Saturday, May 23, 2009

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"DESERVE TO RETURN TO THE CONGRESS Bicameral parliamentary?

In principle, Article 31 of our political charter of 1993 recognized that "citizens have the right to be elected and to elect freely their representatives" in this sense, the unicameral Congress of the Republic of Peru, could be cut to the right of a section of citizens, referring not feel fairly represented, having been deprived of their right to freely elect their political representatives. Yet another sector citizens, could be argued that the 120 MPs are sufficient to legislate and discuss the standards that should govern political fortunes, economic, social, etc., of all Peruvians, especially if these congressmen have advisers, political supporters and relatives These may well contribute to its work as a congressman, efficient and productive and is unable to be mediocre and useless.
Some proponents of the unicameral Congress, outlined that the issue of standards in support of the majority, it becomes more diligent, is a saving in the national treasury coffers and allow the electorate to make a better selection of persons to be sit our Congress, however, as they say many people, they forget those advocates those sayings or proverbs that say, "no matter how early is early dawn," what you pay "or" faces we see hearts do not know. "
Some proponents of the bicameral Congress outlined the existence of a Sendadores House and House of Representatives, invited to the parliament, to further reflection and efficiency in issuing the rules, their existence is more representative of the people and not be manipulated by the executive branch, however, as they say many people, they forget the human rights defenders also those sayings or proverbs that say, "from words to Indeed, there is a long way, "" The devil knows more old than the devil "or" once you castrate the cat. "
the foregoing, from my point of view, the single or dual chamber of Congress of Peru should be on one side, depending not on the number of its members, but the capacity, efficiency, responsibility and morality of its members and on the other hand, its utility and the budget that requires the formation and maintenance in time. That is, the Congress of Peru, may be unicameral, with 300 congressmen or could be bicameral, with 80 deputies and 40 senators but in neither case would make sense to their existence, if performance is poor who comprise it, depressing and humiliating for the vast majority of Peruvians.
is why it only true that a large number of Peruvians, believes that for some reason entered the political career and public functions or the like, and do not wish to discard it for the economic amenities that it offers its members, for this reason is that from my point of view, I think that still plays a major responsibility in the Peruvian electorate that often a section of the saying goes, I do not care who governs us, I only solvent I needs, forgetting that all Peruvians are a big family and the indifference of some, is not progress of many, and why, in answering the question Do we deserve to return to Congress Bicameral Parliamentary? would have to say that now I prefer to maintain the unicameral our Congress, and hopefully ultimately unsuccessful in increasing the number of its members, hence the importance of citizenship to rule exercising their freedom of opinion and expression. LAW FIRM VALERIANO


PHONE: 428-1618 CELL: 999-853358 lawyer

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

What Bulb Do You Need For A Ford Puma


My status litigator for over 10 years and after reviewing various statistics of a family, have allowed me to infer that exist in Peru, thousands of women at 16 years old, are already mothers, some single, others unmarried cohabitants and few at that age, and also, I have gathered, that in 2009 there are some thousands of women in Peru, which at 35 years of age, are grandmothers, and I mean all of them with eagerness stigmatizing, but in order to highlight some aspects that are rarely addressed by different professionals, be they lawyers, psychologists, psiconalistas, teachers, etc., in the media, radio, television and internet and secondly, to invite them all not to hide their status, precisely because of them being transparent, objective and resolute stand out more easily know the different situations or problems arising in day to day and why traverse thousands of women who are currently filing a judicial process to obtain maintenance, so for example, I may mention, that single mothers at an early age, no action for the collection of maintenance payments, because many of their parents believe that the pregnant individual who is not worthy of his daughters, either because that individual is also less than 18 years and has no trade or profit, or because the adult love has other children and is a casual worker and therefore the court will be set tiny, in that sense, not worth spending money on court proceedings, also in If the mother is married and be it minor or not, it could be that your current partner as psychologically abused women for their misfortune does not have a trade or profession, becomes dependent on the man and almost always his no excuse for legal action against the father of her children, despite the occasional individual pays an amount of money to support his offspring is that if I claim my children may be left without a father or that people think of me if I see one, I know little by little he will change, and then it will be a happy family, and something similar happens when the father of her children is her former partner, in these cases, Some women report, I have to have sexual intimacy with the father of my children, but not going to give money for birthdays, prom, quinceanera or any other activity on behalf of their children, but for some married, sometimes not promote a food trial, for fear of generating the divorce, but anyway, that if they dare to start the food court, and if they have some financial resources, look to the lawyer, and if partners contained in the employer's payroll, they feel that the judicial process is simple, but if the father of their children work independently, they find the process somewhat cumbersome and costly, because they often have to go even to the criminal court for crimes of omission family support for return on investments and new receive a monthly alimony, and in other cases, only recover a portion, but if driven by a child support using public defenders or free clinics, many women report that would have been better to hire a private attorney, not to be the ones who bring the papers to the court which is handling his judgments, or because to go to court to find and proceed with their lawsuits and not spend many passages allowed to work on something, and if the father of their children work independently, often leaving their trials, for the little utility that sometimes find it in certain instances, THAT IS WHY, which asked the question Is it worthwhile to initiate and complete trials for food?, from my point of view, is yes, because regardless of the outcome of the judicial process, the Peruvian Constitution of 1993 states that it is the duty and right of parents to feed educate and provide security for their children, hence, that no action against the father of her children to get maintenance in favor of them, is violating the rights of their own offspring, no matter the reasons that you believe or you refer your family or friends is more, failure to act against them, is somewhat different men an incentive for more women to be pregnant, since it does not receive even a civil penalty or their irresponsible criminal act, and because also the fact that the moment has no money to pay for child support, or you pay an amount less than that set out in above, this does not mean that at a later time you did not able to collect the debt, given that food trials, there are called accrued, that is, the amount of money owed by the defendant from the date of notification of claim on, any time, for example, paternal grandfather their children may die and leave some assets that correspond to the father of her child and you through his attorney, may seize such property Solitar satisfy the requirements of law, or that his former partner to have a new couple decides to buy some property without invoices or late register a property in his name and therefore may also be liable to seizure, or even stop work independently and decides to formalize and create a micro enterprise or simply log in to work on spreadsheets, ie There are many possibilities that can raise events that allow you to collect child support owed, of course, if you have a sentence of food, which if not will be able to do is tell the judge, like 10 years ago I passed the support of my children, to bring food demand to pay me 10 to delinquent dren and now I pay a sum of money sufficient for the maintenance allowance of my children, that is, you should see the judicial process food, such as opening a savings account, which can sometimes have few resources, sometimes it can be empty but at some point may be quite full, and that also the made to start something, means to pursue its course to reach its conclusion, but you never know what would be the end result and almost always regret not having taken a step further.



FONO: 4281618 CELULAR: 999853358