Friday, March 12, 2010

Bus Schedule For Pala

Dark Vampire [Chapter 34] Part I

Dark Vampire

all started when I was very young, was only 8 years old my father died, Then My Sister, Adrenaline I came under the tutelage of my aunt and younger sister of My Father Valkyria, Valkyria was very good to us, we always attended but had Valkyria A child care more than his life, that child looked like a ghost, was named Eduardo, Valkyria We had been told not We approached him from it was dangerous, believe it , With the face I had because I was more afraid of That Which Valkyria what she told me, that a vampire had given to him she takes care ... for many years without believing what she said and terrified by that child always wanted to be his Friend, Yet had no one to Play More and wanted a friend, but when I came to him was always aggressive and I hurt a lot, the inhabitants always looked baffled Valkyria for caring, for some reason Eduardo was the same age as me, Things that terrified me much because it happened we were very Similar, except that he was a little paler than I ... But Then What We Nearly Everything By seemeth, the tone of voice, Hair Color Size, The Build ... Almost all, he was pale as if he had blood and his eyes glowed in the dark. Adrenalina
My Sister went to study at a college far away, so we were only Eduardo Valkyria And I never had Valkyria husband or children, in the town Everyone thought Edward was the son of Valkyria Why appeared out of nowhere and no male He wanted to take care of him, hated Eduardo Rays of the Sun, almost always was He walked in the shadows or coating that covered her entire face, like to have long nails and hunted animals
Valkyria Solo ... Sometimes Afraid The things he did, A Day No More Support, entered the room of Eduardo ... Totally Horror Scene I was surrounded by blood and not have things, only weapons and a coffin in the middle of room, growl yelled at me Well, I ignored him and pulled out a knife tried to attack, dodged Then First Time I saw her face, his eyes were red, like you were an animal ... "You Want From Me" Scream "Why Do not You Leave Me Tranquil" tried to attack me terrified of see it, then take first thing I found And hit him, fell down and I kept beating until he stopped moving, then take a knife from the room and cut off his head, Valkyria arrived at that moment and gave a shout to the sky, I took her arm and I walked away from Eduardo inert body ... and hit me very strongly, was the first time Valkyria That had struck me and saw how desperate and Why kill that demon she was protecting With Your Life, shouted at me and I did not understand why, I cried a lot that day, then she confessed that Edward was the son of a vampire who would come for him when he grows, you blame for that story told to me by When I was little but she stated that on the grave of my father that the Vampires Are existed And that Eduardo or what remained of it was Son Of Vampires and that she gave to care for him, I felt that the soul left the body When I confessed to me his secret, I look very serious ... just told me that if I came through the take his place, for she wanted to end his life because of a Child Nosy ...
For several days he criticized him Hague agreed to raise a demon like Eduardo, but she cried Told Me Not I have no choice, because otherwise The killed, Adrenalina return home for their summer vacation and this year was no exception, while I wanted to believe that Valkyria Vampire To Whom Both feared would never come back, trying to live with having killed Consciousness A Human ... Or A Devil, But That summer, when adrenaline was succeeded at Home, She returned to the People ... Valkyria Me As If I Were Just about who she wanted and we were left alone ...
Dark Lady: I \u200b\u200bthought it would be different - mumble - When you looked like you were little Your Father But now I will not look anything ...
Dark Vampire: Who are you? - Ask Puzzled
Dark Lady: I'm Your Mother - said with tears in her eyes - do not know how much I wanted to bring you up myself, but the situation made you need to stop with this woman ...
Vampire Dark, My ... Mother? - Do not understand what was said, until he remembered What Valkyria once told me "You take his place, do not want my life just so atrocious a Way" - I've waited a long time - I lied - I never understood why you left me alone ...
Dark Lady: Do not Worry , Now no one will separate us - approached me ... For some reason that girl I was very attracted to, was very beautiful and I wanted to make it mine - come with me And I'm sure will be a good
Vampire Hunter Dark: I will be a vampire? Of those who only hunt at night? - The Idea I was terrified - A Vampire Like You?
She hugged me and I thought it was a sign of affection did the same ...
Lady Dark: Do not Worry - mumble -
not hurt you at that moment I embrace very strongly and I felt clearly as I bit my neck quickly bit her arm and put him in the mouth, I started to suck their blood And A Quick Chills through my body making me feel faint, I lost my strength and Dark Lady held me in his arms, and hugged me whispered that soon the pain will pass, and I'll be alright, after 5 long minutes filled with intense pain, was turned into Vampire , she moves away Looking at me smiling, then turned around, seems he would say something but he remains silent and Salio, at that moment I realized that my sister and Valkyria Adrenalina Outside were a young man who had held The Neck, Dark Lady let out a cry to heaven ...
is up to them and I ...
For Your After Dark Lady: Wow - Very Annoyed said sarcastically, Yet - I have here, seems send me a bodyguard - staring at him ... - Royal Blood, You've Got Something To Say?
Royal Blood: Ho ... Hi! - Smiling cynically
Dark Lady: Are You Doing Here My Dear Royal Blood? - You could see the anger in his tone
Royal Blood: Eh ... I - suddenly released the Valkyria And Adrenaline - Te SeguĂ­ - faking a smile, then I looked Valkyria And Adrenaline Change my astonishment, I made a "Hello" with the hand signal to leave, so they did it without his noticing - I wanted to know you would do - went on to say
Dark Lady: You know it's rude to spy on others ? - A Moment, What Is This Girl its leader or something?
Royal Blood: I was not spying, I was just trying to protect you should something bad might happen - Giving It seemed a little kid explain to his mother
Dark Lady: We defend herself! - Almost Crying
Royal Blood: Well I ... - So I cut the sentence to keep saying
Dark Lady: I \u200b\u200bsaid very clearly that I had to go alone, not even Oshadeo with me, You should not Follow Me - Royal Blood
He added: "But I wanted to help - trying to find a reason for his acts
Dark Lady: Well I Making matters worse, those two girls Iran to tell the whole world that we are Vampires - A Well, I thought I would not mind ... if you've noticed
Dark Lady: go look - Order - Turn them into a vampire and If I Do not Want to Kill them understandable - Go This girl is bossy
Royal Blood: I hate Orders And I know - Wanting to have a tantrum
Dark Lady: Well If you had not thru not be in this problem, I already would Ido - criticizes the
Royal Blood: Who Is He? - Note ... I wanted to respond but Dark Lady beat me to Disparate
To Say A Dark Lady: Is My Son - Almost Muttering
Royal Blood: Did not he had a son - Well now turns out that his friend did not know of My Existence ... Or of those who thought I was
Dark Lady: It's a long story - I changed the subject - go get those girls Royal Blood!
Royal Blood: Como se llama? - Who is this guy
Gossip Dark Woman: Start Today, Vampire Dark - A Moment She named me? Do not even like that name ... I wanted something nicer, Do not Know "Hunter Murderer "or something nicer But Vampire Dark ... That such nonsense ... even I was left with" Eduardo "That was the name of His Son ...
Royal Blood: Ha ha ha could not think of anything better? - Mocking ... I knew I knew! Dark Lady
Nears As he laughed and hit him, Royal Blood
instantly stopped laughing Dark Lady: If you ever make fun of El - Threatening - I'll pay very expensive, I got that - beckoned To Let It Go
Royal Blood: The Well - Growling
One time we stayed Solos Dark Lady beckoned me
Vampire Going Dark: Why did you say My Name Is That? My name is Eduardo ...
Dark Lady: Do you think I'm stupid child? You're Not My Son Child ... I almost
up the ghost when I said those words, as I had noticed? Dark Vampire
: Where you get that? Dark Lady
: Simple, I read the minds of people, also saw Al bite into things from your past ... There Are My Son, My Son lived all his life with Valkyria, you lived With Others
Vampire Dark: But Valkyria Me Mando With Her Brother! - Trying To Excuse
Dark Lady: Look - turning around - you killed my son, I saw him when I bit you, in your blood there is much information ... Also By The Things That Think, also have the mark
Vampire Dark: Mark? That Brand? Dark Lady
: Almost Killed My Son - He said staring at me - Look, I was human when I had a son, and soon after I became a vampire, For That nearly killed him, the neophytes are not controlling their instincts for the blood That hurt my baby and I left a horrible mark in the arm, That I left my son with your aunt Why I wanted to Hurt No More ...
Vampire Dark: But That Was Your Son Devil? I Am Better Than The Dark Lady
He turned and hit me I hurt my face yelling
Dark Lady: Well Chiquillo Insolent Listen, you killed my son, who was half Human And now you understand me take his place! Dark Vampire
Let me! - Away from Her - I do not see you doing this ...
Dark Lady: Why Do I promised his father That would come through ... I have to bring someone ...
Vampire Dark: But I Could not you just died?
Dark Lady: And let it bother me for all eternity? No Thanks, while I'm alive Believing You Are Your Child And if you deny it, I swear I'll kill you I got that
Vampire Dark: Fear That Oops - I said sarcastically - Okay, I shall say nothing - Gazing
Dark Lady: The Next Time Try lying Think Twice You Belong To Me I'll be reading The Dark Vampire
Mind: That is ugly, I hate to know what I
Dark Lady: Well, Measure Me What You Think
Then I felt a smell that made me fully experienced unhinged Some want to kill so large that I could not bear ... Dark Lady Looking At Me Side A Panorama Nothing Nice ... The smell took me to the center of the square where there were many dead people and sometimes ran Terrified Of Us ... Catch A People And A Dweller I bit it with all my strength, sucking all the blood that I could, When I went Catching Other End Human People was amazed to see me and released a chandelier, quickly Dark Lady keeps me from Scope and killed the Human ... He took my arm and muttered a "Let's go" We're moving through the forest to reach a clearing where the blood, Dark Lady inspect the site and I look into the trees, looked to a point and said "Low" ... De La Nada Low Blood Royal nervous about something.
Dark Lady: And girls? - Asked
Royal Blood: The Mate - Said Very Confident, Le Miro sarcastic Dark Lady Dark Lady
: lie - he said - Where Are They? - The expression I'm relieved, for a moment I thought that my aunt and my brother was dead
Royal Blood: The I bit and when I They came to kill them ... Two More Vampires - Looking To Say
Dark Lady: Y? - Interrupting The Silence
Royal Blood: I thought they were Lican So I climbed up the tree - Coward
Dark Lady: If you had seen Lican And Fought With You - Yeah, Yeah, That
Royal Blood: No I did not want Fighting, Only I climbed the tree - Coward ...
Dark Lady: The Well - sigh - Come Back When We talked Clan - What? Is Everything? And what about my boys?
Royal Blood: And How is your apprentice? - Like you care ...
Dark Woman stabbed a look as if I kill him
Royal Blood: What I said? - Sarcastic, then interrupted
Dark Vampire: Que Pasa? - Making me
The Royal Innocent Blood: Neophytes - Turning Your Eyes ... This Boy is Damned Vampire Dark
: Is something wrong? - Following my game
Dark Lady: No Honey, You Come, I Feel Tired - Well, This Girl I Hope That This nice ... I want more than pretend to be my mother ...
was ringing in my head when my head went many pictures, I fall to the ground, many werewolves around us, I run a Werewolf Attack Me With Fury and Dark Lady Crying On My ... The images are repeated over and over Time Left Paralyzed In many reps as quickly and ...
Dark Lady: Hey! Eduardo! - Agitator, Then React - What happened to you? Vampire
Dark: I just saw Lican Many around us - I answered, then I could see in his eyes a fear that ran through his body
Dark Lady: Royal Blood, wants you to take the clan to Vampire Dark On The Way To The More Free Lican, I'll go the other - I order
Vampire Dark: What will happen? - Puzzled
Royal Blood: Come on - taking my arm, struggled against him but not let me go, I hit in the belly and I drop by The Dark Vampire
Impact: Wait - Shout - No Quiero! Dark Lady
Go With You say - I direct, I could see his eyes Begging You Were
Dark Vampire: Do not want! - Shout, for some reason I liked being with Ella
Royal Blood: What We Do? - He said helplessly
Dark Lady: Listen to me - said Taking my Arms - Possibly Many Lycans are looking for that before coming Robe One of them, so if you stay with me Can Be Together they kill us, you understand Honey? - Wide-eyed
Dark Vampire: means you do not see you again? - The very thought terrifies me
Dark Lady: But you must go - Hey! That Do not answer my question! Dark Vampire
: No Me Without You I'll understand! - Cry, because I had ...
Much Afraid Dark Lady: child - looking down - not you helping me - Closing
fists Royal Blood: Child? One moment, how old is he? - Puzzled
Dark Lady: 19 In A Month Meet 20 - I respond without looking
Royal Blood: No Child Is Not So Dark Lady is almost an adult now - said looking at me ... This bothered me
Vampire Boy Dark: That is something you do not It is - Murmur
Dark Lady: This Well said Al Fin - We shall not leave - Yay! Win! Ha ha!
are moving through the woods for 2 days, nothing happened and I was tired, was not much to do and I banned Colmo clear during the day ... That I was bored enough ... but I have no choice but to obey, said Dark Lady that we were near the clan you're but a few miles, when suddenly a howl interrupted at night ... They were Lobos, surrounded us and we were left out ...
Dark Lady was nervous, as if uncertain what to do ...
Dark Lady: Royal Blood - Whispering - Fighting know?
Royal Blood: Clear - Dark Lady
affirm: That Well - As You Relieved - For I do not know - your Words gave me chills ...
Dark Vampire: we die? - Best I assure
Dark Lady: No dear, this will make us stronger ... - Well, if that means we will stay alive and Environment will spend through this many times I'd Rather ...
One of them came, was a man, Dark Lady said that it was who had stolen the Golden Soul Reaver Soul Reaver ...
: We Have Here - Sarcastic - Dark Lady, Royal Blood And ... Who's That? - Ay! That hardly makes it the New Del
Dark Lady Group: This topic none of your business - If, Defend - You Want - Aggressive, I actually looked I was afraid
Reaper Of Souls: Do You Know Your Sweetheart, I come to recover the gold you stole from me - staring
Dark Lady: Well Lost - this time she was the sarcastic - Want It All In Your Herd - Raising the Voice - learn about how you miss me in a so easily? - Smiling cynically
Reaper Of Souls: Do not come to blackmail Miss - Taking it is quickly approaching the neck to push a little, Dark Lady Smiles And The Drop - May not work this time - The Dark Lady
Aleja: getting closer My Clan - explain - that makes you believe they do not know That we Close?
Reaper Soul: Well, there a good stretch - Making Your Sword - Hunter! - Screaming - Attack! - The order was instantly obeyed, werewolves jumped About Us, Soul Reaver transforms into a wolf and watched the scene, quickly pushed me to Dark Lady That not get to me, drew his sword and ordered me to run towards the Clan, Four Werewolves against it, holding them to that do not reach me, got up I could, I said to run as fast as possible, So Without Arms started running towards where I said, I turned and I saw As Widowmaker She jumped over I was fighting to pursue, Fear ran through my body, I ran With all my might, No Flip wanted, but I felt more and more close to me, soon I could see a castle that had a big bridge before me, I ran even harder, she was about, then Widowmaker got me, My first reaction was to put my arm to cover the face, He bit me and shook me strongly to the side, crash into a tree hitting my head and I nearly fainted, he ran towards me, I was weak, with a single blow was Achieved Spending My Energy ...
came running toward me and pulled out a sword, The key in my lower stomach, the bag again and started to cut off my head, When Your Sword floating past my like there was no gravity, Turn La Mirada and 3 men were against Reaper Of Souls, I smiled with the only strength I had left and closed my eyes, now I had saved ...

Gianina Rojas
Daughter Of The Night
Dark Lady Views


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