Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Is Atlantis All Inclusive On Water Parks


By Ana Delina Rosario

Mao. It began with great success last Friday March 25th course and workshop on "Human Relations and Customer Service", which is being coordinated by the Attorney Attorney in conjunction with the INFOTEC Valverde, conducted in two batches, in 2 hours to 5 pm in the courtroom of the District Land Tribunal Judicial de Valverde. The last day will be next Friday April 1st. This workshop is being taught by Ms. Yaquelin Toribio, who has a degree in Education and has several academic fields in self-esteem, human relations and customer service among others, is Instructor in the North INFOTEC. They are receiving training The Public Prosecutor, Mr. Germain Diaz Bonilla, the Deputy Prosecutors, Audit and Administrative Staff of the Office of Valverde, the Coroner also Víctor Ureña, the Judge of the Civil, Commercial and Labour Dr. Happy Estevez Director of the Department of Public Advocacy Valverde. Ms. Mary Smith, Manager of the Palace of Justice Mr. Martin Tremols, besides the representation of certain employees of the different cameras that make up the Palace of Justice in Valverde. This first day was very dynamic development and interaction among participants, with this important activity is the continuous Valverde Tax Attorney the education and prevention program to develop throughout 2011.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Hawaiian Tranlation Of Phrases


Valverde prosecutor charged yesterday that the Police and the National Directorate for Drug Control (DNCD), in Mao, imprison citizens without court order and the presence of Public Prosecutions for extortion. The lawyer Germain Diaz Bonilla said that in the irregular action, instructed his staff in the sense to refrain from dispatching people to be imprisoned during operations or raids. " In a communication, a copy of which was sent El Nacional, said: "This illegal and abusive practice lends itself to abuse and blackmail to the humble citizens who are detained without committing any violation of law, without informing the public prosecutor." He said he was informed of the situation in communications to the Attorney General Radhames Jimenez Pena, chiefs of police, Major General Jose Armando Polanco Gómez, and the DNCD, Maj. Gen. Rolando Rosado, for that halt the action that is done in Mao. He also sent the letter to the lawyer Vielka Calderón, Solicitor of the Court of Appeal, the police chief in the Northwest, Fernando Ogando De Oleo, and as to those responsible for criminal investigations of this institution in Mao, Colonel Castellanos and Inspector Martínez Báez, the DNCD.

Perriodico Taken from "The National"

Saturday, March 19, 2011

The Football Cleats For Offensive Lineman


By Ana Delina Rosario
MAO: The Public Ministry of Valverde in achieving convictions this week for several suspects involved in various criminal offenses including: aggravated robbery, homicide, murder, drug trafficking, among other criminal activities. One of the notable cases was the horrific incident in Hope where appointed: Ramón Alberto Ciriaco Almengo (A) Mon, Franklin Martinez Vargas (A) Can, and Humberto Bautista Matthew (A) the Lame, along with one more than was killed while facing shots with police. These thugs outraged and sullied the dignity of the young Ana Mercedes Rodriguez, which was accompanied by her boyfriend Edinson Eduardo Ortega, who after stripping him of his moped him to death, while the girl took to bushes to rape her, failing to achieve its purpose. The Public Ministry and useful to provide sufficient evidence to prove the guilt of the accused. In addition to accurate and eye witness the victim also Ana Rodriguez. Valverde Collegiate Court presided by Judge Josefina del Orbe, condemned 30, 20 and 20 years respectively to the perpetrators of this incident fact, understanding that the Province Tax Attorney Valverde, had proved the guilt of the accused, proving precisely the charge brought. Also appointed were convicted Corcoran VENTURA DE JESUS \u200b\u200bHUMBERTO accused of beating and wounding, aggravated robbery and injury of Dorville FRANCISCO AND DONATIONS Sandrak, a Haitian. In that order the defendants were convicted TAVAREZ VICTOR MANUEL RODRIGUEZ (A) THE CHICKEN AND FERNANDO BATISTA DEVORA on charges of aggravated murder and conspiracy against José Manuel Mercado Guzmán. Another sentence was imposed on Raulin appointed Bernard and Rosa Franklin Fondeur, for violation of Law 50-88 (drug and controlled substances). These Peace Convictions filled to the families of the victims in these alarming incidents of crime and peace to all of society, leaving it clear that anyone who tries to damage, tarnishing and barbarism transgress the law, will meet face to face with the Ministry public is unwilling to leave without reward to anyone who wants to undermine human dignity and abuse against the precious treasure that is life. 150 years' rigorous imprisonment distributed among the aforesaid Criminals are called on to HALT TO VIOLENCE AND A COMMITMENT TO THE PROPER APPLICATION OF JUSTICE IN THE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

How To Stop A Nervouse Stomach


MAO .- The Judge of the Judicial District Instructional Valverde, freed the Incarnation and appointed Andrew Theophilus Toribio Silverio accused of operating a clandestine consulate in the Borough Guayacanes Crossing, a town of Laguna Salada, Valverde province, the public prosecutor accused of violating Articles 265, 266, 405, 379, and 386 Penal Code and Articles 2, 5, 6, and 7 letter C), D) and H paragraph I and II of the Act 137.03 trafficked persons. The extent of release of the defendants is contained in Resolution No. 43 as of Enforcement, dated March first year. It is recalled that last November last year, the Office of Valverde dismantled a clandestine consulate occupy hundreds of passports, swindling more than two hundred people, charging large sums of money to travel to Spain. The resolution that released the suspects set the variation of the coercive measure was in custody for bail a million dollars through an insurance company is prevented from leaving the country and regular reporting every 15 days before the public ministry for a period of six months. The defendants are from Higuey and Santiago. Who posed as journalists and members of the Univision English Cooperation Agency.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Funny Award Ideas For Sororities

Trained interviewers

If garbage in, garbage out, is a phrase used in computing. It applies to market research and other forms of data collection. The interviewer's job is critical. Is responsible for conducting the interview. This is the application of questionnaires, asking questions, listen and record the responses of those interviewed. The interviewer or respondents (or she) is highly dependent on the information collected is reliable, complete and high quality. Instruments

To collect existing data on a defined subject, the investigator is aided tools (Data-Collection Tools). For each investigation is required different types of data collection instruments.

When selecting data collection tools, we can choose different existing techniques in research. Choosing to each other depend on the specific characteristics of our work. Are three methods of data collection: 1. Observation 2. Measurement 3.
The observation method is to analyze behaviors, interactions, elements that exist in a given situation, to draw conclusions about what is happening.

The method of measurement includes those procedures that compare with respect to a standard. Questionnaire

The method of question or survey. This method - in its various forms - is commonly used in market research. Can be included under the label of "guest" to those instruments that obtain information by verbal questions (oral or written) to the subjects surveyed.

The questionnaire is the instrument developed to collect the necessary information. It is the document containing the questions that a survey should be undertaken to and interviewed and in which there is a specific space for recording the answers given by the respondent. The questionnaire can be expressed in half physical (paper) or in an electronic medium (eg computer or PDA).

train to get good results

The development of an interview requires considerable skill from the interviewer as the aim is to gather information required to fully and objectively, in a lot of respect, wisdom and warmth.

Largely successful marketing research depends on the selection and training of interviewers or pollsters. Depending on the level of education of the interviewers, training will be of varying intensity and extent.

A training program for interviewers should have two main objectives: (a) training to develop the specific task and (b) provide the attitude and motivation. TENTATIVE AGENDA FOR

training of interviewers
Introduction 2.
Basic Definitions 2.1. What is a poll?
2.2. What is a sample?
2.3. Interview
2.4. Pollster
2.5. Respondent
2.6. Questionnaire
2.7. Supervisor
3. Roles and responsibilities of the interviewer
3.1. Roles and responsibilities
3.2. Interviewer Materials
4. Ethical considerations
5. Procedure for the interview
5.1. Motivators and inhibitors
5.2. Key aspects to consider when conducting an interview
6. Relationship with supervisor
6.1. Receipt and delivery of materials
7. Interviewer prohibitions
8. User quizzes


Distance Training can be at a distance using technologies such as Web conferencing, "Adobe Acrobat Connect Pro Web" or Webex. I have used both and I have had excellent results. Programs such as Web (SAAS or On Demand) only requires an Internet connection.

is recommended that participants are in a comfortable room with a video projector and some speakers connected to the PC. In this way the participants see the PowerPoint slides on a screen, and listen to the speaker as if he were present. Even they can see and interact with him, asking questions or comments. Someone must be responsible in coordinating the presentation room, the PC control, projection and connection.

A training as directed, may occur in 5 1 hour sessions on different days. This to get incubation of learning, giving participants time to read the instruction manual and answer the questionnaires are

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Korean Movie Cheaters Free


With the aim of contributing to the health of elderly and disabled people was launched by the Foundation for the Development of Persons with Disabilities, a program of free medical consultations and Donation medicines in the municipality of Mao. Dr. Carlos Manuel Cabral gynecologist, will meet every Tuesday at the premises of the Foundation from 8.00 to 12.00 AM for persons who require medical care and free medicine. Mr. Germain Diaz Bonilla Express Foundation President to broaden the agenda of medical consultations and free medicine to encourage people on low incomes and who suffer from some form of disability. The Foundation is local street corner Gregorio San Antonio Aracena, the city of Mao, Valverde Province, Dominican Republic.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Nerf Gun Birthday Party Cakes


By Ana Delina Rosario
La Jornada successfully started last Thursday March 3 at the Lyceum secondary Caya, with the assistance of parents and friends of this school, as well as students of the same, the talk was given by Judge Nurys Espinal , Audit of the Municipality of Mao. In this talk the prosecution of the Valverde Province opens the Big Day which will run throughout the month by the High Schools and Parishes of the Province of Valverde. These activities are being conducted with the aim of educating people about the consequences of domestic violence, the damage caused to families and to society. With the same the Prosecution of Valverde wants to provide tools to prevent violence, and to publicize the laws and penalties apply for those who commit acts of violence against women and gender violence, telling the recipients of the Day where to go when you're a victim of this serious social ill such as violence in every sense of the word, besides occasion of celebrating this month on March 8 "International Women's Day," who in most of the time is most affected in the home and reflects the other members that make up its environment. This conference "Facing against Domestic Violence" is the 3rd consecutive year that the Tax Office Valverde led by Mr. German owner Díaz Bonilla with the prosecutorial team that region in coordination with other public and private institutions made, in order to maintain an educational and preventive contact with society and make a call to prevent violence using the tools in place.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

How To Care For Avocado Trees


By Rafael Pujols

Mao. The "School Lunch" Mao Incorporated Rotary Club, was restarted about 50 children benefiting from school Yerba de Guinea sector in this city, whose action of these leaders comes at time when they were suspended in all public schools in the Project School Breakfast. The committee is headed that program Juana Muñoz, as president, and Manuel Peralta, Victor and Teresa Peña Peralta (spoon), who on this occasion took the students of that school bread, spaghetti and orange juice. The president of the service organization, Juana Muñoz Peña, said it is a concern of the club, so many children in the municipality of Mao have to go to school with nothing in your stomach, because it said, to proceed with great Most poor families do not have the resources to give them breakfast or bread with chocolate. "Without breakfast can not be educated as the times warrant it, because as children learn on an empty stomach, almost glued to his back "he said. Juana Muñoz Peña said that getting a good education for the child, the child or adolescent needs to eat well, plus it allows them to add vitamins and minerals for health, and above all, avoid disease. While Manuel Peralta Disla, secretary and member of the Club that runs the program "School Meals, said that entity can not be indifferent to the problems affecting children in the Municipality of Mao, and even, as noted, other neighboring communities. He said that is why I always Mao Rotary Club, Incorporated, remain engaged in activities which bring together some resources which then, according to his statement, they dedicate a particular cause, especially children and the elderly. Reiterated in that connection, that is why we are still working to help nursing home and some schools, such as Graciano de los Santos Gate sector, the Noroestana in Canada de Piedra, and Education Center Tierra Seca. Held in the same order as those private schools in the municipality of Mao, including others in the province, the service entity donates each year thousands of pets, pencils, backpacks and other matters that relate to the education and training specifically for infants. For his part, the director of the School of Yerba de Guinea, Digna Mercedes Criminal Mao thanked the Rotary Club Incorporated and its "School Lunch" for taking into account that campus to benefit students in this day beginning a new era for education in this town and other towns in the country.