Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Cold Sore In 8 Months Old Baby


At the request of a group of friends and supporters, this time, I proceed to discuss a topic of Criminal Law, which in recent weeks has attracted the interest of thousands of Peruvians and especially those involved in the national entertainment, I mean first, the MURDER OR MURDER , the deceased singer ALICIA DELGADO HILARIO vernacular , and on which were woven homidicio dozens of police and fictional scenarios, likely to have headlines in the mass media, and are gradually fading, HOWEVER, the Forensic Expertise and the sentiments of those investigated and / or processed, are only conclude that this is first degree murder which has exisit least PROFITS ferocity and not just by the way of their commission, but also by the economic motive, or offense under Article 108 of our Penal Code, punishable by a Custodial Sentence not less than 15 years, however, supplementing this rule referred to in Article 29 of the Criminal Code, for maximum custodial penalty applied, would be 35 years since the Good Legal is protected Life.
A similar Homidicio is the murder Stylist GONZALES MARCO ANTONIO GALLEGO, where again we have employed cruelty in the commission of tort, by torture used and is also credited with the economic motive after the confession of its perpetrator.
In this sense, it is for legal defense of accused PETER CASEY MAMANCHURA ANTUNEZ, Abencio MEZA LUNA AND JORGE LUIS PONCE Glennie, develop the legal strategy to follow, to be applied Minimum Custodial Sentence, below the minimum or the absolution of their respective sponsored, so the under dubio PRO REO , under Article 139, paragraph 11 of the Constitution of 1993 or other procedural principles of criminal law, which includes our legislation, especially if the Article 24 Paragraph 2 Subparagraph E of our Constitution, refers that "Every person is considered innocent until it has been judicially declared its responsibility" , which is usually neglected by a large percentage of our society, given that almost always considered guilty of the alleged sosprechoso of a police investigation, ignoring the legal provision mentioned, and even, in some cases, this reasoning involves sometimes Operators of Justice, that open with criminal arrest warrant, without a solid legal foundation, which as lawyers we absolution from our sponsors , there is no money to repay the achieve MORAL DAMAGE caused in people who were unjustly held in a Penitenciairo , not having been complied with its presumption of innocence.
On the other hand, answering the question of whether new upcoming Will killings or other crimes against the characters of the Peruvian celebrity? Unfortunately say yes, perhaps, not short term but medium term, given that the press helped to know even more than many characters in the national entertainment, moving thousands of new soles per month, swelling their heritage with art or craft that play, because this has been appreciated in the media that aired the killings for purposes of example in this commentary, HOWEVER, I think the CENTRAL GOVERNMENT, has contributed indirectly to the commission of these crimes, so For example, say that enough to know the name of you to explore the Internet, if you have a number of RUC so I could know your ID number and also a street address or tax that has entered in it and likewise, might inquire if you have a fixed telephone number name , and knowing its ID number, at least they know their polling station in this upcoming election and before the RENIEC , you get to know the address recorded in it and would appreciate your picture , but if you dig a little deeper, it could obtained from Public Records or SUNARP , if you have or not vehicles or real estate registered in your name, and likewise, if you know it civilly married in the relevant entity, could get your Marriage Item and even Birth their children because ALL THIS INFORMATION IS PUBLIC and therefore anybody else could get the , hence the importance that the State should take the case forecast which so far are minimal, to avoid or reduce the commission of crimes SCAMS, stealing, kidnapping, murder, ETC.
Finally, consider a form of degression Family Violence and / or in our country Delictual is that PERSON TO ASSUME THEIR FULL ROLE YOUR SON, BROTHER, NEIGHBOR, FRIEND, LOVER, partner, spouse, parent, MAESTRO COMMUNITY SOCIAL, POLICE, PROSECUTOR, JUDGE, CONGRESSMAN, RULER, ETC., ETC, ETC.
28595 CAL
JR. Of 338 ICA. 218 Cercado de Lima
FONO: 4281618 CELULAR: 999853358


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