[Chapter 35] Part II
Segador De Almas: Cazadores!! – Grito El Licántropo – Ataquen! – La Orden Fue Acatada Instantáneamente, Los Hombres Lobos Saltaron Sobre Nosotros, Segador De Almas Se Transformo En Lobo Y Se Quedo Observando La Escena, Rápidamente Dama Oscura Me Empujo Para Que No Lleguen A Mi, Saco Su Espada Y Me Ordeno Que Corriera Hacia El Clan, Cuatro Hombres Lobo Peleaban Contra Ella Uno Por Uno, Ella Los Retenía Con Gran Habilidad Para Que No Lleguen Hasta Mi, Me Levante Como Pude, Me Dijo Que Corra Lo Mas Rápido Que Pueda, Así Sin Armas Empecé A Correr Hacia Donde Me Dijo, Di La Vuelta Y Pude Observar Como Segador De Almas Saltaba Por Encima De Ella Que Estaba Peleando Para Perseguirme, El Miedo Recorrió Mi Cuerpo, Corrí Con Todas Mis Fuerzas, No Quería Voltear, Pero Lo Sentía Cada Vez Mas Cerca De Mi, Pronto Pude Ver Un Castillo Que Tenia Un Gran Puente Delante De Mi, Corrí Con Mas Fuerza Aun, Ya Faltaba Poco, Entonces Segador De Almas Me Atrapo, Mi Primera Reacción Fue Poner Mi Brazo Para Cubrirme La Cara, El Me Mordió And I shook strongly to the side, crash into a tree and I nearly fainted, he ran towards me, I was weak, with a single blow had managed to spend my energy ...
came running toward me and pulled out a sword, The key to bottom of my stomach, the bag again and started to cut off my head, When Your Sword floating past my like there was no gravity, Turn La Mirada and 3 men were against Reaper Of Souls, I smiled with the only strength I had left and closed my eyes, now I had saved ...
fall asleep and dreams I saw my sister and my aunt, very happy Surrounding me telling me how much you love me And I was very happy with me ... I was in the middle of Delirium When you hear a voice calling me "Eduardo" said ... was a distant voice, began to walk listening to the Voice, "Eduardo" ... ... He repeated
opened my eyes and look at a Bloody Maiden Holdin He seemed crying, seeing React
Dark Lady smiled ... How do you feel? Dark Vampire
: Well ... Who are you? Put Your Face
a look of amazement As if flashing quickly Puzzled As if to read my mind ...
Dark Lady: Are you okay? How do you feel? Vampire
Dark: I Miss You Well ... Who?
Dark Lady: Can not Be ... - Looking Around - some of you know anything about cures?
all shook their heads
Dark Lady: I \u200b\u200bmust ask a favor Monsieur Vampire Lesta ...
Dark: I'm dead? - Trying To Remember
Dark Lady: No Honey, You're just ... a little hurt -
gesturing Dark Vampire: Honey? - This girl is Crazy - Why Do I Say This?
Dark Lady: Are you wrong ... Come - helping him to rise - Drakulin!
Drakulin: Yeah? - The boy showed no
Gestures In The Dark Woman Face: You Carry A Vampire dark at room please? - Smiling
Drakulin: Of course ... Mikituz, you help me?
course came and I loaded up ...
Drakulin: really are the Son of Dark Lady? - Wonderful Dark Vampire
Intrigued, I? - I was confusing - I know not what you speak ...
... They looked at each
Mikituz: I'm Mikituz, and Dark Lady, We Told You Your Child ...
Dark Vampire: Who Is Dark Lady?
Drakulin: Well ... He'll be here You'll sleep ...
Between Two me up and put me into a coffin
Drakulin: Do not leave here, will soon come to see how these ...
Vampire Dark: But Wait! - Was saying that When closed the coffin and left me Inside ...
began banging Calling me out of there, but nobody responded, soon heard the voice of the girl who attacked anyone ....
Dark Lady: Where You Are! Why the hell was expelled from the Clan? Who told you authorize!
His voice was quite aggressive, do not listen so I answered ...
Dark Lady: Get out of here! - Shout - Go and bring or not to return to the clan, I got that! Listen
running and few footsteps approaching ... lifted the coffin lid was Ella, the girl who hugged me awhile ago ...
Dark Lady: Hello ... - Blinking quickly - Back
Dark Vampire: Hi - had to clean the blood on his body and no longer had Wound ...
Dark Lady: I \u200b\u200bthink you have Amnesia And That's pretty bad and I do not help at all ... We Eduardo, Have To Remember
Something Dark Vampire: My name is Eduardo I'm not ...
Dark Lady: Calla - Disrupting - You're Eduardo, Here you
Vampiro Dark Vampiro Dark: This Crazy? That's Not My Name, you mean? I want to go home
Dark Lady: I'm sorry, but can not leave here ... you stand? Vampire
Dark: Yeah, I think - I reached out and helped me to stand - Well, just now I could not move - I was surprised at how quickly Tan Like Me Cure
Dark Lady: You're A Vampire - quickly said no you got what
Vampire Dark said: If course, I also think that this is fun
Dark Lady: No, I said - staring - You Are A Vampire, And Here Are Just ...
Vampire Vampire Dark Dark: I Can Be, I thought it was a dream
Dark Lady: Oh These Recalling
Dark Vampire: Remember That? Where Is My Aunt?
Dark Lady: Here's just us ...
Dark Vampire: This is crazy ...
Dark Lady: If I had that impression also At Home, But Then You get used to - Dark Vampire
Pensive said: It Print?
Dark Lady: That is nonsense ... But when you realize that there is no reality ... - This girl is crazy ... - Sure I'm Not Crazy, But Well You Have Amnesia
Dark Vampire: Know What ... I do not know who you are And You're confusing me with these things ...
Then came many images to my head and causes great pain ... It was as if I stick a knife in the head ... I supported with two hands and many images came to my head ...
"Hey, are you okay? Fainting ... I Think I Need Help! "Dark Lady
: Al Fin Wake up ...
Dark Vampire: Happened to me? - Half Asleep - Ay! My Head
Dark Lady: You passed out - said ...
Drakulin At that moment came in the room
Dark Lady: You bring me news?
Drakulin: No I found, no trace of him ...
Dark Lady: Please ... - I look and left the room - We
Left Me Again ... Only A Vampire ... I could not even say goodbye to La Luz Del Sol ...
A Outside screams alerted me ...
Jonal: You can not throw it that there kick somebody! - Baffled said ...
as I approached the room I could hear screams but no better understood For that was the problem ...
Dark Lady: Oh Come, I will not allow someone to come and exceeded my authority to expel a member of Clan Without My Authorization
Drakulin: But ...
Dark Lady: But nothing! - Shout - Do not you want to see here, you understand! - In Da That is my presence, is quickly approaching To My Grip the arms - I Told You get out of your room? Dark Vampire
: Not A Jail Or Yes?
Jonal: But When present it to the Clan?
Dark Lady: Okay ... Come - holding out his hand - He Is Drakulin, which leaves the Clan Tomorrow, He Is Jonal And ...
is Mikituz I hear a "hello" with one voice
Vampire Dark: I know
The Dark Lady: Well, he's Bach88, Cristiam You know The Royal Blood And It Ihsahn, The Dark Sider Oh also, Piaralqui And Andavo, All Are Vampire Clan members
Dark: No Women?
Dark Lady: There was - sigh - but decided to withdraw ...
Vampire Dark: And why did he leave Drakulin?
Dark Lady: This is an issue not relevant here, is up to the leaders
Jonal Baby: I Do not Agree ...
Mikituz: I do not - Innocent
Drakulin: I
Less Dark Lady: Well absence to Bases Drakulin Leaders, Expelling a Member of the Clan, In My Absence
Drakulin: We War! The not help us, disappeared that night And no explanation
Dark Lady: because many hunters in the clan can fight!
Drakulin: But He's Got A Pretty Useful Don!
Dark Lady: Still no reason for being dismissed! Dark Vampire
: Excuse me, are you talking about? - Puzzled
Dark Lady: From Nothing Honey, is a matter of Leaders
Vampire Dark: Why do you say Baby?
Dark Lady: You're making ... Jonal Lose Patience - looking down - I Want To Rest Dark Vampire, I almost dawn, can take care of rest Well
Please Jonal: No I'm Your Baby sitting
Dark Lady: What I'm ... - Closed Eyes
Jonal: This Woman ... The Dark Lady Well
: Thank
Jonal: Come on - taking my arm
Vampire Dark: I Do not Feel Tired!
then my body was paralyzed, lost and fell Forces
Jonal: Are not You In The Good, The Bad
want A Dark Lady: The Delicate Please
Jonal: will repair itself - said, raising his voice
Vampire Dark: to me?
Jonal: It's one of my skills, I stopped on Main, one can proceed
Vampire Dark: I can not move
Jonal: No I hear? Dark Vampire
Tell me, as you were before? - In It to my room and put me in The Coffin
Jonal: Well It was quite skinny as you know, while I was training I was pulling out bodies Hunting ...
Dark Vampire: I thought that vampires do not change your body ...
Jonal: Do not grow old , Mira A Dark Lady, seems teen but has more than 2000 Years
Dark Vampire: Well, looks like a bitter old man
Jonal: If this way because of anything that happened in his absence was not for you
While Dark Vampire: Que Paso?
Jonal: Is That We attacked a pack of Werewolves, "Big Pack" Peel and almost lost, came Some Vampires A Help for those in that herd are many, but a member of Clan Oshadeo, disappeared the day of the fight and expel its Drakulin things outside
Vampire Clan Dark: Where is he?
Jonal: No I know, do not meet again, things did not happen Its a day out and think that the carry things
Vampire Dark: Why did that?
Jonal, was upset that does not fight with us ...
Vampire Dark: I understand ... and why Dark Lady Is so irritable?
Jonal: Is That - Swallowing Saliva - How old are you? Dark Vampire
: 19 Why?
Jonal: You seem Of 15
Dark Vampire: That I did not notice, there are no mirrors ...
Jonal: Well, Oshadeo's boyfriend ...
Vampire Dark Lady Dark: No! Truth? - O Sea, Like A Girl Can Have So Aggressive Boyfriend? What I See? - No I mean ... I understand not, drove the Dark Lady Boyfriend?
Jonal: Yes And She wants to bring Drakulin for daring ...
Vampire Dark: But she is not leader, you are also ...
Jonal: She is the master of the clan, after Ella Y Yo Vengo Y Mikituz Drakulin Then
Vampire Dark: No I understand That
Jonal: It's Simple, It's Dark Lady Of The Clan Leader, Master, I Am The Recruiter of Hunters and the second in command, then are Mikituz That is the Guardian of Gold And Drakulin That is the general of War, Then there are the hunters and then protected in this case Tu. Vampire
Dark: I Why?
Jonal: You are a novice, need to take care of you ... sure you appoint a guardian ... And I think I'll be
Dark Vampire: Dark Lady I Want To Be My Tutor
Jonal: Do not Know, Tell That She ... She Who Shall take care of you ...
Dark Vampire: The Well - Yawning - I feel funny ... I Almost Dawn
Jonal: Eh? - Turning - Who opened those windows? - Quickly The Close - Be Careful With The Light You To Burn And Others Are Dying Calcinado Easy prey ...
Vampire Werewolf Dark: One nearly killed me ...
Jonal: does not kill you makes you stronger ...
Vampire Dark: I remember someone told me that - That I came An Unbearable Headache - Ay !
Jonal: You okay? - Approaching - I Think I Gave The Beat That Affect Your Memory ...
Vampire Dark: No Doctors Here?
Jonal: We are Vampires, We Heal Alone ... Doctors do not need ...
Dark Vampire: Sure ... If I Die In Sleep
Jonal: You already dawned ... rest ...
Dark Vampire: Thanks for joining ...
Jonal: Nada ... - Closing My Coffin
I slept the next night my coffin burst open, was Jonal
Jonal: Come Quick - I was Exalted
Dark Vampire: Que Paso?
Jonal: Dark Lady Drakulin is driving, I think you can stop
Vampire Dark: I Why?
Jonal: She loves you, you ... Sure Your Child Can Do Something, Please Help him
Dark Vampire: The Fine ...
We went to the Output Clan, Drakulin hugged A Very Dark Lady Dark Lady
Force, Go - Vampire
ordered Dark: Wait
Dark Lady She turned at me and also looked at Jonal
Dark Lady: Not think that change my opinion Why the request or Me? Dark Vampire
Look, Mama - Mama? - Can forgive and let it run in the Clan? Dark Lady
approached me staring at me, When He almost smiled and hit me
Dark Lady: Do not Be Bold - said curtly
Vampire Dark: Hit Me - now that hurts ...
Dark Lady: Take It My decision
Vampire Dark: I Hate You, I Hate You, Never Beaten ... Nobody had.
Dark Lady: Because You Are The Murderer of My Son, This Is Much Merit I Hate About You, Jonal Take him to his room and enclose it, then IE With
Jonal: This Well Come In Vain ...
enters the room, I looked around it was all dark but could still See, "You Are The Murderer of My Son" I do not understand, say it's my first Mother And Now That I Am The Murderer Of Your Child, Every Time I Look
more confused ... My Loneliness and closed my eyes tight, I miss my Aunt, I began to Mourn ...
Gianina Rojas
Daughter Of The Night
Dark Lady Views
Monday, March 22, 2010
Friday, March 12, 2010
Bus Schedule For Pala
Dark Vampire [Chapter 34] Part I
Dark Vampire
all started when I was very young, was only 8 years old my father died, Then My Sister, Adrenaline I came under the tutelage of my aunt and younger sister of My Father Valkyria, Valkyria was very good to us, we always attended but had Valkyria A child care more than his life, that child looked like a ghost, was named Eduardo, Valkyria We had been told not We approached him from it was dangerous, believe it , With the face I had because I was more afraid of That Which Valkyria what she told me, that a vampire had given to him she takes care ... for many years without believing what she said and terrified by that child always wanted to be his Friend, Yet had no one to Play More and wanted a friend, but when I came to him was always aggressive and I hurt a lot, the inhabitants always looked baffled Valkyria for caring, for some reason Eduardo was the same age as me, Things that terrified me much because it happened we were very Similar, except that he was a little paler than I ... But Then What We Nearly Everything By seemeth, the tone of voice, Hair Color Size, The Build ... Almost all, he was pale as if he had blood and his eyes glowed in the dark. Adrenalina
My Sister went to study at a college far away, so we were only Eduardo Valkyria And I never had Valkyria husband or children, in the town Everyone thought Edward was the son of Valkyria Why appeared out of nowhere and no male He wanted to take care of him, hated Eduardo Rays of the Sun, almost always was He walked in the shadows or coating that covered her entire face, like to have long nails and hunted animals
Valkyria Solo ... Sometimes Afraid The things he did, A Day No More Support, entered the room of Eduardo ... Totally Horror Scene I was surrounded by blood and not have things, only weapons and a coffin in the middle of room, growl yelled at me Well, I ignored him and pulled out a knife tried to attack, dodged Then First Time I saw her face, his eyes were red, like you were an animal ... "You Want From Me" Scream "Why Do not You Leave Me Tranquil" tried to attack me terrified of see it, then take first thing I found And hit him, fell down and I kept beating until he stopped moving, then take a knife from the room and cut off his head, Valkyria arrived at that moment and gave a shout to the sky, I took her arm and I walked away from Eduardo inert body ... and hit me very strongly, was the first time Valkyria That had struck me and saw how desperate and Why kill that demon she was protecting With Your Life, shouted at me and I did not understand why, I cried a lot that day, then she confessed that Edward was the son of a vampire who would come for him when he grows, you blame for that story told to me by When I was little but she stated that on the grave of my father that the Vampires Are existed And that Eduardo or what remained of it was Son Of Vampires and that she gave to care for him, I felt that the soul left the body When I confessed to me his secret, I look very serious ... just told me that if I came through the take his place, for she wanted to end his life because of a Child Nosy ...
For several days he criticized him Hague agreed to raise a demon like Eduardo, but she cried Told Me Not I have no choice, because otherwise The killed, Adrenalina return home for their summer vacation and this year was no exception, while I wanted to believe that Valkyria Vampire To Whom Both feared would never come back, trying to live with having killed Consciousness A Human ... Or A Devil, But That summer, when adrenaline was succeeded at Home, She returned to the People ... Valkyria Me As If I Were Just about who she wanted and we were left alone ...
Dark Lady: I \u200b\u200bthought it would be different - mumble - When you looked like you were little Your Father But now I will not look anything ...
Dark Vampire: Who are you? - Ask Puzzled
Dark Lady: I'm Your Mother - said with tears in her eyes - do not know how much I wanted to bring you up myself, but the situation made you need to stop with this woman ...
Vampire Dark, My ... Mother? - Do not understand what was said, until he remembered What Valkyria once told me "You take his place, do not want my life just so atrocious a Way" - I've waited a long time - I lied - I never understood why you left me alone ...
Dark Lady: Do not Worry , Now no one will separate us - approached me ... For some reason that girl I was very attracted to, was very beautiful and I wanted to make it mine - come with me And I'm sure will be a good
Vampire Hunter Dark: I will be a vampire? Of those who only hunt at night? - The Idea I was terrified - A Vampire Like You?
She hugged me and I thought it was a sign of affection did the same ...
Lady Dark: Do not Worry - mumble -
not hurt you at that moment I embrace very strongly and I felt clearly as I bit my neck quickly bit her arm and put him in the mouth, I started to suck their blood And A Quick Chills through my body making me feel faint, I lost my strength and Dark Lady held me in his arms, and hugged me whispered that soon the pain will pass, and I'll be alright, after 5 long minutes filled with intense pain, was turned into Vampire , she moves away Looking at me smiling, then turned around, seems he would say something but he remains silent and Salio, at that moment I realized that my sister and Valkyria Adrenalina Outside were a young man who had held The Neck, Dark Lady let out a cry to heaven ...
is up to them and I ...
For Your After Dark Lady: Wow - Very Annoyed said sarcastically, Yet - I have here, seems send me a bodyguard - staring at him ... - Royal Blood, You've Got Something To Say?
Royal Blood: Ho ... Hi! - Smiling cynically
Dark Lady: Are You Doing Here My Dear Royal Blood? - You could see the anger in his tone
Royal Blood: Eh ... I - suddenly released the Valkyria And Adrenaline - Te Seguí - faking a smile, then I looked Valkyria And Adrenaline Change my astonishment, I made a "Hello" with the hand signal to leave, so they did it without his noticing - I wanted to know you would do - went on to say
Dark Lady: You know it's rude to spy on others ? - A Moment, What Is This Girl its leader or something?
Royal Blood: I was not spying, I was just trying to protect you should something bad might happen - Giving It seemed a little kid explain to his mother
Dark Lady: We defend herself! - Almost Crying
Royal Blood: Well I ... - So I cut the sentence to keep saying
Dark Lady: I \u200b\u200bsaid very clearly that I had to go alone, not even Oshadeo with me, You should not Follow Me - Royal Blood
He added: "But I wanted to help - trying to find a reason for his acts
Dark Lady: Well I Making matters worse, those two girls Iran to tell the whole world that we are Vampires - A Well, I thought I would not mind ... if you've noticed
Dark Lady: go look - Order - Turn them into a vampire and If I Do not Want to Kill them understandable - Go This girl is bossy
Royal Blood: I hate Orders And I know - Wanting to have a tantrum
Dark Lady: Well If you had not thru not be in this problem, I already would Ido - criticizes the
Royal Blood: Who Is He? - Note ... I wanted to respond but Dark Lady beat me to Disparate
To Say A Dark Lady: Is My Son - Almost Muttering
Royal Blood: Did not he had a son - Well now turns out that his friend did not know of My Existence ... Or of those who thought I was
Dark Lady: It's a long story - I changed the subject - go get those girls Royal Blood!
Royal Blood: Como se llama? - Who is this guy
Gossip Dark Woman: Start Today, Vampire Dark - A Moment She named me? Do not even like that name ... I wanted something nicer, Do not Know "Hunter Murderer "or something nicer But Vampire Dark ... That such nonsense ... even I was left with" Eduardo "That was the name of His Son ...
Royal Blood: Ha ha ha could not think of anything better? - Mocking ... I knew I knew! Dark Lady
Nears As he laughed and hit him, Royal Blood
instantly stopped laughing Dark Lady: If you ever make fun of El - Threatening - I'll pay very expensive, I got that - beckoned To Let It Go
Royal Blood: The Well - Growling
One time we stayed Solos Dark Lady beckoned me
Vampire Going Dark: Why did you say My Name Is That? My name is Eduardo ...
Dark Lady: Do you think I'm stupid child? You're Not My Son Child ... I almost
up the ghost when I said those words, as I had noticed? Dark Vampire
: Where you get that? Dark Lady
: Simple, I read the minds of people, also saw Al bite into things from your past ... There Are My Son, My Son lived all his life with Valkyria, you lived With Others
Vampire Dark: But Valkyria Me Mando With Her Brother! - Trying To Excuse
Dark Lady: Look - turning around - you killed my son, I saw him when I bit you, in your blood there is much information ... Also By The Things That Think, also have the mark
Vampire Dark: Mark? That Brand? Dark Lady
: Almost Killed My Son - He said staring at me - Look, I was human when I had a son, and soon after I became a vampire, For That nearly killed him, the neophytes are not controlling their instincts for the blood That hurt my baby and I left a horrible mark in the arm, That I left my son with your aunt Why I wanted to Hurt No More ...
Vampire Dark: But That Was Your Son Devil? I Am Better Than The Dark Lady
He turned and hit me I hurt my face yelling
Dark Lady: Well Chiquillo Insolent Listen, you killed my son, who was half Human And now you understand me take his place! Dark Vampire
Let me! - Away from Her - I do not see you doing this ...
Dark Lady: Why Do I promised his father That would come through ... I have to bring someone ...
Vampire Dark: But I Could not you just died?
Dark Lady: And let it bother me for all eternity? No Thanks, while I'm alive Believing You Are Your Child And if you deny it, I swear I'll kill you I got that
Vampire Dark: Fear That Oops - I said sarcastically - Okay, I shall say nothing - Gazing
Dark Lady: The Next Time Try lying Think Twice You Belong To Me I'll be reading The Dark Vampire
Mind: That is ugly, I hate to know what I
Dark Lady: Well, Measure Me What You Think
Then I felt a smell that made me fully experienced unhinged Some want to kill so large that I could not bear ... Dark Lady Looking At Me Side A Panorama Nothing Nice ... The smell took me to the center of the square where there were many dead people and sometimes ran Terrified Of Us ... Catch A People And A Dweller I bit it with all my strength, sucking all the blood that I could, When I went Catching Other End Human People was amazed to see me and released a chandelier, quickly Dark Lady keeps me from Scope and killed the Human ... He took my arm and muttered a "Let's go" We're moving through the forest to reach a clearing where the blood, Dark Lady inspect the site and I look into the trees, looked to a point and said "Low" ... De La Nada Low Blood Royal nervous about something.
Dark Lady: And girls? - Asked
Royal Blood: The Mate - Said Very Confident, Le Miro sarcastic Dark Lady Dark Lady
: lie - he said - Where Are They? - The expression I'm relieved, for a moment I thought that my aunt and my brother was dead
Royal Blood: The I bit and when I They came to kill them ... Two More Vampires - Looking To Say
Dark Lady: Y? - Interrupting The Silence
Royal Blood: I thought they were Lican So I climbed up the tree - Coward
Dark Lady: If you had seen Lican And Fought With You - Yeah, Yeah, That
Royal Blood: No I did not want Fighting, Only I climbed the tree - Coward ...
Dark Lady: The Well - sigh - Come Back When We talked Clan - What? Is Everything? And what about my boys?
Royal Blood: And How is your apprentice? - Like you care ...
Dark Woman stabbed a look as if I kill him
Royal Blood: What I said? - Sarcastic, then interrupted
Dark Vampire: Que Pasa? - Making me
The Royal Innocent Blood: Neophytes - Turning Your Eyes ... This Boy is Damned Vampire Dark
: Is something wrong? - Following my game
Dark Lady: No Honey, You Come, I Feel Tired - Well, This Girl I Hope That This nice ... I want more than pretend to be my mother ...
was ringing in my head when my head went many pictures, I fall to the ground, many werewolves around us, I run a Werewolf Attack Me With Fury and Dark Lady Crying On My ... The images are repeated over and over Time Left Paralyzed In many reps as quickly and ...
Dark Lady: Hey! Eduardo! - Agitator, Then React - What happened to you? Vampire
Dark: I just saw Lican Many around us - I answered, then I could see in his eyes a fear that ran through his body
Dark Lady: Royal Blood, wants you to take the clan to Vampire Dark On The Way To The More Free Lican, I'll go the other - I order
Vampire Dark: What will happen? - Puzzled
Royal Blood: Come on - taking my arm, struggled against him but not let me go, I hit in the belly and I drop by The Dark Vampire
Impact: Wait - Shout - No Quiero! Dark Lady
Go With You say - I direct, I could see his eyes Begging You Were
Dark Vampire: Do not want! - Shout, for some reason I liked being with Ella
Royal Blood: What We Do? - He said helplessly
Dark Lady: Listen to me - said Taking my Arms - Possibly Many Lycans are looking for that before coming Robe One of them, so if you stay with me Can Be Together they kill us, you understand Honey? - Wide-eyed
Dark Vampire: means you do not see you again? - The very thought terrifies me
Dark Lady: But you must go - Hey! That Do not answer my question! Dark Vampire
: No Me Without You I'll understand! - Cry, because I had ...
Much Afraid Dark Lady: child - looking down - not you helping me - Closing
fists Royal Blood: Child? One moment, how old is he? - Puzzled
Dark Lady: 19 In A Month Meet 20 - I respond without looking
Royal Blood: No Child Is Not So Dark Lady is almost an adult now - said looking at me ... This bothered me
Vampire Boy Dark: That is something you do not It is - Murmur
Dark Lady: This Well said Al Fin - We shall not leave - Yay! Win! Ha ha!
are moving through the woods for 2 days, nothing happened and I was tired, was not much to do and I banned Colmo clear during the day ... That I was bored enough ... but I have no choice but to obey, said Dark Lady that we were near the clan you're but a few miles, when suddenly a howl interrupted at night ... They were Lobos, surrounded us and we were left out ...
Dark Lady was nervous, as if uncertain what to do ...
Dark Lady: Royal Blood - Whispering - Fighting know?
Royal Blood: Clear - Dark Lady
affirm: That Well - As You Relieved - For I do not know - your Words gave me chills ...
Dark Vampire: we die? - Best I assure
Dark Lady: No dear, this will make us stronger ... - Well, if that means we will stay alive and Environment will spend through this many times I'd Rather ...
One of them came, was a man, Dark Lady said that it was who had stolen the Golden Soul Reaver Soul Reaver ...
: We Have Here - Sarcastic - Dark Lady, Royal Blood And ... Who's That? - Ay! That hardly makes it the New Del
Dark Lady Group: This topic none of your business - If, Defend - You Want - Aggressive, I actually looked I was afraid
Reaper Of Souls: Do You Know Your Sweetheart, I come to recover the gold you stole from me - staring
Dark Lady: Well Lost - this time she was the sarcastic - Want It All In Your Herd - Raising the Voice - learn about how you miss me in a so easily? - Smiling cynically
Reaper Of Souls: Do not come to blackmail Miss - Taking it is quickly approaching the neck to push a little, Dark Lady Smiles And The Drop - May not work this time - The Dark Lady
Aleja: getting closer My Clan - explain - that makes you believe they do not know That we Close?
Reaper Soul: Well, there a good stretch - Making Your Sword - Hunter! - Screaming - Attack! - The order was instantly obeyed, werewolves jumped About Us, Soul Reaver transforms into a wolf and watched the scene, quickly pushed me to Dark Lady That not get to me, drew his sword and ordered me to run towards the Clan, Four Werewolves against it, holding them to that do not reach me, got up I could, I said to run as fast as possible, So Without Arms started running towards where I said, I turned and I saw As Widowmaker She jumped over I was fighting to pursue, Fear ran through my body, I ran With all my might, No Flip wanted, but I felt more and more close to me, soon I could see a castle that had a big bridge before me, I ran even harder, she was about, then Widowmaker got me, My first reaction was to put my arm to cover the face, He bit me and shook me strongly to the side, crash into a tree hitting my head and I nearly fainted, he ran towards me, I was weak, with a single blow was Achieved Spending My Energy ...
came running toward me and pulled out a sword, The key in my lower stomach, the bag again and started to cut off my head, When Your Sword floating past my like there was no gravity, Turn La Mirada and 3 men were against Reaper Of Souls, I smiled with the only strength I had left and closed my eyes, now I had saved ...
Gianina Rojas
Daughter Of The Night
Dark Lady Views
Dark Vampire
all started when I was very young, was only 8 years old my father died, Then My Sister, Adrenaline I came under the tutelage of my aunt and younger sister of My Father Valkyria, Valkyria was very good to us, we always attended but had Valkyria A child care more than his life, that child looked like a ghost, was named Eduardo, Valkyria We had been told not We approached him from it was dangerous, believe it , With the face I had because I was more afraid of That Which Valkyria what she told me, that a vampire had given to him she takes care ... for many years without believing what she said and terrified by that child always wanted to be his Friend, Yet had no one to Play More and wanted a friend, but when I came to him was always aggressive and I hurt a lot, the inhabitants always looked baffled Valkyria for caring, for some reason Eduardo was the same age as me, Things that terrified me much because it happened we were very Similar, except that he was a little paler than I ... But Then What We Nearly Everything By seemeth, the tone of voice, Hair Color Size, The Build ... Almost all, he was pale as if he had blood and his eyes glowed in the dark. Adrenalina
My Sister went to study at a college far away, so we were only Eduardo Valkyria And I never had Valkyria husband or children, in the town Everyone thought Edward was the son of Valkyria Why appeared out of nowhere and no male He wanted to take care of him, hated Eduardo Rays of the Sun, almost always was He walked in the shadows or coating that covered her entire face, like to have long nails and hunted animals
Valkyria Solo ... Sometimes Afraid The things he did, A Day No More Support, entered the room of Eduardo ... Totally Horror Scene I was surrounded by blood and not have things, only weapons and a coffin in the middle of room, growl yelled at me Well, I ignored him and pulled out a knife tried to attack, dodged Then First Time I saw her face, his eyes were red, like you were an animal ... "You Want From Me" Scream "Why Do not You Leave Me Tranquil" tried to attack me terrified of see it, then take first thing I found And hit him, fell down and I kept beating until he stopped moving, then take a knife from the room and cut off his head, Valkyria arrived at that moment and gave a shout to the sky, I took her arm and I walked away from Eduardo inert body ... and hit me very strongly, was the first time Valkyria That had struck me and saw how desperate and Why kill that demon she was protecting With Your Life, shouted at me and I did not understand why, I cried a lot that day, then she confessed that Edward was the son of a vampire who would come for him when he grows, you blame for that story told to me by When I was little but she stated that on the grave of my father that the Vampires Are existed And that Eduardo or what remained of it was Son Of Vampires and that she gave to care for him, I felt that the soul left the body When I confessed to me his secret, I look very serious ... just told me that if I came through the take his place, for she wanted to end his life because of a Child Nosy ...
For several days he criticized him Hague agreed to raise a demon like Eduardo, but she cried Told Me Not I have no choice, because otherwise The killed, Adrenalina return home for their summer vacation and this year was no exception, while I wanted to believe that Valkyria Vampire To Whom Both feared would never come back, trying to live with having killed Consciousness A Human ... Or A Devil, But That summer, when adrenaline was succeeded at Home, She returned to the People ... Valkyria Me As If I Were Just about who she wanted and we were left alone ...
Dark Lady: I \u200b\u200bthought it would be different - mumble - When you looked like you were little Your Father But now I will not look anything ...
Dark Vampire: Who are you? - Ask Puzzled
Dark Lady: I'm Your Mother - said with tears in her eyes - do not know how much I wanted to bring you up myself, but the situation made you need to stop with this woman ...
Vampire Dark, My ... Mother? - Do not understand what was said, until he remembered What Valkyria once told me "You take his place, do not want my life just so atrocious a Way" - I've waited a long time - I lied - I never understood why you left me alone ...
Dark Lady: Do not Worry , Now no one will separate us - approached me ... For some reason that girl I was very attracted to, was very beautiful and I wanted to make it mine - come with me And I'm sure will be a good
Vampire Hunter Dark: I will be a vampire? Of those who only hunt at night? - The Idea I was terrified - A Vampire Like You?
She hugged me and I thought it was a sign of affection did the same ...
Lady Dark: Do not Worry - mumble -
not hurt you at that moment I embrace very strongly and I felt clearly as I bit my neck quickly bit her arm and put him in the mouth, I started to suck their blood And A Quick Chills through my body making me feel faint, I lost my strength and Dark Lady held me in his arms, and hugged me whispered that soon the pain will pass, and I'll be alright, after 5 long minutes filled with intense pain, was turned into Vampire , she moves away Looking at me smiling, then turned around, seems he would say something but he remains silent and Salio, at that moment I realized that my sister and Valkyria Adrenalina Outside were a young man who had held The Neck, Dark Lady let out a cry to heaven ...
is up to them and I ...
For Your After Dark Lady: Wow - Very Annoyed said sarcastically, Yet - I have here, seems send me a bodyguard - staring at him ... - Royal Blood, You've Got Something To Say?
Royal Blood: Ho ... Hi! - Smiling cynically
Dark Lady: Are You Doing Here My Dear Royal Blood? - You could see the anger in his tone
Royal Blood: Eh ... I - suddenly released the Valkyria And Adrenaline - Te Seguí - faking a smile, then I looked Valkyria And Adrenaline Change my astonishment, I made a "Hello" with the hand signal to leave, so they did it without his noticing - I wanted to know you would do - went on to say
Dark Lady: You know it's rude to spy on others ? - A Moment, What Is This Girl its leader or something?
Royal Blood: I was not spying, I was just trying to protect you should something bad might happen - Giving It seemed a little kid explain to his mother
Dark Lady: We defend herself! - Almost Crying
Royal Blood: Well I ... - So I cut the sentence to keep saying
Dark Lady: I \u200b\u200bsaid very clearly that I had to go alone, not even Oshadeo with me, You should not Follow Me - Royal Blood
He added: "But I wanted to help - trying to find a reason for his acts
Dark Lady: Well I Making matters worse, those two girls Iran to tell the whole world that we are Vampires - A Well, I thought I would not mind ... if you've noticed
Dark Lady: go look - Order - Turn them into a vampire and If I Do not Want to Kill them understandable - Go This girl is bossy
Royal Blood: I hate Orders And I know - Wanting to have a tantrum
Dark Lady: Well If you had not thru not be in this problem, I already would Ido - criticizes the
Royal Blood: Who Is He? - Note ... I wanted to respond but Dark Lady beat me to Disparate
To Say A Dark Lady: Is My Son - Almost Muttering
Royal Blood: Did not he had a son - Well now turns out that his friend did not know of My Existence ... Or of those who thought I was
Dark Lady: It's a long story - I changed the subject - go get those girls Royal Blood!
Royal Blood: Como se llama? - Who is this guy
Gossip Dark Woman: Start Today, Vampire Dark - A Moment She named me? Do not even like that name ... I wanted something nicer, Do not Know "Hunter Murderer "or something nicer But Vampire Dark ... That such nonsense ... even I was left with" Eduardo "That was the name of His Son ...
Royal Blood: Ha ha ha could not think of anything better? - Mocking ... I knew I knew! Dark Lady
Nears As he laughed and hit him, Royal Blood
instantly stopped laughing Dark Lady: If you ever make fun of El - Threatening - I'll pay very expensive, I got that - beckoned To Let It Go
Royal Blood: The Well - Growling
One time we stayed Solos Dark Lady beckoned me
Vampire Going Dark: Why did you say My Name Is That? My name is Eduardo ...
Dark Lady: Do you think I'm stupid child? You're Not My Son Child ... I almost
up the ghost when I said those words, as I had noticed? Dark Vampire
: Where you get that? Dark Lady
: Simple, I read the minds of people, also saw Al bite into things from your past ... There Are My Son, My Son lived all his life with Valkyria, you lived With Others
Vampire Dark: But Valkyria Me Mando With Her Brother! - Trying To Excuse
Dark Lady: Look - turning around - you killed my son, I saw him when I bit you, in your blood there is much information ... Also By The Things That Think, also have the mark
Vampire Dark: Mark? That Brand? Dark Lady
: Almost Killed My Son - He said staring at me - Look, I was human when I had a son, and soon after I became a vampire, For That nearly killed him, the neophytes are not controlling their instincts for the blood That hurt my baby and I left a horrible mark in the arm, That I left my son with your aunt Why I wanted to Hurt No More ...
Vampire Dark: But That Was Your Son Devil? I Am Better Than The Dark Lady
He turned and hit me I hurt my face yelling
Dark Lady: Well Chiquillo Insolent Listen, you killed my son, who was half Human And now you understand me take his place! Dark Vampire
Let me! - Away from Her - I do not see you doing this ...
Dark Lady: Why Do I promised his father That would come through ... I have to bring someone ...
Vampire Dark: But I Could not you just died?
Dark Lady: And let it bother me for all eternity? No Thanks, while I'm alive Believing You Are Your Child And if you deny it, I swear I'll kill you I got that
Vampire Dark: Fear That Oops - I said sarcastically - Okay, I shall say nothing - Gazing
Dark Lady: The Next Time Try lying Think Twice You Belong To Me I'll be reading The Dark Vampire
Mind: That is ugly, I hate to know what I
Dark Lady: Well, Measure Me What You Think
Then I felt a smell that made me fully experienced unhinged Some want to kill so large that I could not bear ... Dark Lady Looking At Me Side A Panorama Nothing Nice ... The smell took me to the center of the square where there were many dead people and sometimes ran Terrified Of Us ... Catch A People And A Dweller I bit it with all my strength, sucking all the blood that I could, When I went Catching Other End Human People was amazed to see me and released a chandelier, quickly Dark Lady keeps me from Scope and killed the Human ... He took my arm and muttered a "Let's go" We're moving through the forest to reach a clearing where the blood, Dark Lady inspect the site and I look into the trees, looked to a point and said "Low" ... De La Nada Low Blood Royal nervous about something.
Dark Lady: And girls? - Asked
Royal Blood: The Mate - Said Very Confident, Le Miro sarcastic Dark Lady Dark Lady
: lie - he said - Where Are They? - The expression I'm relieved, for a moment I thought that my aunt and my brother was dead
Royal Blood: The I bit and when I They came to kill them ... Two More Vampires - Looking To Say
Dark Lady: Y? - Interrupting The Silence
Royal Blood: I thought they were Lican So I climbed up the tree - Coward
Dark Lady: If you had seen Lican And Fought With You - Yeah, Yeah, That
Royal Blood: No I did not want Fighting, Only I climbed the tree - Coward ...
Dark Lady: The Well - sigh - Come Back When We talked Clan - What? Is Everything? And what about my boys?
Royal Blood: And How is your apprentice? - Like you care ...
Dark Woman stabbed a look as if I kill him
Royal Blood: What I said? - Sarcastic, then interrupted
Dark Vampire: Que Pasa? - Making me
The Royal Innocent Blood: Neophytes - Turning Your Eyes ... This Boy is Damned Vampire Dark
: Is something wrong? - Following my game
Dark Lady: No Honey, You Come, I Feel Tired - Well, This Girl I Hope That This nice ... I want more than pretend to be my mother ...
was ringing in my head when my head went many pictures, I fall to the ground, many werewolves around us, I run a Werewolf Attack Me With Fury and Dark Lady Crying On My ... The images are repeated over and over Time Left Paralyzed In many reps as quickly and ...
Dark Lady: Hey! Eduardo! - Agitator, Then React - What happened to you? Vampire
Dark: I just saw Lican Many around us - I answered, then I could see in his eyes a fear that ran through his body
Dark Lady: Royal Blood, wants you to take the clan to Vampire Dark On The Way To The More Free Lican, I'll go the other - I order
Vampire Dark: What will happen? - Puzzled
Royal Blood: Come on - taking my arm, struggled against him but not let me go, I hit in the belly and I drop by The Dark Vampire
Impact: Wait - Shout - No Quiero! Dark Lady
Go With You say - I direct, I could see his eyes Begging You Were
Dark Vampire: Do not want! - Shout, for some reason I liked being with Ella
Royal Blood: What We Do? - He said helplessly
Dark Lady: Listen to me - said Taking my Arms - Possibly Many Lycans are looking for that before coming Robe One of them, so if you stay with me Can Be Together they kill us, you understand Honey? - Wide-eyed
Dark Vampire: means you do not see you again? - The very thought terrifies me
Dark Lady: But you must go - Hey! That Do not answer my question! Dark Vampire
: No Me Without You I'll understand! - Cry, because I had ...
Much Afraid Dark Lady: child - looking down - not you helping me - Closing
fists Royal Blood: Child? One moment, how old is he? - Puzzled
Dark Lady: 19 In A Month Meet 20 - I respond without looking
Royal Blood: No Child Is Not So Dark Lady is almost an adult now - said looking at me ... This bothered me
Vampire Boy Dark: That is something you do not It is - Murmur
Dark Lady: This Well said Al Fin - We shall not leave - Yay! Win! Ha ha!
are moving through the woods for 2 days, nothing happened and I was tired, was not much to do and I banned Colmo clear during the day ... That I was bored enough ... but I have no choice but to obey, said Dark Lady that we were near the clan you're but a few miles, when suddenly a howl interrupted at night ... They were Lobos, surrounded us and we were left out ...
Dark Lady was nervous, as if uncertain what to do ...
Dark Lady: Royal Blood - Whispering - Fighting know?
Royal Blood: Clear - Dark Lady
affirm: That Well - As You Relieved - For I do not know - your Words gave me chills ...
Dark Vampire: we die? - Best I assure
Dark Lady: No dear, this will make us stronger ... - Well, if that means we will stay alive and Environment will spend through this many times I'd Rather ...
One of them came, was a man, Dark Lady said that it was who had stolen the Golden Soul Reaver Soul Reaver ...
: We Have Here - Sarcastic - Dark Lady, Royal Blood And ... Who's That? - Ay! That hardly makes it the New Del
Dark Lady Group: This topic none of your business - If, Defend - You Want - Aggressive, I actually looked I was afraid
Reaper Of Souls: Do You Know Your Sweetheart, I come to recover the gold you stole from me - staring
Dark Lady: Well Lost - this time she was the sarcastic - Want It All In Your Herd - Raising the Voice - learn about how you miss me in a so easily? - Smiling cynically
Reaper Of Souls: Do not come to blackmail Miss - Taking it is quickly approaching the neck to push a little, Dark Lady Smiles And The Drop - May not work this time - The Dark Lady
Aleja: getting closer My Clan - explain - that makes you believe they do not know That we Close?
Reaper Soul: Well, there a good stretch - Making Your Sword - Hunter! - Screaming - Attack! - The order was instantly obeyed, werewolves jumped About Us, Soul Reaver transforms into a wolf and watched the scene, quickly pushed me to Dark Lady That not get to me, drew his sword and ordered me to run towards the Clan, Four Werewolves against it, holding them to that do not reach me, got up I could, I said to run as fast as possible, So Without Arms started running towards where I said, I turned and I saw As Widowmaker She jumped over I was fighting to pursue, Fear ran through my body, I ran With all my might, No Flip wanted, but I felt more and more close to me, soon I could see a castle that had a big bridge before me, I ran even harder, she was about, then Widowmaker got me, My first reaction was to put my arm to cover the face, He bit me and shook me strongly to the side, crash into a tree hitting my head and I nearly fainted, he ran towards me, I was weak, with a single blow was Achieved Spending My Energy ...
came running toward me and pulled out a sword, The key in my lower stomach, the bag again and started to cut off my head, When Your Sword floating past my like there was no gravity, Turn La Mirada and 3 men were against Reaper Of Souls, I smiled with the only strength I had left and closed my eyes, now I had saved ...
Gianina Rojas
Daughter Of The Night
Dark Lady Views
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Wet Pet Food Dispenser
Dark Vampire [Chapter 33] The Journey
after that meeting, Dark Lady Listings More Andreia not belong to the clan, we returned to ask you to bring vampire clan and the announcement would come from traveling for a while on personal business, said he would Drakulin Commanded Ya which to him was for this task, I accept the charge and left the Dark Lady Clan, curiosity was bigger than me, so I decided to Follow A Dark Lady In Your Trip, enter your room and find an old cloak frayed, the Fix and are perfect, I was a little smaller but equally I could hid my face with his cape, Dark Lady was out of the Clan, So I hasten to pursue, when I could locate was talking to a werewolf, was Reaper Of Souls, Dark Lady seemed frightened before him, But He's beleaguered so many that she could escape ...
Dark Lady: Why Do not cut me some slack - While trying to evade said - let me! - Shout - Pulgoso Filthy, Let me! He was still screaming
Reaper Of Souls: Where Are Your Dark Lady Hunters? - I reply in jest - why not calling you advocate? - Then drew his sword and moved to attack ...
Dark Lady bent down and put to Mourn, Reaper I was surprised, was not something expected of her and sure that he will not expect that, Dark Lady cried uncontrollably and began Widowmaker A desperate
Widowmaker: Shut up! - Shout - What Kind Of Warrior Are You? - Said, raising his voice - Fight Leech, do you turn to Mourn? Fighting not you know? Dark Lady
not answer any of his sentence, are there Crying No address at a given moment Reaper Approaches To look at his face
Soul Reaver: I did not offend with my words, just wanted a Fight To Get A Little Golden
Dark Lady: No I have Gold - groaned as he wiped his face - I have to go Why I Look Away Someone - Slightly
said Widowmaker: I'm Sorry, You know I'm Pretty Weak With Women, I can not attack them more than the Odie And you are so beautiful ...
Dark Lady: Y Tu - murmur - you're an idiot moment
In Dark Lady He jumped jumped on its back and without Widowmaker That Can React She already had bitten too hard, Widowmaker could not defend and I am faint, I take your bag Dark Lady Money
Dark Lady, Men ... - Thinking aloud - Loose Tears Referred and you feel ... So Easy is misleading - Looking For Soul Reaver - Thank You For The Gold, I serve on my trip - Smiling
Widowmaker : You're A ... - almost powerless - when I will be waiting Vuelvas Dark Lady, and I shall be the worse
The Dark Lady: By then I will need not need to leave as now - getting very close to the - you know, You're A Very Small, But Very Beautiful - Do you were flirting? Ray, is a tricky - would be a shame So Strong And A Werewolf Gallardo Like You, lowered himself to attack a weak Vampirita As I - Smiling Approaches and gives him a kiss on the cheek - Goodbye Pulgoso, Thanks For The Gold - Laughing Strongly March and I was continued to pursue ... I look Widowmaker
Lying blaspheming His name insulting us with unprintable phrases Very Angry Because Of Haberle Trap in a battle that never took place. Dark Lady
Continuing Your Journey Ya No Cross No No character is during the day hid in caves that looked like they had already been used before, she knew the exact location of its locations, as if you already had used before, only traveled during Nights and I was very cautious to that she would not notice my presence in the area ...
Soon Came to a city, Dark Lady looked frightened, seemed to look for something or someone, but could not explain what it was until we came to a house, knocked on the door gently and opened a Woman, The Seeing her surprised a little of His Presence , I invited her in and she said a name, the girl became nervous and left two young a man and a woman, I call Dark Lady Of The Girl "Valkyrie" name to which she replied ...
Dark Lady: Who is it? - No serious question Gestures Show
Valkyria In The Face: The - Pointing at Young
Since I had Behind the Wall of wood to watch everything, Valkyria And Young left the room leaving them Alone, Dark Lady sat down on a chair that was shabby Making A Grinding Al Sit, Watch the young man who is standing in front of her very nervous and Mira Nails Ignoring A Minute To See His Reaction Before you say anything ...
Demoiselles That left the room were puzzled at me Out Of The House ...
Royal Blood: Hello, I'm Royal Blood - Smiling
not to frighten her Valkyrie: I Valkyria And Ali ... "Doubting It, Then U Mirandola Companion would be made a noise, then continued - Adrenalina
Royal Blood: Do not tell anyone of my presence here Please - Murmur
Adrenaline: You're a vampire like that girl right?
I nodded
Adrenalina: Why follow it?
Royal Blood: You know I can kill you now if I feel like
Adrenalina: Uh ... Well I now I was going anyway - Valkyria
be nervous: See What You Do, Almost mess up - Riñéndola is Marchan, far away I could hear them - going to tell What's Vampire Hunters In The Zone Adrenaline
: Good Idea, But Not a very strong voice who would listen ...
But they realized I was behind them by grabbing the neck
Royal Blood: You come
me ... At that moment a scream shook my body, was the boy who was already Convert With Dark Lady In Vampire.
I turned around and I saw Dark Lady and her companion Very Annoying.
Dark Lady: Well, I have here, seems they send me a bodyguard
Royal Blood: Ho ... Hi! - Slightly Smiling for a moment I wanted to disappear from the map
Dark Lady: Are You Doing Here My Dear Royal Blood? - His voice was grotesque and seemed annoyed
Royal Blood: Eh ... I - Releasing A Girls - Te Seguí - Smiling quickly let go of Girls Hit - Wanted to Know
were going to do Dark Lady: You know that's bad spy Education To Others?
Royal Blood: No I was spying, it covers only Protect you should something bad might happen
Dark Lady: We defend herself! - Almost Crying
Royal Blood: Well I ... - Ella Me Interrupts
Dark Lady: I \u200b\u200bsaid very clearly that I had to go alone, not even Oshadeo with me, You should not Follow Me
Royal Blood: But I wanted to help - trying to excuse
Dark Lady: Well I Making matters worse, those two girls Iran to tell the whole world that we are Vampires
without noticing the girls who were at my side had gone
Dark Lady: go look - he said - Turn them into a vampire and if not Kill them want to understand me
Royal Blood: I do not like And I know
Orders Dark Lady: Well If you had not thru not be in this problem, I already would Ido
Royal Blood: Who Is He? - Pointing at Young
Dark Lady: It's My Son ... - murmured
Royal Blood: Did not he had a son
Dark Lady: Long story, go get those girls Royal Blood!
Royal Blood: Como se llama?
Dark Woman: Start Today, Vampire Dark
Royal Blood: Hahaha could not think of anything better?
Dark Lady Without realizing I had already dealt a blow, stop Laugh On The Impact And Look Very Annoying
Dark Lady: If you ever make fun of him I'll pay very expensive, I got that - His Voice reached such He That Far That made me feel like a child
Royal Blood: The Fine ...
away from it I rubbed his face, for some reason I had scratched the face and left a wound, do not delay heal me, started looking for girls, and had come into town and were surrounded by people, were upset that I told you everything happened, I began to levitate in the air And move quickly toward them, baring his teeth, caught one I bit into sucking the blood as I could and I drop. Get started running terrified Catch A Valkyria And Adrenaline and carries them toward the forest, I told them what had caused and now no one in town will be quiet thinking that there are Vampires Things that very few people know ...
Royal Blood: Okay, I gave orders to convert or kill them, so they decide, once and
The girls looked
Valkyria Afraid: You say that if we want to be vampires kill us?
Royal Blood: Yes - Adrenalina
Dimension: Valky! No Dying! - The Embrace And Start To Mourn
Royal Blood: Oh! Please, Not That is gonna end ...
Valkyria World: We Live Like Human
Royal Blood: This is an option that gave them, or become or die ... It's one or the other, no option to continue as human, I feel that's impossible ...
Valkyria: And If We Missing and let us Live?
Royal Blood: It's Impossible, I Can not Lie To The Dark Lady, she reads the mind as well that failure to comply with what I have to do She was very annoyed with me
Adrenalina, but female! How You Can Let You pushed around by a woman?
Royal Blood: If you have reason, since that is too weak ... but not, anyway I have Wanting to chew - By Cara
The Look and was terrified
Royal Blood: Oh! Why So Weak ... I'll Come with me, not to shy away during the day meet you and Than Than There Are
Valkyria Mato: Where do we go?
Royal Blood: Do not know, but soon I'm sure something will happen - Forward - Follow Me Or The Mato
Right Now In This Moment Adrenaline ran
Against Royal Blood: Aww! Do not make me follow - I turned around - you do not understand that have no output?
In Less Than A Second Get To Where Was The Take In The arm presses and bit, throw it into a floor staring at
Valkyria Royal Blood: Want to End It? Valkyria
ran toward the body and started screaming desperation, I Upset Her reaction then take at She also and bit, the boat also, Then I felt a presence near, in less than a blink already had disappeared from the area, hung on A Tree, Eran Vampires were introduced me for a moment, looked around as if looking for someone, I can only motionless than a statue, is persuaded that there was no one and became vampires girls, took them disappearing into the dense forest, I wanted to get out of the tree but I saw Dark Lady and Her Son, Come, Do not Lose Me, Vampire Dark Was Alegre, Just Like A Child, Dark Lady was more serious than ever, then stopped in the bloodstain Leave In The Ground , looked around and fixed his gaze
My Dark Lady: Low - Order
I could not refuse his order, I hopped off the tree and stood before
Dark Lady Ella: And girls?
Royal Blood: The Kill - Narrow
Dark Lady: You're lying - slanted Eyes - Where Are They?
Royal Blood: The I bit and when I came to kill vampires
Two Dark Lady: Y?
Royal Blood: I thought they were Lican So I climbed the tree
Dark Lady: To Be Lican I have seen and fought Contigo
Royal Blood: No I did not want Fighting, Just What I climbed the tree - trying to defend Lady
Dark: This Well - sigh - Come Back When We talked
Clan Royal Blood: And How is your apprentice? - Mockingly
Dark Lady gave me a look that rocked My Skin
Royal Blood: What I said?
Dark Vampire: Que Pasa? - Innocent
Royal Blood: Neophytes - Turning
Vampire Dark Eyes: Is something wrong?
Dark Lady: No Honey, You Come, I'm tired
Vampire Dark At that time remains motionless as if paralyzed
Dark Lady: Are you okay? - Approaching Mucho - Ahh! - Rub the head and eyes - Hey! Eduardo! - The Shake
Dark Vampire In This Moment Reacts to calls Dark Lady, look Confused
The Dark Lady: What happened to you? Vampire
Dark: I seeing so many around us
Lican Dark Lady: Royal Blood, wants you to take the clan to Vampire Dark On The Way To The Free More Lican, I'll go
Vampire Dark Other Side: What will happen?
Royal Blood: Come on - taking his arm
Vampire Dark: Wait - The Hit - No Quiero! Dark Lady
Go With The Vampire
Dark Te Digo: I Want!
Royal Blood: What We Do?
Dark Lady: Listen, Maybe Many Lycans are looking for that before coming Robe One of them, so if you stay with me Can Be Together they kill us, you understand Honey? Dark Vampire
Want Say No I'll see you?
Dark Lady: But you must go
Vampire Dark: No Me Without You I'll understand! - Screaming
Dark Lady: child - looking down - it helps me not
Royal Blood: Child? One moment, how old is he? Dark Lady
: 19 In A Month turns 20
Royal Blood: No Child Is Not So Dark Lady is almost an adult now
Dark Vampire: This is something that none of your business - Dark Lady
murmured: The Good, We shall not leave
move through the woods and for two nights Interesting Nothing happened, It's only About 10 miles to reach the Clan, we were near the Pack "Revolution Lican" When A Little Lycanthrope warned his colleagues of our presence in the area, Dark Lady gave the order to run almost as much as possible now we got to the Clan, but they were closer to us, we escape without being surrounded ...
Dark Lady: Royal Blood, Fighting know?
Royal Blood: Sure ...
Dark Lady: That Good, Why Do I Not
Dark Vampire: we die?
Dark Lady: No dear, this will make us stronger ...
were more than double, 8 Lycans Furious around us, among them was the Soul Reaver, who was very angry with Dark Lady, For Le Robo Gold, seeking revenge Insurance ...
Reaper Of Souls: Do We Have Here - It had become Human - Dark Lady Royal Blood And ... Who's That?
Dark Lady: This topic none of your business - said Covering A Dark Vampire - You Want
Reaper Of Souls: Do You Know Your Sweetheart, I come to recover the gold you stole
Dark Lady: Well Lost, want all of Your Herd learn about how you miss me in a so easily?
Reaper Of Souls: Do not come to blackmail Miss, which will not work here
Dark Lady: We're Close To My Clan, who makes you believe they do not know That we Close? Widowmaker
: Well there a good stretch ... Hunters! - Screaming - Attack! - Order
Take My Sword And Four Lycans surrounded me and attacked me, One On One, Dark Lady Vampire Dark had pushed leaving it as far from the field of fight, as he said running to the Clan Widowmaker pursued him and tried to defend Dark Lady Well As Could They made his movements Torpes lose more and more, soon Lay A Two Lycans fought against me, then De La Nada Weapons hung in the air, Were Hunters Clan, Drakulin was paralyzing the Environment, Fast Dark Lady Of The Lycans are slipped around her and helped me also Lycanthrope stripped of their arms were afraid One Moment ...
Jonal: want to fight? - He drew his sword
Then Widowmaker Step On Our Fleeing side of the area, others did the same ...
Jonal: We saw a neophyte Persecuted for Soul Reaver, I had reached when we can help, Widowmaker What mercilessly beats ... I went into the Clan is safe
Dark Lady : I Can Be, Eduardo! - Telling It To The Clan
ran Jonal: Que Pasa? - Puzzled I said
Royal Blood: Eduardo, O Vampiro Dark Is The Son Of Dark Lady, Was And Is To Bring ... Who did you see being chased by Reaper Of Souls
Jonal: I realized ...
walked calmly to the clan and saw A Dark Lady Dark Embrace A Vampire, Miro A
Jonal Dark Lady: Thank you, Of not for you would be dead
Jonal: Just did what I thought Convenient - Dark Lady
said: Drakulin, You Take A Vampire dark at room please
Drakulin: Yes ...
Mikituz help you and placed together A Dark Vampire In A Room, Dark Lady went to his room and did not leave for two days, then realized the Absence of Oshadeo, someone had to explain the matter. Gianina
Daughter Of The Night
Dark Lady Views Andreia
after that meeting, Dark Lady Listings More Andreia not belong to the clan, we returned to ask you to bring vampire clan and the announcement would come from traveling for a while on personal business, said he would Drakulin Commanded Ya which to him was for this task, I accept the charge and left the Dark Lady Clan, curiosity was bigger than me, so I decided to Follow A Dark Lady In Your Trip, enter your room and find an old cloak frayed, the Fix and are perfect, I was a little smaller but equally I could hid my face with his cape, Dark Lady was out of the Clan, So I hasten to pursue, when I could locate was talking to a werewolf, was Reaper Of Souls, Dark Lady seemed frightened before him, But He's beleaguered so many that she could escape ...
Dark Lady: Why Do not cut me some slack - While trying to evade said - let me! - Shout - Pulgoso Filthy, Let me! He was still screaming
Reaper Of Souls: Where Are Your Dark Lady Hunters? - I reply in jest - why not calling you advocate? - Then drew his sword and moved to attack ...
Dark Lady bent down and put to Mourn, Reaper I was surprised, was not something expected of her and sure that he will not expect that, Dark Lady cried uncontrollably and began Widowmaker A desperate
Widowmaker: Shut up! - Shout - What Kind Of Warrior Are You? - Said, raising his voice - Fight Leech, do you turn to Mourn? Fighting not you know? Dark Lady
not answer any of his sentence, are there Crying No address at a given moment Reaper Approaches To look at his face
Soul Reaver: I did not offend with my words, just wanted a Fight To Get A Little Golden
Dark Lady: No I have Gold - groaned as he wiped his face - I have to go Why I Look Away Someone - Slightly
said Widowmaker: I'm Sorry, You know I'm Pretty Weak With Women, I can not attack them more than the Odie And you are so beautiful ...
Dark Lady: Y Tu - murmur - you're an idiot moment
In Dark Lady He jumped jumped on its back and without Widowmaker That Can React She already had bitten too hard, Widowmaker could not defend and I am faint, I take your bag Dark Lady Money
Dark Lady, Men ... - Thinking aloud - Loose Tears Referred and you feel ... So Easy is misleading - Looking For Soul Reaver - Thank You For The Gold, I serve on my trip - Smiling
Widowmaker : You're A ... - almost powerless - when I will be waiting Vuelvas Dark Lady, and I shall be the worse
The Dark Lady: By then I will need not need to leave as now - getting very close to the - you know, You're A Very Small, But Very Beautiful - Do you were flirting? Ray, is a tricky - would be a shame So Strong And A Werewolf Gallardo Like You, lowered himself to attack a weak Vampirita As I - Smiling Approaches and gives him a kiss on the cheek - Goodbye Pulgoso, Thanks For The Gold - Laughing Strongly March and I was continued to pursue ... I look Widowmaker
Lying blaspheming His name insulting us with unprintable phrases Very Angry Because Of Haberle Trap in a battle that never took place. Dark Lady
Continuing Your Journey Ya No Cross No No character is during the day hid in caves that looked like they had already been used before, she knew the exact location of its locations, as if you already had used before, only traveled during Nights and I was very cautious to that she would not notice my presence in the area ...
Soon Came to a city, Dark Lady looked frightened, seemed to look for something or someone, but could not explain what it was until we came to a house, knocked on the door gently and opened a Woman, The Seeing her surprised a little of His Presence , I invited her in and she said a name, the girl became nervous and left two young a man and a woman, I call Dark Lady Of The Girl "Valkyrie" name to which she replied ...
Dark Lady: Who is it? - No serious question Gestures Show
Valkyria In The Face: The - Pointing at Young
Since I had Behind the Wall of wood to watch everything, Valkyria And Young left the room leaving them Alone, Dark Lady sat down on a chair that was shabby Making A Grinding Al Sit, Watch the young man who is standing in front of her very nervous and Mira Nails Ignoring A Minute To See His Reaction Before you say anything ...
Demoiselles That left the room were puzzled at me Out Of The House ...
Royal Blood: Hello, I'm Royal Blood - Smiling
not to frighten her Valkyrie: I Valkyria And Ali ... "Doubting It, Then U Mirandola Companion would be made a noise, then continued - Adrenalina
Royal Blood: Do not tell anyone of my presence here Please - Murmur
Adrenaline: You're a vampire like that girl right?
I nodded
Adrenalina: Why follow it?
Royal Blood: You know I can kill you now if I feel like
Adrenalina: Uh ... Well I now I was going anyway - Valkyria
be nervous: See What You Do, Almost mess up - Riñéndola is Marchan, far away I could hear them - going to tell What's Vampire Hunters In The Zone Adrenaline
: Good Idea, But Not a very strong voice who would listen ...
But they realized I was behind them by grabbing the neck
Royal Blood: You come
me ... At that moment a scream shook my body, was the boy who was already Convert With Dark Lady In Vampire.
I turned around and I saw Dark Lady and her companion Very Annoying.
Dark Lady: Well, I have here, seems they send me a bodyguard
Royal Blood: Ho ... Hi! - Slightly Smiling for a moment I wanted to disappear from the map
Dark Lady: Are You Doing Here My Dear Royal Blood? - His voice was grotesque and seemed annoyed
Royal Blood: Eh ... I - Releasing A Girls - Te Seguí - Smiling quickly let go of Girls Hit - Wanted to Know
were going to do Dark Lady: You know that's bad spy Education To Others?
Royal Blood: No I was spying, it covers only Protect you should something bad might happen
Dark Lady: We defend herself! - Almost Crying
Royal Blood: Well I ... - Ella Me Interrupts
Dark Lady: I \u200b\u200bsaid very clearly that I had to go alone, not even Oshadeo with me, You should not Follow Me
Royal Blood: But I wanted to help - trying to excuse
Dark Lady: Well I Making matters worse, those two girls Iran to tell the whole world that we are Vampires
without noticing the girls who were at my side had gone
Dark Lady: go look - he said - Turn them into a vampire and if not Kill them want to understand me
Royal Blood: I do not like And I know
Orders Dark Lady: Well If you had not thru not be in this problem, I already would Ido
Royal Blood: Who Is He? - Pointing at Young
Dark Lady: It's My Son ... - murmured
Royal Blood: Did not he had a son
Dark Lady: Long story, go get those girls Royal Blood!
Royal Blood: Como se llama?
Dark Woman: Start Today, Vampire Dark
Royal Blood: Hahaha could not think of anything better?
Dark Lady Without realizing I had already dealt a blow, stop Laugh On The Impact And Look Very Annoying
Dark Lady: If you ever make fun of him I'll pay very expensive, I got that - His Voice reached such He That Far That made me feel like a child
Royal Blood: The Fine ...
away from it I rubbed his face, for some reason I had scratched the face and left a wound, do not delay heal me, started looking for girls, and had come into town and were surrounded by people, were upset that I told you everything happened, I began to levitate in the air And move quickly toward them, baring his teeth, caught one I bit into sucking the blood as I could and I drop. Get started running terrified Catch A Valkyria And Adrenaline and carries them toward the forest, I told them what had caused and now no one in town will be quiet thinking that there are Vampires Things that very few people know ...
Royal Blood: Okay, I gave orders to convert or kill them, so they decide, once and
The girls looked
Valkyria Afraid: You say that if we want to be vampires kill us?
Royal Blood: Yes - Adrenalina
Dimension: Valky! No Dying! - The Embrace And Start To Mourn
Royal Blood: Oh! Please, Not That is gonna end ...
Valkyria World: We Live Like Human
Royal Blood: This is an option that gave them, or become or die ... It's one or the other, no option to continue as human, I feel that's impossible ...
Valkyria: And If We Missing and let us Live?
Royal Blood: It's Impossible, I Can not Lie To The Dark Lady, she reads the mind as well that failure to comply with what I have to do She was very annoyed with me
Adrenalina, but female! How You Can Let You pushed around by a woman?
Royal Blood: If you have reason, since that is too weak ... but not, anyway I have Wanting to chew - By Cara
The Look and was terrified
Royal Blood: Oh! Why So Weak ... I'll Come with me, not to shy away during the day meet you and Than Than There Are
Valkyria Mato: Where do we go?
Royal Blood: Do not know, but soon I'm sure something will happen - Forward - Follow Me Or The Mato
Right Now In This Moment Adrenaline ran
Against Royal Blood: Aww! Do not make me follow - I turned around - you do not understand that have no output?
In Less Than A Second Get To Where Was The Take In The arm presses and bit, throw it into a floor staring at
Valkyria Royal Blood: Want to End It? Valkyria
ran toward the body and started screaming desperation, I Upset Her reaction then take at She also and bit, the boat also, Then I felt a presence near, in less than a blink already had disappeared from the area, hung on A Tree, Eran Vampires were introduced me for a moment, looked around as if looking for someone, I can only motionless than a statue, is persuaded that there was no one and became vampires girls, took them disappearing into the dense forest, I wanted to get out of the tree but I saw Dark Lady and Her Son, Come, Do not Lose Me, Vampire Dark Was Alegre, Just Like A Child, Dark Lady was more serious than ever, then stopped in the bloodstain Leave In The Ground , looked around and fixed his gaze
My Dark Lady: Low - Order
I could not refuse his order, I hopped off the tree and stood before
Dark Lady Ella: And girls?
Royal Blood: The Kill - Narrow
Dark Lady: You're lying - slanted Eyes - Where Are They?
Royal Blood: The I bit and when I came to kill vampires
Two Dark Lady: Y?
Royal Blood: I thought they were Lican So I climbed the tree
Dark Lady: To Be Lican I have seen and fought Contigo
Royal Blood: No I did not want Fighting, Just What I climbed the tree - trying to defend Lady
Dark: This Well - sigh - Come Back When We talked
Clan Royal Blood: And How is your apprentice? - Mockingly
Dark Lady gave me a look that rocked My Skin
Royal Blood: What I said?
Dark Vampire: Que Pasa? - Innocent
Royal Blood: Neophytes - Turning
Vampire Dark Eyes: Is something wrong?
Dark Lady: No Honey, You Come, I'm tired
Vampire Dark At that time remains motionless as if paralyzed
Dark Lady: Are you okay? - Approaching Mucho - Ahh! - Rub the head and eyes - Hey! Eduardo! - The Shake
Dark Vampire In This Moment Reacts to calls Dark Lady, look Confused
The Dark Lady: What happened to you? Vampire
Dark: I seeing so many around us
Lican Dark Lady: Royal Blood, wants you to take the clan to Vampire Dark On The Way To The Free More Lican, I'll go
Vampire Dark Other Side: What will happen?
Royal Blood: Come on - taking his arm
Vampire Dark: Wait - The Hit - No Quiero! Dark Lady
Go With The Vampire
Dark Te Digo: I Want!
Royal Blood: What We Do?
Dark Lady: Listen, Maybe Many Lycans are looking for that before coming Robe One of them, so if you stay with me Can Be Together they kill us, you understand Honey? Dark Vampire
Want Say No I'll see you?
Dark Lady: But you must go
Vampire Dark: No Me Without You I'll understand! - Screaming
Dark Lady: child - looking down - it helps me not
Royal Blood: Child? One moment, how old is he? Dark Lady
: 19 In A Month turns 20
Royal Blood: No Child Is Not So Dark Lady is almost an adult now
Dark Vampire: This is something that none of your business - Dark Lady
murmured: The Good, We shall not leave
move through the woods and for two nights Interesting Nothing happened, It's only About 10 miles to reach the Clan, we were near the Pack "Revolution Lican" When A Little Lycanthrope warned his colleagues of our presence in the area, Dark Lady gave the order to run almost as much as possible now we got to the Clan, but they were closer to us, we escape without being surrounded ...
Dark Lady: Royal Blood, Fighting know?
Royal Blood: Sure ...
Dark Lady: That Good, Why Do I Not
Dark Vampire: we die?
Dark Lady: No dear, this will make us stronger ...
were more than double, 8 Lycans Furious around us, among them was the Soul Reaver, who was very angry with Dark Lady, For Le Robo Gold, seeking revenge Insurance ...
Reaper Of Souls: Do We Have Here - It had become Human - Dark Lady Royal Blood And ... Who's That?
Dark Lady: This topic none of your business - said Covering A Dark Vampire - You Want
Reaper Of Souls: Do You Know Your Sweetheart, I come to recover the gold you stole
Dark Lady: Well Lost, want all of Your Herd learn about how you miss me in a so easily?
Reaper Of Souls: Do not come to blackmail Miss, which will not work here
Dark Lady: We're Close To My Clan, who makes you believe they do not know That we Close? Widowmaker
: Well there a good stretch ... Hunters! - Screaming - Attack! - Order
Take My Sword And Four Lycans surrounded me and attacked me, One On One, Dark Lady Vampire Dark had pushed leaving it as far from the field of fight, as he said running to the Clan Widowmaker pursued him and tried to defend Dark Lady Well As Could They made his movements Torpes lose more and more, soon Lay A Two Lycans fought against me, then De La Nada Weapons hung in the air, Were Hunters Clan, Drakulin was paralyzing the Environment, Fast Dark Lady Of The Lycans are slipped around her and helped me also Lycanthrope stripped of their arms were afraid One Moment ...
Jonal: want to fight? - He drew his sword
Then Widowmaker Step On Our Fleeing side of the area, others did the same ...
Jonal: We saw a neophyte Persecuted for Soul Reaver, I had reached when we can help, Widowmaker What mercilessly beats ... I went into the Clan is safe
Dark Lady : I Can Be, Eduardo! - Telling It To The Clan
ran Jonal: Que Pasa? - Puzzled I said
Royal Blood: Eduardo, O Vampiro Dark Is The Son Of Dark Lady, Was And Is To Bring ... Who did you see being chased by Reaper Of Souls
Jonal: I realized ...
walked calmly to the clan and saw A Dark Lady Dark Embrace A Vampire, Miro A
Jonal Dark Lady: Thank you, Of not for you would be dead
Jonal: Just did what I thought Convenient - Dark Lady
said: Drakulin, You Take A Vampire dark at room please
Drakulin: Yes ...
Mikituz help you and placed together A Dark Vampire In A Room, Dark Lady went to his room and did not leave for two days, then realized the Absence of Oshadeo, someone had to explain the matter. Gianina
Daughter Of The Night
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