio PRO REO , under Article 139, paragraph 11 of the Constitution of 1993 or other procedural principles of criminal law, which includes our legislation, especially if the Article 24 Paragraph 2 Subparagraph E of our Constitution, refers that "Every person is considered innocent until it has been judicially declared its responsibility" , which is usually neglected by a large percentage of our society, given that almost always considered guilty of the alleged sosprechoso of a police investigation, ignoring the legal provision mentioned, and even, in some cases, this reasoning involves sometimes Operators of Justice, that open with criminal arrest warrant, without a solid legal foundation, which as lawyers we absolution from our sponsors , there is no money to repay the achieve MORAL DAMAGE caused in people who were unjustly held in a Penitenciairo , not having been complied with its presumption of innocence.
On the other hand, answering the question of whether new upcoming Will killings or other crimes against the characters of the Peruvian celebrity? Unfortunately say yes, perhaps, not short term but medium term, given that the press helped to know even more than many characters in the national entertainment, moving thousands of new soles per month, swelling their heritage with art or craft that play, because this has been appreciated in the media that aired the killings for purposes of example in this commentary, HOWEVER, I think the CENTRAL GOVERNMENT, has contributed indirectly to the commission of these crimes, so For example, say that enough to know the name of you to explore the Internet, if you have a number of RUC so I could know your ID number and also a street address or tax that has entered in it and likewise, might inquire if you have a fixed telephone number name , and knowing its ID number, at least they know their polling station in this upcoming election and before the RENIEC , you get to know the address recorded in it and would appreciate your picture , but if you dig a little deeper, it could obtained from Public Records or SUNARP , if you have or not vehicles or real estate registered in your name, and likewise, if you know it civilly married in the relevant entity, could get your Marriage Item and even Birth their children because ALL THIS INFORMATION IS PUBLIC and therefore anybody else could get the , hence the importance that the State should take the case forecast which so far are minimal, to avoid or reduce the commission of crimes SCAMS, stealing, kidnapping, murder, ETC.
Finally, consider a form of degression Family Violence and / or in our country Delictual is that PERSON TO ASSUME THEIR FULL ROLE YOUR SON, BROTHER, NEIGHBOR, FRIEND, LOVER, partner, spouse, parent, MAESTRO COMMUNITY SOCIAL, POLICE, PROSECUTOR, JUDGE, CONGRESSMAN, RULER, ETC., ETC, ETC.
28595 CAL
JR. Of 338 ICA. 218 Cercado de Lima
FONO: 4281618 CELULAR: 999853358

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Quickvue Pregnancy Test Positive


judicial practice, unfortunately, is pointing out a number of years, that some tenants are only concerned with raising money to pay the first conductive mercy and to leave as security, payment of 1 or 2 months lease, thus encouraging many homeowners to access they lease their premises, land, apartments or houses , believing the latter, which held that a legal act, I mean having an extra monthly income to cover some needs personal, HOWEVER, with the passing of days or months, some Tenants say they have made the business of the year because no matter if they occupy buildings in the populous districts or so-called A1 residences, the truth is that these few tenants, often tell some owners or landlords that have elapsed while 2 months and 15 days unpaid , you can not evict for nonpayment also, if I have a warranty of 02 months because the rent is not charged there, especially if I am currently going through a difficult economic situation.
ie, put serious strain on many homeowners and renters and that is why, in some districts not populous, is appreciating, that some property owners, demand that the tenant is a natural person or legal entity, have an endorsement that has vehicles or property free of liens or attachments, or provide guarantees in gold jewelry, but the vast majority of owners not wanting or not to rely on the advice of an attorney , sometimes forget not to extend the lease receipts issued by the formats of the National Bank, which could be helpful , or even write their own letters of attorney , believing it is simple and is not required to state specific legal provisions in force, hence, often, instead of arriving in good port drift is . As
consists of many litigants, currently in most civil litigation matter, is a prerequisite, to engage an Extrajudicial Settlement Center free or paid, which in most cases is lacking in a malicious way the called or whether that condition, wants to impose its conditions for not reconcile, and hence this legal institution, almost always harms the person concerned, either economically or because further expands the discomfort of the person concerned to delay the judicial process and where you have to even deal with the caseload called, and if the subject or victim, in this case, the owner of the leased asset, faced with a disabled or sporadically Attorney litigates and loses its process, then, is almost certain to renege on all the lawyers, because improperly equate .
Hence the importance of legal advice from a registered lawyer, Enabled, and Specialized has been spent on the case of uninterrupted and above all, treats in his office and not the house you or only cited in local courts, because it could be a victim of scam .
While the above considerations, in order to prevent disaster and to answer the question asked, I inform stakeholders, yes, indeed our civil procedural legislation provides for the possibility of suing the eviction before the lease vencimiemiento , executing the sentence only after the contract expired, which, you could save time and money, and even you could start the process from the day after signing the lease, but always with the assistance of a lawyer of his choice and following the recommendations listed above.
28595 CAL
JIRON ICA OFFICE 338 218 Cercado de Lima

Sunday, June 14, 2009

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"should be decriminalized SENTIMENTAL ABORTION IN PERU?

A legal issue that remains controversial in Peru and in many parts of our world or the world, however, before giving my point of view I consider that I am obliged to mention, for example, that the offense is established or intended, in Article 120 of our Penal Code, it has a maximum penalty of 3 months of deprivation of liberty and occurs as a result of having an act of rape or sexual intercourse outside of marriage or suffer as a result of non-consensual artificial insemination, but had been reported or investigated, at least policed. However, we also consider it necessary to mention that Articles 80 and 83 of our Criminal Code, refer to the punitive or disciplinary apparatus of the state, require that the National Police of Peru, the prosecution and the judiciary should act with speed, in order to arrive at a judicial conviction with res judicata, the maximum period of 4 months and 15 days, if not successful the first opportunity, otherwise, prescribes the prosecution for the offense.
From the above, we can now infer or deduce, because in Peru there is a high rate of unsafe abortions each year, especially if they have proliferated in the cones of the city and the center of Lima, known as centers of being late, menstrual regulation, many of them would actually illegal abortion facilities, as well as point out multiple news reports we read in newspapers and magazines , heard on the radio or visualized in the Peruvian television news.
other hand, I also believe we should bear in mind that although Article 2 paragraph 1 of our 1993 Peruvian Constitution alludes that "everyone has the right to life and the unborn child is a subject of law in every respect favors ", it is also true that the same legal device, referred to " all person is entitled to his moral, mental and physical and free development and welfare ". That is, every woman was entitled to not be broken emotional stability, to accept the imposition of assuming the status of motherhood with coming of a new being, if she voluntarily participated in the planning to give birth to a new being, whether or not to love and therefore also consider asisitiría the right to choose freely whether to be born or not that living she carries in her womb as a result of an act of rape or nonconsensual artificial insemination, HOWEVER, the prevalence of the legal rights to protect the Peruvian government is the right to life, and is the reason why the state punishes the criminal act and therefore believe that it would nullify the penalty, if establishing a new order that legitimizes government to extend the death penalty to various criminal activities, as this would pave the way for the criminalization of abortion is not sentimental.
Similarly, one must remember that this criminal issue, has strongly opposed by religious congregations and solid human rights defenders, who take refuge in ethical and moral, ideological conflict going on, primarily with women's groups and youth groups called defenders of my free will.
answer the question "should decriminalize abortion in Peru sentimental? I have to say, first, that the criminal act, as embodied in our current Penal Code, deserves a serious assessment that may lead to greater penalty, or failing that, to its decriminalization; for it, would have to do meet the national population, Stats tables reflect the number of cases actually punished for the crime under review.
Finally, I would say that I still think that the Right to Life, is really the best gift you have given us our mother with care and love of our father, and that is why, they remember women who have become pregnant as a result of a heinous act such as rape or non-consensual artificial insemination, that before making the decision to abort or not, remember the old saying "each time the night is darker is because it is closer, a new dawn" , ie maybe your unwanted pregnancy, not something that truncate your goals in life, but only a challenge it puts life in your way, and only correspond to you, if you take that challenge or not .
PHONE: 428-1618 CELL. 999-853358

Saturday, May 23, 2009

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"DESERVE TO RETURN TO THE CONGRESS Bicameral parliamentary?

In principle, Article 31 of our political charter of 1993 recognized that "citizens have the right to be elected and to elect freely their representatives" in this sense, the unicameral Congress of the Republic of Peru, could be cut to the right of a section of citizens, referring not feel fairly represented, having been deprived of their right to freely elect their political representatives. Yet another sector citizens, could be argued that the 120 MPs are sufficient to legislate and discuss the standards that should govern political fortunes, economic, social, etc., of all Peruvians, especially if these congressmen have advisers, political supporters and relatives These may well contribute to its work as a congressman, efficient and productive and is unable to be mediocre and useless.
Some proponents of the unicameral Congress, outlined that the issue of standards in support of the majority, it becomes more diligent, is a saving in the national treasury coffers and allow the electorate to make a better selection of persons to be sit our Congress, however, as they say many people, they forget those advocates those sayings or proverbs that say, "no matter how early is early dawn," what you pay "or" faces we see hearts do not know. "
Some proponents of the bicameral Congress outlined the existence of a Sendadores House and House of Representatives, invited to the parliament, to further reflection and efficiency in issuing the rules, their existence is more representative of the people and not be manipulated by the executive branch, however, as they say many people, they forget the human rights defenders also those sayings or proverbs that say, "from words to Indeed, there is a long way, "" The devil knows more old than the devil "or" once you castrate the cat. "
the foregoing, from my point of view, the single or dual chamber of Congress of Peru should be on one side, depending not on the number of its members, but the capacity, efficiency, responsibility and morality of its members and on the other hand, its utility and the budget that requires the formation and maintenance in time. That is, the Congress of Peru, may be unicameral, with 300 congressmen or could be bicameral, with 80 deputies and 40 senators but in neither case would make sense to their existence, if performance is poor who comprise it, depressing and humiliating for the vast majority of Peruvians.
is why it only true that a large number of Peruvians, believes that for some reason entered the political career and public functions or the like, and do not wish to discard it for the economic amenities that it offers its members, for this reason is that from my point of view, I think that still plays a major responsibility in the Peruvian electorate that often a section of the saying goes, I do not care who governs us, I only solvent I needs, forgetting that all Peruvians are a big family and the indifference of some, is not progress of many, and why, in answering the question Do we deserve to return to Congress Bicameral Parliamentary? would have to say that now I prefer to maintain the unicameral our Congress, and hopefully ultimately unsuccessful in increasing the number of its members, hence the importance of citizenship to rule exercising their freedom of opinion and expression. LAW FIRM VALERIANO


PHONE: 428-1618 CELL: 999-853358 lawyer

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

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My status litigator for over 10 years and after reviewing various statistics of a family, have allowed me to infer that exist in Peru, thousands of women at 16 years old, are already mothers, some single, others unmarried cohabitants and few at that age, and also, I have gathered, that in 2009 there are some thousands of women in Peru, which at 35 years of age, are grandmothers, and I mean all of them with eagerness stigmatizing, but in order to highlight some aspects that are rarely addressed by different professionals, be they lawyers, psychologists, psiconalistas, teachers, etc., in the media, radio, television and internet and secondly, to invite them all not to hide their status, precisely because of them being transparent, objective and resolute stand out more easily know the different situations or problems arising in day to day and why traverse thousands of women who are currently filing a judicial process to obtain maintenance, so for example, I may mention, that single mothers at an early age, no action for the collection of maintenance payments, because many of their parents believe that the pregnant individual who is not worthy of his daughters, either because that individual is also less than 18 years and has no trade or profit, or because the adult love has other children and is a casual worker and therefore the court will be set tiny, in that sense, not worth spending money on court proceedings, also in If the mother is married and be it minor or not, it could be that your current partner as psychologically abused women for their misfortune does not have a trade or profession, becomes dependent on the man and almost always his no excuse for legal action against the father of her children, despite the occasional individual pays an amount of money to support his offspring is that if I claim my children may be left without a father or that people think of me if I see one, I know little by little he will change, and then it will be a happy family, and something similar happens when the father of her children is her former partner, in these cases, Some women report, I have to have sexual intimacy with the father of my children, but not going to give money for birthdays, prom, quinceanera or any other activity on behalf of their children, but for some married, sometimes not promote a food trial, for fear of generating the divorce, but anyway, that if they dare to start the food court, and if they have some financial resources, look to the lawyer, and if partners contained in the employer's payroll, they feel that the judicial process is simple, but if the father of their children work independently, they find the process somewhat cumbersome and costly, because they often have to go even to the criminal court for crimes of omission family support for return on investments and new receive a monthly alimony, and in other cases, only recover a portion, but if driven by a child support using public defenders or free clinics, many women report that would have been better to hire a private attorney, not to be the ones who bring the papers to the court which is handling his judgments, or because to go to court to find and proceed with their lawsuits and not spend many passages allowed to work on something, and if the father of their children work independently, often leaving their trials, for the little utility that sometimes find it in certain instances, THAT IS WHY, which asked the question Is it worthwhile to initiate and complete trials for food?, from my point of view, is yes, because regardless of the outcome of the judicial process, the Peruvian Constitution of 1993 states that it is the duty and right of parents to feed educate and provide security for their children, hence, that no action against the father of her children to get maintenance in favor of them, is violating the rights of their own offspring, no matter the reasons that you believe or you refer your family or friends is more, failure to act against them, is somewhat different men an incentive for more women to be pregnant, since it does not receive even a civil penalty or their irresponsible criminal act, and because also the fact that the moment has no money to pay for child support, or you pay an amount less than that set out in above, this does not mean that at a later time you did not able to collect the debt, given that food trials, there are called accrued, that is, the amount of money owed by the defendant from the date of notification of claim on, any time, for example, paternal grandfather their children may die and leave some assets that correspond to the father of her child and you through his attorney, may seize such property Solitar satisfy the requirements of law, or that his former partner to have a new couple decides to buy some property without invoices or late register a property in his name and therefore may also be liable to seizure, or even stop work independently and decides to formalize and create a micro enterprise or simply log in to work on spreadsheets, ie There are many possibilities that can raise events that allow you to collect child support owed, of course, if you have a sentence of food, which if not will be able to do is tell the judge, like 10 years ago I passed the support of my children, to bring food demand to pay me 10 to delinquent dren and now I pay a sum of money sufficient for the maintenance allowance of my children, that is, you should see the judicial process food, such as opening a savings account, which can sometimes have few resources, sometimes it can be empty but at some point may be quite full, and that also the made to start something, means to pursue its course to reach its conclusion, but you never know what would be the end result and almost always regret not having taken a step further.



FONO: 4281618 CELULAR: 999853358