Saturday, May 23, 2009

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"DESERVE TO RETURN TO THE CONGRESS Bicameral parliamentary?

In principle, Article 31 of our political charter of 1993 recognized that "citizens have the right to be elected and to elect freely their representatives" in this sense, the unicameral Congress of the Republic of Peru, could be cut to the right of a section of citizens, referring not feel fairly represented, having been deprived of their right to freely elect their political representatives. Yet another sector citizens, could be argued that the 120 MPs are sufficient to legislate and discuss the standards that should govern political fortunes, economic, social, etc., of all Peruvians, especially if these congressmen have advisers, political supporters and relatives These may well contribute to its work as a congressman, efficient and productive and is unable to be mediocre and useless.
Some proponents of the unicameral Congress, outlined that the issue of standards in support of the majority, it becomes more diligent, is a saving in the national treasury coffers and allow the electorate to make a better selection of persons to be sit our Congress, however, as they say many people, they forget those advocates those sayings or proverbs that say, "no matter how early is early dawn," what you pay "or" faces we see hearts do not know. "
Some proponents of the bicameral Congress outlined the existence of a Sendadores House and House of Representatives, invited to the parliament, to further reflection and efficiency in issuing the rules, their existence is more representative of the people and not be manipulated by the executive branch, however, as they say many people, they forget the human rights defenders also those sayings or proverbs that say, "from words to Indeed, there is a long way, "" The devil knows more old than the devil "or" once you castrate the cat. "
the foregoing, from my point of view, the single or dual chamber of Congress of Peru should be on one side, depending not on the number of its members, but the capacity, efficiency, responsibility and morality of its members and on the other hand, its utility and the budget that requires the formation and maintenance in time. That is, the Congress of Peru, may be unicameral, with 300 congressmen or could be bicameral, with 80 deputies and 40 senators but in neither case would make sense to their existence, if performance is poor who comprise it, depressing and humiliating for the vast majority of Peruvians.
is why it only true that a large number of Peruvians, believes that for some reason entered the political career and public functions or the like, and do not wish to discard it for the economic amenities that it offers its members, for this reason is that from my point of view, I think that still plays a major responsibility in the Peruvian electorate that often a section of the saying goes, I do not care who governs us, I only solvent I needs, forgetting that all Peruvians are a big family and the indifference of some, is not progress of many, and why, in answering the question Do we deserve to return to Congress Bicameral Parliamentary? would have to say that now I prefer to maintain the unicameral our Congress, and hopefully ultimately unsuccessful in increasing the number of its members, hence the importance of citizenship to rule exercising their freedom of opinion and expression. LAW FIRM VALERIANO


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